Benhalim, Rabea , Abortion under Jewish and Islamic Law, B.Y.U, L. REV. (2025) (forthcoming).
Parsons, Amanda , Taxing Novelty, 58 U.C. Davis Law Review (forthcoming 2025).
Benhalim, Rabea , Contract Customization, Sex, and Islamic Law, 108 MINN. L. REV. 1861 (2024).
Booth, Jonathon , Review of Policing Empires: Militarization, Race, and the Imperial Boomerang in Britain and the US by Julian Go, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, April 2024.
Booth, Jonathon , Policing after Slavery: Race, Crime, and Resistance in Atlanta, 96 Colo. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , Transitioning to Regenerative Agriculture One French Fry at a Time, NEVADA LAW JOURNAL (Forthcoming, 2024).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Social Movements and the Law, (with Bridget Crawford) (University of California Press, forthcoming 2024).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , The Past and Present of Slavery in the United States, in Critical Legal Perspectives on Contemporary Slavery: On the Presence of the Past (Adelle Blackett and Edward Van Daalen, eds., Brill, forthcoming 2024).
Dolbow, Laura , Barring Judicial Review, 77 VAND. L. REV. 307 (2024).
Dolbow, Laura , Public Patent Powers, 123 MICH. L. REV. __ (forthcoming).
Dolbow, Laura , Access Barriers Remain After Abortion Pill Decision, THE REGULATORY REVIEW (July 17, 2024).
Jamshidi, Maryam , How Private Actors Are Impacting U.S. Economic Sanctions, 15 Harvard National Security Journal 119 (2023).
Jamshidi, Maryam , Biden Executive Order on West Bank Violence More Likely to be Used Against Palestinians than Israeli Settlers, February 5, 2024.
Jamshidi, Maryam , Securitizing the University, LPE Project, June 3, 2024.
Parsons, Amanda , Valuing Social Data, 124 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 993 (2024) (with Salomé Viljoen).
Parsons, Amanda , Defining the Goal of a Data Tax, EUROPEAN LAW OPEN (forthcoming 2024).
Racehorse, Vanessa , Tribal Health Self-Determination: The Role of Tribal Health Systems in Actualizing the Highest Attainable Standard of Health for American Indians and Alaska Natives, 55 COLUM. HUM. RTS. L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2024).
Schwartz, Andrew , McRitchie v. Zuckerberg: Fiduciary Duties are Firm-Specific, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, May 31, 2024.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Trans Animus, 65 Boston College Law Review 965 (2024).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Solidifying Students' Right to Gender Expression, 104 Boston University Law Review 503 (2024).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Privacy Without the State?, 104 Boston University Law Review 1043 (2024).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Getting Real About Protecting Privacy, JOTWELL, June 5, 2024 (reviewing IGNACIO COFONE, THE PRIVACY FALLACY: HARM AND POWER IN THE INFORMATION ECONOMY (2024).
Benhalim, Rabea , Oppression in American, Islamic, and Jewish Private Law, 94 COLO. L. REV. 1 (2023).
Booth, Jonathon , The Cycle of Delegitimization: Lessons From Dred Scott on the Relationship Between the Supreme Court and the Nation, 51 UC Const. Q. 5 (2023).
Booth, Jonathon , Post-industrial Property Law: Review of A Detroit Story: Urban Decline and the Rise of Property Informality by Claire W. Herbert, 8 J. L. Prop. & Soc’y 1 (2023).
Booth, Jonathon , Regulating Freedom in Georgia's County Court, SHGAPE Blog, April 19, 2023.
Brunet Marks, Alexia , Sugar labeling: Challenges and Approaches, in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL FOOD LAW, Edward Elgar Press (Michael Roberts ed.) (2023).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Abortion Law as Protection Narrative, 101 Oregon Law Review, 213 (Lead article, 2023).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge About Slavery and Its Legacy, 94 Colorado Law Review 381 (Invited author, 2023).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Should I Stay or Should I Go?, 26 Green Bag 2D 19 (2023); republished on Taxprof Blog, "The Clash And The U.S. News Law School Rankings: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?".
Carpenter, Kristen A. , "Aspirations": The United States and Indigenous Peoples' Human Rights, 36 Harvard Human Rights Journal 41 (2023).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Visions for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-2032, 34 Colorado Environmental Law Journal 931 (2023).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Duncan Kennedy, in Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, (Mortimer Sellers & Stephan Kirste, Eds.) (Springer, 2023).
Dolbow, Laura , How Patents Contribute to High Drug Prices, THE REGULATORY REVIEW (October 16, 2023).
Dolbow, Laura , Patents Do Not Bar Public Pharma Policies, THE REGULATORY REVIEW (July 10, 2023).
Dolbow, Laura , Merck Price Negotiation Lawsuit May Face Same Obstacles as 340B Takings Claims, BILL OF HEALTH (June 15, 2023).
Dolbow, Laura , Patent Law Could Also Limit Mifepristone Access, THE REGULATORY REVIEW (April 22, 2023).
Dolbow, Laura , FDA's Role in Access to Reproductive Health Care, THE REGULATORY REVIEW (April 17, 2023).
Dolbow, Laura , Judicial Review Bars in the Patent System, Medicare, and Beyond, NOTICE & COMMENT BLOG (March 31, 2023).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Essentially a Mother: A Feminist Approach to the Law of Pregnancy and Motherhood, (University of California Press, 2023).
     * Overview and Chapter Summaries
     * Chapter 8 (on abortion): How to Reason from the Body.
Jamshidi, Maryam , The Private Enforcement of National Security, 108 Cornell L. Rev. 739 (2023).
Jamshidi, Maryam , Sanctions New Colonizers, Yale J. of Int'l L. & LPE Blog, June 22, 2023.
Jamshidi, Maryam , Material Support of Terrorism Looms over Supreme Court's Social Media Case, Transnational Litigation Blog, Mar. 2, 2023.
Jamshidi, Maryam , How Terrorism Torts Could Challenge Israeli Settler Violence, LPE Project, September 7, 2023.
Jamshidi, Maryam , Students for Justice in Palestine, Governors for Authoritarianism in Florida, LPE Project, November 9, 2023.
Jamshidi, Maryam , Instruments of Dehumanization, Boston Review, December 9, 2023.
Kaminski, Margot (with Rebecca Crootof and W. Nicholson Price II), Humans in the Loop, 76:2 VAND. L. REV. 429 (2023) (80 pages).
Kaminski, Margot , Regulating the Risks of AI, 103 B.U. L. REV. _ (forthcoming 2023) (85 pages).
Matsumoto, Sarah , Environmental Justice for Food System Workers: Heat-Illness Prevention Standards as One Step Toward Just Transition, 40 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 88 (2023).
Norton, Helen , What 21st-Century Free Speech Law Means for Securities Regulation, 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. (forthcoming 2023).
Parsons, Amanda , The Shifting Economic Allegiance of Capital Gains, 26 Florida Tax Review 308 (2023).
Racehorse, Vanessa , Achieving Climate Justice Through Land Back: An Overview of Tribal Dispossession, Land Return Efforts, and Practical Mechanisms for #LandBack, (with Anna Hohag) 34 COLO. ENV'T L.J. 175 (2023).
Racehorse, Vanessa , Indigenous Influence on the Rights of Nature Movement, 38:3 NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT (ABA SECTION OF ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY, AND RESOURCES) (Fall 2023).
Schwartz, Andrew , Investment Crowdfunding, Oxford University Press (2023).
Schwartz, Andrew , A Missing Piece in Regulation Crowdfunding, PROFESSORBAINBRIDGE, Aug. 17, 2023.
Schwartz, Andrew , How Brand Ambassadors Illustrate the Power of Private Ordering in Investment Crowdfunding, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, July 14, 2023.
Schwartz, Andrew , New Book on Investment Crowdfunding, OXFORD BUSINESS LAW BLOG, July 6, 2023.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Sexuality's Promise for Sexual Privacy, JOTWELL (Aug. 30, 2023) (reviewing Brenda Dvoskin, Speaking Back to Sexual Privacy Invasions, 99 WASH. L. REV. (forthcoming 2023).
Surden, Harry , Naïve Realism, Cognitive Bias, and the Benefits and Risks of AI, Yale Journal on Regulation Online, Notice and Comment (Spring 2023).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , Essential But Ignored: COVID-19 Litigation and the Meatpacking Industry, 14 Northeastern Law Review 1, 47-112 (2022).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , A Human Rights Approach to Cultural Property: Repatriating the Yaqui Maaso Kova, 41 Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal 159 (2022).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Race, Racism, and International Law, (forthcoming with Stanford University Press) (co-edited with Devon Carbado, Kimberle Crenshaw, and Chantal Thomas).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. (Colorado Reporter, with Ariane Frosh, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers), Handbook of State Abortion Laws After Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, (2022 and continuing).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , What the End of Roe v. Wade Means for Reproductive Rights and Privacy, CU BOULDER TODAY (6/25/22).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Guest Opinion: Half a Loaf for Women and Minorities at CU Boulder, BOULDER DAILY CAMERA (5/10/22).
Jamshidi, Maryam , The Political Economy of Foreign Sovereign Immunity, 73 Hastings L. J. 3 (2022).
Jamshidi, Maryam , Iran's ICJ Case Against Canada Tests the Terrorism Exception to Sovereign Immunity, Just Security, July 24, 2023.
Kaminski, Margot , Technological "Disruption" of the Law's Imagined Scene: Some Lessons from Lex Informatica, 36 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 101-131 (2022).
Kaminski, Margot , Siri-ously 2.0: What Artificial Intelligence Reveals About the First Amendment, (with Toni M. Massaro and Helen Norton), forthcoming 2022 in Robot II (ed., Ryan Calo, Michael Froomkin, and Kristen Thomason; Edward Elgar Press).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Quantum Technology and Human Rights: An Agenda for Collaboration, 7 QUANTUM SCI. & TECH 44003 (2022).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , With Great (Computing) Power Comes Great (Human Rights) Responsibility: Cloud Computing and Human Rights, 7 BUS. H. R. J. 226 (2022).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Canadian Commission on Democratic Expression Final Report 2021-22: How to Make Online Platforms More Transparent and Accountable to Canadian Users, (with Rick Anderson, Wendy Chun, Nathalie Des Rosiers, Amira Elghawaby, Merelda Fiddler-Potter, Edward Greenspon, Philip N. Howard, The Rt. Hon. Beverly McLachlin, and Taylor Owen) (May 2022).
Matsumoto, Sarah (with Karen Sandrik), Heat Waves and a Public-Private Partnership in Alaska, 39 Alaska L. Rev. 201-231 (2022).
Norton, Helen , Distrust, Negative First Amendment Theory, and the Regulation of Lies, 22-07 Knight First Amend. Inst. (Oct. 19, 2022).
Norton, Helen , A Framework for Thinking About the Government's Speech and the Constitution, 2022 U. Illinois L. Rev. 1669 (2022).
Parsons, Amanda , Tax's Digital Labor Dilemma, 71 DUKE LAW JOURNAL 1781 (2022).
Parsons, Amanda , Cryptocurrency, Legibility, and Taxation, 72 DUKE LAW JOURNAL ONLINE 1 (2022).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Against Domestic Violence: Public and Private Prosecution of Batterers, Cal. L. Rev. Cir. (2022) (symposium).
Schwartz, Andrew , Frustration, the MAC Clause and COVID-19, 55 U.C. Davis Law Review 1771 (2022).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Identity by Committee, 57 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 657 (2022).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Privacy isn't in the Constitution - but it's everywhere in constitutional law, THE CONVERSATION, June 15, 2022.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Debunking the Myth that Policy Body Cams are Civil Rights Tool, JOTWELL, Jan. 28, 2022, (reviewing BRYCE CLAYTON NEWELL: POLICE VISIBILITY: PRIVACY, SURVEILLANCE, AND THE FALSE PROMISE OF BODY-WORN CAMERAS (2021)).
Surden, Harry (with Anthony Aguirre, Peter Bart Reiner, & Gaia Dempsey), AI Loyalty and Governance in The Oxford Handbook on Artificial Intelligence Governance, Oxford University Press (2022).
Booth, Jonathon , New Sheriff in Town, The Drift, Issue 3, February 3, 2021.
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , It's About Bloody Time and Space, 41 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law (2021) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita (with Skyler Arbuckle), Slavery and the Postbellum University, 74 SMU Law Review (2021).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Property Law Revolution, Devolution, and Feminist Legal Theory, in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: REWRITTEN PROPERTY OPINIONS OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT (Eloisa C. Rodriguez-Dod and Elena Maria Marty-Nelson, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2021) (Invited guest essayist).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Roxanne Shante's 'Independent Woman': Making Space for Women in Hip Hop, in HIP HOP LAW AND POLICY (Gregory S. Parks and Frank Rudy Cooper, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2021) .
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Living the Sacred: Indigenous Peoples and Religious Freedom, 134 Harvard Law Rev. 2103 (book review) (2021).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Indigenous Peoples and Diplomacy on the World Stage, American Journal of International Law (AJIL) Unbound 118 (with A. Tsykarev) (2021).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Decolonizing Indigenous Migration, 109 California Law Review 63-139 (with A. Riley) (2021).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , World leaves United States behind on commitment to Indigenous Peoples' language rights, The Hill, Dec. 26, 2021.
Desautels-Stein, Justin , On the Domestication of Critical Legal History, 60 History & Theory 386 (2021) (co-authored with Sam Moyn) (peer-reviewed journal).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Deep Cuts: Four Critiques of Legal Ideology, 31 Yale J. L. & Hum. 435 (2021) (co-authored with Akbar Rasulov).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , A Prolegomenon to the Study of Racial Ideology in the Era of International Human Rights, 67 UCLA L. Rev. 1536 (2021).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Rule of Law, in Tipping Points in International Law: Commitment and Critique, (John Haskell & Jean d'Aspremont, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Disputed Conceptions of Motherhood, in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF FEMINISM AND LAW IN THE UNITED STATES, eds. Deborah Brake, Martha Chamallas & Verna Williams (Oxford University Press, 2021).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Abortion Rights in the Supreme Court: A Tale of Three Wedges, 13 CONLAWNOW 1-10 (2021).
Jamshidi, Maryam , The Discriminatory Executive & the Rule of Law, 92 U. Colo. L. Rev. 77 (2021).
Jamshidi, Maryam , How Law Can Make War Inhumane and Banal, Volkerrrechtsblog, June 23, 2021.
Jamshidi, Maryam , How Israel Weaponizes International Law, Boston Review, May 24, 2021.
Kaminski, Margot (with Jennifer M. Urban), The Right to Contest AI, 121 COLUM. L. REV. 1957-2048 (2021).
Kaminski, Margot , Catalyzing Privacy Law, (with Anupam Chander and William McGeveran), 105 Minn. L. Rev. 1733 (2021).
Kaminski, Margot , Algorithmic impact assessments under the GDPR: producing multi-layered explanations, (with Gianclaudio Malgieri), 11:2 Int'l Data Priv. L. 125 (2021).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Cybersecurity and Human Rights: Understanding the Connection, (with Devony Schmidt, and Amy Lehr) in Human Rights Responsibilities in the Digital Age: States, Companies, and Individuals 19 (Jonathan Andrew & Frédéric Bernard, eds., 2021).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , AI and Human Rights Law, in Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada 211 (Teresa Scassa & Florian Martin-Bariteau, eds., 2021).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: A Contested Relationship, in Leading Legal Disruption: Artificial Intelligence and a Toolkit for Lawyers and the Law 377 (Pina D'Agostino et al., eds., 2021).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Media Freedom and Technological Change, (with Mark Latonero, Rachel Kuchma, Elif Nur Kumru, and Genevieve Plumptre) Carr Center Discussion Paper Series (August 2021).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Vaccine Ins and Outs: An Exploration of the Legal Issues Raised by Vaccine Passports, (with Bryan Thomas, Colleen M. Flood, Vivek Krishnamurthy, Ryan Tanner, and Kumanan Wilson) C.D. Howe Institute Working Paper (July 2021).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , This Land is MY Land: An Insider's Account of the 1974 Mohawk Attempt to Reclaim New York State, Foreword to Louis Grumet and John M. Caher (Troy, NY: The Troy Book Makers, 2021).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Overhauling the Online Harms Proposal in Canada: A Human Rights Approach, (with Yuan Stevens) Comments submitted to the Department of Canadian Heritage (September 2021).
Norton, Helen , Free Speech and Democracy: A Primer for 21st-Century Reformers, 54 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1631 (2021) (with Toni M. Massaro).
Norton, Helen , Manipulation and the First Amendment, 30 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 221 (2021).
Pappas, Michael , Prevention and Cure, 54 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 1067 (2021).
Pappas, Michael (with Victor B. Flatt), Climate Changes Property: Disasters, Decommodification, and Retreat, 82 Ohio St. L. J. 331 (2021).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Women's Votes, Women's Voices, and the Limits of Criminal Justice Reform, 1911-1950, 92 Univ. Colo. L. Rev. 829 (2021).
Roithmayr, Daria , HUMBLE PIE IS COLD COMFORT Comment on M. Sandel's The Tyranny of Merit, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND EQUALITY (September 2021).
Roithmayr, Daria , The Cat and Mouse of Getting Around the Law, (with Justin Chin, Fei Fang, and Bruce Levinin) in Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, 2021.
Schwartz, Andrew , Contracts Capsized by COVID-19: A Legal and Jewish Ethical Analysis, 178 Journal of Business Ethics 403 (2022).
Schwartz, Andrew , A COVID-19 Quandary: Does a Force Majeure Clause Displace the Frustration Doctrine?, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, Apr. 6, 2021.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Agonistic Privacy & Equitable Democracy, 131 Yale Law Journal Forum 454 (2021).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Anti-Subordination Torts, 83 Ohio State Law Journal 427 (2022).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Privacy at the Margins, (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Resisting the Regulatory Oppression of Transgender Children, THE REGULATORY REVIEW, July 1, 2021.
Surden, Harry , Machine Learning and Law: An Overview, in Research Handbook on Big Data Law (Roland Vogl, ed.) (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021).
Booth, Jonathon , Ending Forced Labor in ICE Detention Centers: A New Approach, 34 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 573 (2020).
Booth, Jonathon , The Impact of the American Civil War on Political Writing, in Caribbean Literature in Transition, vol. 1, (Evelyn O'Callaghan and Tim Watson, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Booth, Jonathon , How Private Prisons Profit from Forced Labor, Current Affairs, October 26, 2020.
Brunet Marks, Alexia , Taming America's Sugar Rush: A "Traffic Light" Label Approach, Arizona Law Review, Vol. 62, No. 683 (2020).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , (Carbon) Farming our Way out of Climate Change, 97 Denver Law Review 3, 497-556 (2020).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Race, Space and Surveillance: A Response to #LivingWhileBlack: Blackness as Nuisance, by Taja-Nia Henderson and Jamila Jefferson-Jones, American University Law Review Forum 213 (2020) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , (Un)Common Law and the Female Body, 61 Boston College Law Review Electronic Supplement (2020) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , 'While the Water is Stirring': Sojourner Truth as Proto-agonist in the Fight for (Black) Women's Rights, 100 Boston University Law Review 1637 (2020) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , The Princeton Fugitive Slave: The Trials of James Collins Johnson, (Fordham University Press, 2020). A scholarly review is available at Humanities and Social Sciences Online.
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , The Lucky Law Professor and the Eucatastrophic Moment, in PRESUMED INCOMPETENT II (Carmen Gonzalez, ed., University Press of Colorado, 2020) (Invited author).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , (Indigenous) Language as a Human Right, 24 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 49 (with A. Tsykarev) (2020).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Religious Freedoms, Sacred Sites, and Human Rights in the United States, in COMPARATIVE APPROACHES TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES (B. Gunn et. al., eds.) (2020).
Dalton, Shamika (with Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran), Navigating Tenure-Track as a Female Faculty of Color: Challenges, Insights, and Personal Experiences, in Reflections on Practitioner Research: A Practical Guide for Information Professionals, edited by Lee Ann Fullington, Brandon West, and Frans Albarillo. Association of College and Research Libraries (2020).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , The Right to Exclude: A Critical Race Approach to Sovereignty, Borders, and International Law, (Oxford University Press, 2023).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , The Realist and the Visionary: On the Problem of Social Change in the History of International Legal Thought, 1919-2019, in Contingency in the Course of International Law : How International Law Could Have Been (Kevin Jon Heller and Ingo Venzke, eds.) (Oxford University Press, 2020).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. (with Cyra Akila Choudhury and Shruti Rana), America's Care Crisis Is Exploding and Women Lawyers Are Being Forced to Pick Up the Pieces, ABOVE THE LAW (8/6/20).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Guest Opinion: CU-Boulder Pay Cuts Are Unjust and Regressive, BOULDER DAILY CAMERA (6/25/20).
Jamshidi, Maryam , Embracing Diversity and Critical Perspectives in National Security Law, Just Security, October 30, 2020 (with Emily Berman.
Jamshidi, Maryam , What a Few Cakes Say About the US Drone Program, Just Security, September 16, 2020.
Jamshidi, Maryam , Bringing Abolition to National Security, Just Security, August 27, 2020.
Kaminski, Margot , An American's Guide to the GDPR, (with Meg Leta Jones), 98 Denv. L. Rev. no. 1 (2020).
Kaminski, Margot , Understanding Transparency in Algorithmic Accountability, in THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF THE LAW OF ALGORITHMS (Woodrow Barfield ed., Cambridge University Press 2020).
Kaminski, Margot , Free Speech Isn't a Pass for Privacy Violations, (with Scott Skinner-Thompson), Slate, Mar. 9 2020.
Kaminski, Margot , A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law, COMM. ACM, Sept. 2020, at 24.
Krakoff, Sarah , Not Yet America's Best Idea: Law, Inequality, and Grand Canyon National Park, 92 University of Colorado Law Review 561 (2020).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , A Tale of Two Privacy Laws, 114 AM. J. INT'L. L. UNBOUND 26 (2020).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , CDA 230 Goes North American? Examining the Impacts of the USMCA's Intermediary Liability Provisions in Canada and the United States, (with Jessica Fjeld, et al.) ( July 2020).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Comments of Privacy Researchers on Proposals for Ensuring Appropriate Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, (collaboration with TLPC at Colorado Law School) Submitted to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on behalf of 25 privacy researchers (Mar. 13, 2020).
Norton, Helen , Discrimination, The Speech That Enables It, and the First Amendment, 2020 U. Chi. L. For. 209 (2020).
Schwartz, Andrew , Contracts and COVID-19, 73 Stanford Law Review Online 48-60 (2020).
Schwartz, Andrew , Which Companies Crowdfund?, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, May 29, 2020 Reprinted in OXFORD BUSINESS LAW BLOG, June 10, 2020.
Schwartz, Andrew , Breaking contracts over coronavirus: Can you argue it's an 'act of God'?, THE CONVERSATION, Mar. 31, 2020.
Schwartz, Andrew , Voluntary Disclosure for Primary Securities Offerings, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, Mar. 3, 2020 Reprinted in OXFORD BUSINESS LAW BLOG, Mar. 5, 2020; SECURITIES REGULATION DAILY, Mar. 19, 2020.
Schwartz, Andrew , COVID-19: Impossible Contracts and Force Majeure, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, Aug. 11, 2020.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , AIDS and the Law, (editor, 5th ed. 2016; 6th ed. 2020) (Wolters Kluwer).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Trump Administration Tells Schools: Discriminate Against Trans Athletes or We'll Defund You, SLATE, June 04, 2020.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Don't Criminalize COVID-19, SLATE, March 27, 2020.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Free Speech Isn't a Free Pass for Privacy Violations, SLATE, March 9, 2020 (with Margot Kaminski).
Surden, Harry (with Anthony Aguirre, Gaia Dempsey, and Peter Bart Reiner), AI Loyalty: A New Paradigm for Aligning Stakeholder Interests, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society (2020).
Surden, Harry , The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Law: Basic Questions, Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI (2020).
Bauer, Amy , From the Courtroom to the Classroom: How a Litigator Became a Transactional Drafting Professor, 20 Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law 559 (2019).
Benhalim, Rabea , The Case for American Muslim Arbitration, 2019 WIS. L. REV. 531, 592 (2019).
Benhalim, Rabea , Religious Courts in Secular Jurisdictions, 84 BROOK. L. REV. 745, 800 (2019).
Bernthal, J. Brad , The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Finance: A New Typology, 2018 BYU L. Rev. 773 (2019).
Booth, Jonathon , Capitalism, Anti-Blackness, and the Law: A Very Short History, 35 Harv. BlackLetter L.J. 5 (2019).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Ships' Ballast as an Object of International Law, in INTERNATIONAL LAW'S OBJECTS: EMERGENCE, ENCOUNTER AND ERASURE THROUGH OBJECT AND IMAGE (Jessie Hohmann and Daniel Joyce, eds., Oxford University Press, 2019) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Cecelia Kell v. Canada, in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW, (Hart Publishing, September 2019) (with Jessie Hohmann and Enzamaria Tramontana).
Cantrell, Deborah , Love, Anger, and Social Change, 12 DREXEL L. REV. 47 (2019).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Privatizing the Reservation?, 71 Stanford Law Review 791 (with A. Riley) (2019).
Dalton, Shamika (with Clanitra Stewart Nejdl), Developing a Culturally Competent Legal Research Curriculum, AALL Spectrum 23, no. 4 (March/April 2019): 18-21.
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Mark J. Loewenstein), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (Carolina Academic Press, 10th ed. 2019).
Jamshidi, Maryam , The War on Terror's Reeducation Camps, Jacobin, Jan. 12, 2019.
Kaminski, Margot , Binary Governance, 92 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1529 (2019).
Kaminski, Margot , The Right to Explanation, Explained, 34 BERKELEY TECH. L. J. (2019).
Kaminski, Margot (with W. Nicholson Price II, Timo Minssen, & Kayte Spector-Bagdady), Shadow Health Records Meet New Data Privacy Laws, Science, Feb. 1, 2019.
Kaminski, Margot , The Legislation That Targets the Racist Impacts of Tech, (with Andrew D. Selbst),The New York Times (May 5, 2019).
Kaminski, Margot , Shadow health records meet new data privacy laws, (with W. Nicholson Price II, Timo Minssen, Kayte Spector-Bagdady) SCIENCE, (Feb. 01, 2019)..
Krakoff, Sarah , Environmental Justice and the Possibilities for Environmental Law, 49 Envtl. L. 229 (2019).
Krakoff, Sarah , Beyond Zero Sum Environmentalism, with M. Powers & J. Rosenbloom, eds. (Environmental Law Inst., 2019).
Krakoff, Sarah , Public Lands and the Public Good, in Beyond Zero Sum Environmentalism, Krakoff, Powers & Rosenbloom, eds. (Envt'l Law Inst., 2019).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Are Internet Protocols the New Human Rights Protocols? Understanding RFC 8280 - Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations, 4 BUS. H. R. J. 163 (2019).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (Carolina Academic Press, 10th ed. 2019).
Norton, Helen , The Government's Speech and the Constitution, Cambridge University Press (2019).
Norton, Helen , Powerful Speakers and Their Listeners, 90 University of Colorado Law Review 441 (2019).
Norton, Helen , Pregnancy and the First Amendment, 87 Fordham L. Rev. 2417 (2019).
Pappas, Michael (with Victor B. Flatt), The Costs of Creating Environmental Markets: A Commodification Primer, 9 UC Irvine L. Rev. 731 (2019).
Roithmayr, Daria , The Network Structure of Police Misconduct, (with George Wood and Andrew V. Papachristos) 5 SOCIUS (January 2019).
Schwartz, Andrew , Mandatory Disclosure in Primary Markets, 2019 Utah Law Review 1069 (2019).
Schwartz, Andrew , Crowdfunding Issuers in the United States, 61 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 155-71 (2020).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Recording as Heckling, 108 The Georgetown Law Journal 125 (2019).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Reclaiming the Right to the Future Tense, LAW & POLITICAL ECONOMY, September 4, 2019.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Queering the Gay Agenda, SLATE, June 18, 2019.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Arguing Queer Rights, TAKE CARE, Nov. 18, 2019.
Surden, Harry , Artificial Intelligence and Law: An Overview, 35 Georgia State University Law Review (2019).
Anaya, S. James (with Hurst Hannam, Dinah L. Shelton, & Rosa Celorio), International Human Rights: Problems of Law, Policy, and Practice, (Aspen Pub., 6th ed. 2018).
Anaya, S. James (with Luis Rodríguez-Piñero), The Making of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Commentary (Jessie Hohmann & Marc Weller eds., Oxford University Press 2018).
Benhalim, Rabea , Women's Rights and Religious Law: Domestic and International Perspectives, 33 J. OF L. AND RELIGION (2018) (book review).
Bernthal, J. Brad , Beyond Debt and Equity: A New Typology of Entrepreneurial Finance Instruments, (work in progress, anticipate publication submission in Spring 2018).
Bernthal, J. Brad , Beyond Unicorns: Revenue Based Financing and Other Emerging Investment Instruments, (work in progress, anticipate publication submission in Fall 2018).
Bloom, Frederic , Character Flaws Character Flaws, 89 U. COLO. L. REV. 1101 (2018).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , Feeding the Eco-Consumer, 42 VERMONT LAW REVIEW 3, 567-603 (2018).
Cantrell, Deborah , Celebrating Mundane Conflict, 18 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 139 (2018).
Dalton, Shamika (with Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran), Minimizing and Addressing Microaggressions in the Workplace: Be Proactive, Part Two, C&RL News 79, no. 10 (November 2018): 538-540, 564.
Dalton, Shamika (with Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran), Minimizing and Addressing Implicit Bias in the Workplace: Be Proactive, Part One, C&RL News 79, no. 9 (October 2018): 478-481.
Dalton, Shamika (with Gail Mathapo and Endia Sowers-Paige), Navigating Law Librarianship While Black: A Week in the Life of a Black Female Law Librarian, Law Library Journal 110, no. 3 (Summer 2018): 429-438.
Dalton, Shamika (with Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran), Publishing Basics: How to Get Started & Where to Begin, AALL Spectrum 22, no. 6 (July/Aug. 2018): 30-33.
Dalton, Shamika (with Dr. Yvonne Chandler, Vicente E. Garces, Dennis Kim-Prieto, Carol Avery Nicholson, and Dr. Michele A.L. Villagran), Celebrating Diversity: A Legacy of Minority Leadership in the American Association of Law Libraries, 2nd ed., Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co. Inc., 2018.
Desautels-Stein, Justin , The Jurisprudence of Style: A Structuralist History of American Pragmatism and Liberal Legal Thought, (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Structuralist and Poststructuralist Legal History, in The Oxford Handbook of Legal History (Markus Dubber, ed.) (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Dolbow, Laura , Agency Adherence to Legislative History, 70 ADMIN. L. REV. 569 (2018).
Dolbow, Laura , Congressional Appropriation of Administrative Guidance, 43 ADMIN. & REG. L. NEWS 11 (Winter 2018).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Arguing with the Building Inspector About Gender-Neutral Bathrooms, 113 Northwestern University Law Review. 77 (2018).
Jamshidi, Maryam , How the War on Terror Is Transforming Private U.S. Law, 96 Wash. U. L. Rev. 559 (2018).
Jamshidi, Maryam , How Transitional Justice Can Affect Yemen's Future, The Washington Post, Dec. 20, 2018.
Jamshidi, Maryam , The National Security Rationale, NPR - All Things Considered, July 6, 2018.
Jamshidi, Maryam , The Travel Ban: Part of a Broad National Security Exceptionalism in U.S. Law, Just Security, July 3, 2018.
Kaminski, Margot , Intellectual and Social Freedom, in Cambridge Handbook of Surveillance Law (David Gray & Stephen E. Henderson eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, forthcoming 2018).
Kaminski, Margot , Intellectual and Social Freedom, CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF SURVEILLANCE LAW, EDS. DAVID GRAY & STEPHEN E. HENDERSON (2018).
Kaminski, Margot , Worked with Technology Law and Policy Clinic to file comments on privacy to the National Telecommunication and Information Administration .
Kaminski, Margot , Brett Kavanaugh has Some Alarmingly Outdated Views about Privacy, SLATE, (July 12, 2018).
Kiernan-Johnson, Derek H. , The Potemkin Temptation or, The Intoxicating Effect of Rhetoric and Narrativity on American Craft Whiskey, 15 Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD 1 (2018).
Krakoff, Sarah , Public Lands, Conservation, and the Possibility of Justice, 53 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 213.
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , The Myth of Platform Neutrality, (with Anupam Chander) 2 GEO. L. TECH. REV. 400 (2018).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Assessing the Assessments: Lessons from Early State Experiences in the Procurement and Implementation of Risk Assessment Tools, (with Christopher Bavitz, Sam Bookman, Jonathan Eubank, and Kira Hessekiel) Berkman Klein Center Research Pub. No. 2018-08 (Dec. 7, 2018).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: Opportunities and Risks, (with Filippo Raso, Hannah Hilligoss, Christopher T. Bavitz, and Levin Kim) Berkman Klein Center Research Pub. No. 2018-06 (Sep. 24, 2018).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Brief Amicus Curiae of United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy Joseph Cannataci, U.S. v. Microsoft Corp, (with Mason Kortz) 584 U.S. ___ (U.S. Supreme Court, 2018) (No. 17-2).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Thinking Fast and Slow About the Concept of Materiality, 71 SMU L. Rev. 853 (2018).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with Robert W. Hillman), Agency and Partnership Law, (Edward Elgar Publishing 2018).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Results May Vary in Legal Research Databases, Mar. 2018 | ABA Journal.
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Two Pedagogies in Search of Synergy, AALL Spectrum, Mar./Apr. 2018 at 24.
Norton, Helen (with Toni M. Massaro), Artificial Intelligence and the First Amendment, in Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence 353 (Woodrow Barfield ed., Edward Elgar 2018).
Norton, Helen , What's New is Old Again (And Vice Versa), in Ronald Collins & David Skover, Robotica: Speech Rights and Artificial Intelligence (Cambridge University Press 2018).
Norton, Helen , (At Least) Thirteen Ways of Looking at Election Lies, 71 Okla. L. Rev. 117 (2018).
Norton, Helen , The Government's Manufacture of Doubt, 16 FIRST AM. L. REV. 342 (2018).
Norton, Helen , Remedies and the Government's Constitutionally Harmful Speech, 9 ConLawNow 49 (2018).
Norton, Helen , Remedies and the Government’s Constitutionally Harmful Speech, 9 ConLawNOW 49 (2018).
Norton, Helen , The Government's Lies and the Press Clause, 89 U. COLO. L. REV. 453 (2018).
Norton, Helen , Robotic Speakers and Human Listeners, 41 Seattle University Law Review. 1145 (2018).
Pappas, Michael , Disclaiming Property, 42 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 392 (2018).
Parsons, Amanda , Destination-Based Income Taxation: Neither Principled Nor Practical?, 71 TAX LAW REVIEW 515 (2018) (with Paul Oosterhuis).
Schlag, Pierre , Textualist and Purposivist Interpretation (Challenges and Problems), in The Transformation or Reconstitution of Europe: The Critical Legal Studies Perspective on the Role of the Courts in the European Union (Persin & Rodin, eds.)(2018).
Schwartz, Andrew , The Gatekeepers of Crowdfunding, 75 Washington and Lee Law Review 885 (2018).
Schwartz, Andrew , Equity Crowdfunding in New Zealand, 2018 New Zealand Law Review 243.
Schwartz, Andrew , Social Enterprise Crowdfunding in New Zealand, in THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISE LAW 209 (Cambridge University Press, Yockey & Means eds. 2018). Funded by United States Fulbright Research Scholar Award, 2017.
Schwartz, Andrew , Equity Crowdfunding in New Zealand, OXFORD BUSINESS LAW BLOG, Oct. 30, 2018.
Schwartz, Andrew , Resolving the Tension Between Efficiency and Inclusiveness in Crowdfunding, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, Sept. 27, 2018.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Performative Privacy, 50 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1673 (2017).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Privacy's Double Standards, 93 Washington Law Review 2051 (2018).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The First Queer Right, 116 Michigan Law Review 881 (2018) (review essay).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The Person Is Political, SLATE, Oct. 23, 2018.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Federal Courts are Standing Up for the Sanctity of Transgender Lives, SLATE, June 21, 2018.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , AIDS and the Law Online, 2018-1 supplement to Aids and the Law (5th ed. 2015).
Squillace, Mark , Restoring the Public Interest in Western Water Law, SSRN, Sept. 11, 2018.
Squillace, Mark , Rethinking Public Land Use Planning, SSRN, Sept. 11, 2018.
Surden, Harry , Bridges II: The Law—STEM Alliance & Next Generation Innovation, 112 Nw. U. L. Rev. Online 133 (2018).
Surden, Harry , What to Teach Law Students About Artificial Intelligence and Law?, (Bridges II) Northwestern Law Review Online (2017).
Weiser, Philip J. (with A. Douglas Melamed, Randal C. Picker, & Diane P. Wood), Antitrust and Trade Regulation: Cases and Materials, (Foundation Press, 7th ed. 2018).
Anaya, S. James (with Sergio Puig), Mitigating State Sovereignty: The Duty to Consult with Indigenous Peoples, 67 U. TORONTO L.J. (forthcoming 2017).
Bernthal, J. Brad , Who Needs Contracts? Generalized Exchange Within Investment Accelerators, 100 Marquette Law Review 997 (2017).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , CASES AND MATERIALS ON FEDERAL INDIAN LAW, (with D. Getches, C. Wilkinson, R. Williams, and M. Fletcher) (West Academic Publishing 7th ed.) (2017).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , COHEN'S HANDBOOK OF FEDERAL INDIAN LAW, (N. Newton et al., eds.) (LEXIS supps. 2015 and 2017).
Carpenter, Kristen A. (with Lorie M. Graham), Human Rights to Culture, Family, and Self-Determination: The Case of Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, in Indigenous Rights in International Law (Stefan Kirchner & Joan Policastri eds., forthcoming in 2018).
Dalton, Shamika , Incorporating Race in your Legal Research Class, Law Library Journal 109, no. 4 (Fall 2017): 703-710.
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought, (Cambridge University Press, 2017) (co-edited with Christopher Tomlins).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , After the End of Legal Thought, in Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought 517 (Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlins eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2017).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , After the End of Legal Thought, in Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought, (Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlins, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Afterword, in Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought, (Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlins, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2017) (co-authored with Christopher Tomlins).
Dolbow, Laura , Note, A Distinction Without a Difference: Convergence in Claim Construction Standards, 70 VAND. L. REV. 1071 (2017).
Dolbow, Laura , Introduction: The Power of New Data and Technology, 70 VAND. L. REV. 1935 (2017) (invited contribution).
Gerding, Erik , The Technologies and Technocracy of Shadow Banking, in Research Handbook on Shadow Banking (Iris Chiu & Iain MacNeil eds., Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2017).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , International Environmental Law in a Nutshell, (West Academic, 5th ed. 2017).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Fathers and Feminism: The Case Against Genetic Entitlement, 91 Tul. L. Rev. 473 (2017).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , The Wages of Genetic Entitlement: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the Rape Survivor Child Custody Act, 112 Northwestern University Law Review Online 75 (2017).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Fathers and Feminism: The Case Against Genetic Entitlement, 91 Tulane L. Rev. 473 (2017).
Jamshidi, Maryam , The Supreme Court's Decision to Hear Travel Ban Cases Does Not Bode Well for Civil Liberties, Just Security, July 6, 2017.
Kaminski, Margot (with Toni Massaro & Helen L. Norton), Siri-ously 2.0: What Free Speech Rights for Artificial Intelligence Reveal About the First Amendment, 101 Minnesota Law Review 2481 (2017).
Kaminski, Margot , Privacy and the Right to Record, 97 B. U. L. Rev. 167 (2017).
Kaminski, Margot , Privacy and the Right to Record, 97 B.U. L. REV. 167 (2017).
Kaminski, Margot (with Toni Massaro and Helen Norton), Siri-ously 2.0: What Free Speech Rights for Artificial Intelligence Reveal about the First Amendment, 101 MINN. L. REV. 2481 (2017).
Kaminski, Margot (with Guy Rub), Copyright's Framing Problem, 64 UCLA L. REV. 1102 (2017).
Kaminski, Margot , Authorship, Disrupted: AI Authors in Copyright and First Amendment Law, 51 UC DAVIS L. REV. 589 (2017).
Kaminski, Margot (with Guy A. Rub), Copyright’s Framing Problem, 64 UCLA L. Rev. (forthcoming 2017).
Kaminski, Margot , Facebook, Free Expression, and the Power of a Leak, (with Kate Klonick) THE NEW YORK TIMES, (June 27, 2017).
Krakoff, Sarah , They Were Here First: American Indian Tribes, Race, and the Constitutional Minimum, 69 Stanford Law Review (2017).
Krakoff, Sarah , Deconstructing Zero-Sum Environmental Games: Bears Ears National Monument as Reparations and Reconciliation, 47 Envtl. L. Rep. 10348 (2017).
Krakoff, Sarah (with David Roche, Dan Mills, Andy Gordon & Sarah Burt), Environmental Impacts of the Border Wall, 47 Environmental Law Reporter 10477 (2017).
Krakoff, Sarah (with Shalanda Baker, Robin Kundis Craig, John Dernbach, Keith Hirokawa, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, Jonathan Rosenbloom, J.B. Ruhl, Jim Salzman, Inara Scott & David Takacs), Beyond Zero-Sum Environmentalism, 47 Environmental Law Reporter 10348 (2017).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Here, There, or Everywhere? Assessing the Geographic Scope of Content Takedown Orders, (with Alicia Solow-Niederman, Francisco Javier Careaga Franco, and Nani Jansen Reventlow) (Mar. 27, 2017).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Benefit Corporation Law, 85 University of Cincinnati Law Review 381 (2017).
Moss, Scott , Judges' Varied Views on Textualism: The Roberts-Alito Schism and the Similar District Judge Divergence That Undercuts the Widely Assumed Textualism-Ideology Correlation, 88 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1 (2017).
Moss, Scott , The Value of the Restatement of Employment Law, Based on 50-State Empirical Analyses and the Importance of Clarifying Disputed Issues - But with Caveats About the Restatement's Imperfect Work Product, 21 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal. 409 (2017).
Mueller, Christopher B. , Taking A Second Look at MDL Mass Product Liability Settlements: Somebody Needs to Do it, 65 Kansas L. Rev. 531 (2017).
Mueller, Christopher B. , "Make Him An Offer He Can't Refuse" - Mezzanatto Waivers As Lynchpin of Prosecutorial Overreach, 82 Mo. L. Rev. 1023 (2017).
Mueller, Christopher B. , Twenty-First Century Procedure, (Wolters Kluwer, 2d ed. 2017).
Nagel, Robert F. , Conservatives and the Court, National Affairs, Winter 2017, at 37.
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Every Algorithm Has a POV, AALL Spectrum, Sept.-Oct. 2017, at 40.
Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Algorithm as a Human Artifact: Implications for Legal [Re]Search, 109 Law Libr. J. 387 (2017).
Norton, Helen (with Toni Massaro & Margot E. Kaminski), Siri-ously 2.0: What Free Speech Rights for Artificial Intelligence Reveal About the First Amendment, 101 Minnesota Law Review 2481 (2017).
Norton, Helen , Government Speech and the War on Terror, 86 Fordham L. Rev. 543 (2017).
Norton, Helen , Employers' Duties of Honesty and Accuracy, 21 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal. 575 (2017).
Parsons, Amanda , Slam the Door: Why Congress Should End the Backdoor Roth IRA, 35 YALE LAW & POLICY REVIEW INTER ALIA 41 (2017).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Firearms in the Family, 78 Ohio St. L. J. 1257 (2017) (lead article).
Roithmayr, Daria , Cat and Mouse: The Evolutionary Dynamics of Getting Around the Law, (with Justin Chin, Bruce Levin, and Fei Fang) SSRN Electronic Journal (January 2017).
Roithmayr, Daria , Evolutionary Dynamics and the Law, in Methodologies of Law and Economics (Thomas Ulen ed. Elgar, 2017).
Schlag, Pierre , The Law Review Article, 88 University of Colorado Law Review 1043 (2017).
Schlag, Pierre , The Knowledge Bubble—Something Amiss in Expertopia, The Knowledge Bubble—Something Amiss in Expertopia, in in Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought 428 (Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlin eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2017).
Schlag, Pierre , Hohfeldian Analysis, Liberalism and Adjudication (Some Tensions), SSRN, Mar. 29, 2017 (forthcoming in The Legacy of Wesley Hohfeld: Edited Major Works, Select Personal Papers, and Original Commentaries (Shyam Balganesh, Ted Sichelman & Henry Smith eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2018)).
Schwartz, Andrew , Inclusive Crowdfunding, OXFORD BUSINESS LAW BLOG, Jan. 3, 2017.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Performative Privacy, 50 U.C. Davis Law Review 1673 (2017).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Masterpiece Cakeshop is Not a License to Discriminate, SLATE, June 4, 2018.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , How Trump May Inadvertently Advance Transgender Rights, SLATE, Nov. 30, 2017.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Rules for Digital Radicals, JOTWELL, Nov. 14, 2017, (reviewing ZEYNEP TUFEKCI, TWITTER AND TEAR GAS: THE POWER AND FRAGILITY OF NETWORKED PROTEST (2017).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Trump's Anti-Trans Animus, Unmasked, TAKE CARE, Nov. 6, 2017.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Animus, Not Readiness: Trump & Mattis Move Full Speed Ahead on Unconstitutional Trans Military Ban, JUST SECURITY, Sept. 1, 2017.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Appeals Court: Discrimination Against Trans Students is Likely Illegal, SLATE, May 30, 2017.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Why Trans People Have a Constitutional Right to Change their Birth Certificates, SLATE, April 27, 2017.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The Right to the Public Square: Hoodies, Head Veils, & Bathrooms, MUFTAH, March 23, 2017.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The Supreme Court Should Decide the Gavin Grimm Case Now, SLATE, Feb. 27, 2017.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Trump Isn't the Sole Decider of Trans Students' Rights, SLATE, Feb. 17, 2017.
Speck, Sloan , Brief of Amici Curiae Tax Law Professors and Economists in Support of Petitioner South Dakota v. Wayfair, SSRN, Nov. 6, 2017.
Squillace, Mark (with Eric Biber, Nicholas S. Bryner & Sean B. Hecht), Presidents Lack the Authority to Abolish or Diminish National Monuments, 103 Virginia Law Review Online 55 (2017).
Weiser, Philip J. , Entrepreneurial Administration, 97 Boston University Law Review 2011 (2017).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Scott Hemphill), Bringing Reality to the Law of Predatory Pricing, 127 Yale L.J. 2048 (2017).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Gabor Molnar & Eric Brosseau), International Spectrum Workshop Report, SSRN, Dec. 4, 2017..
Anaya, S. James (with Rebecca Tsosie), International Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples, and Extractive Industries, in HUMAN RIGHTS LAW AND THE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES, Paper 13 (Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation 2016).
Anaya, S. James , El Conevnio 169 y la Situation de los Pueblos Indigenas, LA CONSULTA INDIGENA: COLOMBIA-PERU-CHILE (Claudio Fuentes & Maite de la Cea eds., RiL editores 2016).
Benhalim, Rabea , Islamic Finance and Sukuk in Africa, AR3: RESILIENCE, RISK, AND RECONSTRUCTION MAG. (Jan. 2016).
Bernthal, J. Brad , Investment Accelerators, 22 Stan. J. L. Bus. & Fin. 139 (2016).
Bloom, Frederic , The Law's Clock, 104 Georgetown Law Journal 1 (2015).
Bruff, Harold , How Presidents Interpret the Constitution, Insights on L. & Soc’y, Fall 2016, at 8.
Bruff, Harold , The President’s Faithful Execution of Duty, 87 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1107 (2016).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , The Right To Regulate (Cooperatively), University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, Vol. 38, No. 1 (2016).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , A New Governance Recipe for Food Safety Regulation, 47 LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO LAW JOURNAL 3 (2016). Reprinted in, Gostin, Lawrence O., ed. PUBLIC HEALTH LAW & ETHICS: A READER, 3d ed. Berkeley: University of California Press (2016).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with Scott Moss), What predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2 (June 2016).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , The Right to Regulate (Cooperatively), 38 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 1 (2016).
Cantrell, Deborah , Practicing Practical Wisdom, ___ MERCER L. REV. ___ (2016).
Cantrell, Deborah , Celebrating Mundane Conflict, SSRN, Aug. 29, 2016 (forthcoming in Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal).
Cantrell, Deborah , Love, Anger, and Lawyering, 19 Rich. J.L. & Pub. Int. 283 (2016).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Owning Red: A Theory of Indian (Cultural) Appropriation,, 94 Texas Law Rev. 859 (with A. Riley) (2016).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Indian Status is Not Racial: Understanding ICWA as a Matter of Law and Practice, Cato Unbound, Aug. 9, 2016.
Carpenter, Kristen A. , One River, Two Canoes: Peace and Respect in Indian Child Welfare, Cato Unbound, Aug. 31, 2016.
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Standing Tall: The Sioux's battle against a Dakota Pipeline is a galvanizing social justice movement for Native Americans, Sept. 23, 2016 (with A. Riley).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , A Context for Legal History, or, This is Not Your Father's Contextualism, 56 Am. J. Legal Hist. 29 (2016) (peer-reviewed journal).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , From Apology to Utopia's Point of Attack, 29 Leiden J. Int'l L. 677 (2016) (peer-reviewed journal).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , International Legal Structuralism: A Primer, 8 Int'l Theory 201 (2016) (peer-reviewed journal).
Gerding, Erik , Inside Safe Assets, 33 J. Reg. 363 (2016) (with Anna Gelpern).
Gerding, Erik , Rethinking the Law in Safe Assets, in RECONCEPTUALISING GLOBAL FINANCE AND ITS REGULATION (Ross Buckley et al. eds., forthcoming 2016) (Cambridge) (with Anna Gelpern).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Introduction to Model Laws on Lighting, 44 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 323, 336 (2016).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Model Law on Lighting for Developing Countries, 44 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 337, 368 (2016).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours, (Routledge, 2016).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Global Energy Justice: Law and Policy, (West, 2016).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Energy Poverty, in Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US: A Reader (Raphael J. Heffron and Gavin Little, eds. Edinburgh University Press) (2016).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Conclusions: The Emerging Contours, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 315 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2016).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Global Energy Justice, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 55 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2016).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Introduction, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 1 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2016).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Model Laws on Cooking, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 287 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2016).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Genetic Essentialism in Family Law, 26 Health Matrix 109 (2016).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Genetic Essentialism in Family Law, 26 Health Matrix 109 (2016).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Schrödinger's Child: Non-Identity and Probabilities in Reproductive Decision-Making, 69 Stud. L. Pol. & Soc'y 221 (2016).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Schrodinger's Child: Non-Identity and Probabilities in Reproductive Decision-Making, in 69 Studies in Law, Politics, and Society: Special Issue: Feminist Legal Theory 221 (Austin Sarat ed., Emerald 2016).
Kaminski, Margot , First Amendment Law Professors Brief in Fields v. Philadelphia in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, supporting a "right to record" law enforcement officials in public places, October 31, 2016.
Kaminski, Margot , First Amendment Legal Scholars Brief in Wikimedia v. NSA in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, First Amendment Legal Scholars Brief in Wikimedia v. NSA in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, challenging "Upstream" NSA Internet Surveillance, February 24, 2016. Kaminski (with Amie Stepanovich, & Nabiha Syed), Filed comments on drones and privacy to the National Telecommunication and Information Administration.
Kaminski, Margot , Enough with the Sunbathing Teenager Gambit, SLATE, (May 17, 2016).
Kaminski, Margot , What the Scarlett Johansson Robot Says about the Future, SLATE, (Apr. 7, 2016).
Krakoff, Sarah , Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change, in Climate Change Law 627 (Daniel A. Farber & Marjan Peeters eds., Edward Elgar 2016).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Cloudy with a Conflict of Laws: How Cloud Computing Has Disrupted the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty System and Why It Matters, Berkman Center Research Pub. No 2016-03 (Feb. 16, 2016).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Managing User Rights Responsibly: A Guide for Early-Stage Companies, (with Dalia Ritvo and Sarah Altschuller) (Apr. 1, 2016).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with Douglas M. Branson, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Marc I. Steinberg & Manning Gilbert Warren III), Business Enterprises: Legal Structures, Governance, and Policy: Cases, Materials, and Problems, (Carolina Academic Press, 3d ed. 2016).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC in a Nutshell, (West, 6th ed. 2016).
Moss, Scott (with Alexia Brunet Marks), What Predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, 13 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 205 (2016).
Moss, Scott , Labor and Employment Law at the 2014-2015 Supreme Court: The Court Devotes Ten Percent of Its Docket to Statutory Interpretation in Employment Cases, but Rejects the Argument That What Employment Law Really Needs Is More Administrative Law, 31 A.B.A. J. Lab. & Emp. L. 171 (2016).
Mueller, Christopher B. (with Laird Kirkpatrick), Prior Consistent Statements: The Dangers of Misinterpreting Recently Amended Federal Rule of Evidence 801(d)(1)(B), 84 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. Arguendo 193 (2016).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , From the Editor, 1 Legal Info. Rev. vii (2016).
Norton, Helen , Siri-ously? Free Speech Rights for Artificial Intelligence, 110 NW. U. L. Rev. (2016) (with Toni M. Massaro).
Norton, Helen , Truth and Lies in the Workplace: Employer Speech and the First Amendment, 101 Minn. L. Rev. (2016).
Pappas, Michael , A Right to Be Regulated?, 24 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 99 (2016).
Pappas, Michael , Singled Out, 76 Md. L. Rev. 122 (2016).
Pappas, Michael , The Armstrong Evolution, 76 Md. L. Rev. Endnotes 35 (2016).
Pizzi, William T. , The Effects of the "Vanishing Trial" on Our Incarceration Rate, 28 Fed. Sent'g Rep. 330 (2016).
Pizzi, William T. , Comparative Reflections on Duncan v. Louisiana and Baldwin v. New York, 38 Loy. L.A. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 91 (2016).
Roithmayr, Daria , The Dynamics of Excessive Force, 2016 U. CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM 407 (2016).
Schlag, Pierre , American Absurd: A Work of Fiction, (Bowen Press 2016).
Schwartz, Andrew , Financing Corporate Elections, 41 Journal of Corporation Law 863 (2016).
Schwartz, Andrew , Inclusive Crowdfunding, 2016 Utah Law Review 661.
Schwartz, Andrew , Crowdfunding and the Digital Shareholder, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL FORUM ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL REGULATION, Feb. 2, 2016.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott (with Sylvia A. Law & Hugh Baran), Marriage, Abortion, and Coming Out, 116 Colum. L. Rev. Online 126 (2016).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Marriage, Abortion, and Coming Out, 116 Columbia Law Review Online 126 (2016) (with Sylvia Law & Hugh Baran).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , North Carolina's Catch-22, SLATE, May 16, 2016.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Bathroom Bills and the Battle Over Privacy, SLATE, May 10, 2016.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , How Nixon and Rehnquist Paved the Way for Transgender Rights, SLATE, April 1, 2016.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , North Carolina Just Lost Some of Its Charm, SALON, March 25, 2016 (critiquing North Carolina's anti-LGBT legislation as violating constitutional privacy protections).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Clinton's Mistake on Reagan Is an Opportunity for Action on HIV/AIDS, SLATE, March 18, 2016 (with Carolyn McAllaster).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Anti-Transgender Bathroom Bills are Unconstitutional, SLATE, Feb. 11, 2016.
Speck, Sloan , The Social Boundaries of Corporate Taxation, 84 Fordham L. Rev. 2583 (2016).
Speck, Sloan , Tax Planning and Policy Drift, 69 Tax L. Rev. 549 (2016).
Squillace, Mark , Managing Unconventional Oil and Gas Development As If Communities Mattered, 40 Vt. L. Rev. 525 (2016).
Squillace, Mark (with Anthony McLeod), Marketing Conserved Water, 46 Envtl. L. 1 (2016).
Squillace, Mark (with James Rasband, James Salzman, & Sam Kalen), Natural Resources Law and Policy, (Foundation Press, 3d ed. 2016).
Squillace, Mark , Environmental Decisionmaking for the 21st Century, (Carolina Academic Press 2016).
Squillace, Mark , Managing Water Resources in the American West, in Water Acquisition and Management for Oil & Gas Development: Legal and Regulatory Requirements (Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation 2016).
Surden, Harry , Technological Opacity, Predictability, and Self-Driving Cars, 38 Cardozo Law Review 121 (2016).
Weiser, Philip J. , The Forgotten Core of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 68 Fed. Comm. L.J. 71 (2016).
Weiser, Philip J. (with William Baer), Closing Fireside Chat with the Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division, 15 Colo. Tech. L.J. 13 (2016).
Anaya, S. James , Foreword: Looking to the Future for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, in MAPPING INDIGENOUS PRESENCE: NORTH SCANDINAVIAN AND NORTH AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES vii (Kathryn W. Shanley & Bjorg Evjen eds., Univ. of Arizona Press 2015).
Anaya, S. James , Introduction, and reproduction of several country reports completed in the author’s capacity as the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 32 ARIZ. J. INT’L & COMP. L. xiii (2015).
Bloom, Frederic , Countersupermajoritarianism, 113 Michigan Law Review 809 (2015) (with Nelson Tebbe).
Bloom, Frederic , The Law’s Clock, 104 Geo. L.J. 1 (2015).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Book Review, Research Handbook on International Energy Law. (Edward Elgar, 2014) reviewed in 2014 American Reference Books Annual.
Bruff, Harold , Untrodden Ground: How Presidents Interpret the Constitution, (Univ. of Chicago Press) (2015).
Bruff, Harold , Availability of Judicial Review, in A Guide to Judicial and Political Review of Federal Agencies 1 (Michael E. Herz et al. eds., American Bar Association, 2d ed. 2015).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , The Risks We Are Willing To Eat: Food Imports and Safety, 52 HARVARD JOURNAL ON LEGISLATION 1, 125-172 (2015).
Campos, Paul F. , Food Policy and Cognitive Bias, 5 Wake Forest J.L. & Pol’y 187 (2015).
Campos, Paul F. , Lawyers and Spoiled Identity, 28 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 73 (2015).
Carpenter, Kristen A. (with Jacquelyn Amour Jampolsky), Indigenous Peoples: From Energy Poverty to Energy Empowerment, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 39 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2015).
Dalton, Shamika , Embracing a Rich Diversity: Promoting Diversity among Patrons and Staff, AALL Spectrum 19, no. 4 (Feb. 2015): 8-9.
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Structuralist Legal Histories, 78 Law & Contemp. Probs. 37 (2015).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Foreword: Theorizing Contemporary Legal Thought, 78 Law & Contemp. Probs. i (2015) (co-authored with Duncan Kennedy).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Book Review (Joel Trachtman, The Future of International Law), J. Int'l Econ. L., 18(1) pp. 479-486 (2015) (peer-reviewed journal).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , The Market as a Legal Concept: Classic Liberalism, Modern Liberalism, Pragmatic Liberalism, in Political Economy And Law: A Handbook Of Research, Theory, and Practice (Ugo Mattei & John Haskell, eds., Edward Elger Press, 2015).
Gazur, Wayne M. (with Robert M. Phillips), Estate Planning: Principles and Problems, (Aspen 4th ed.) (2015).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , The Contours of Energy Justice, in International Environmental Law and The Global South (Gonzales ed. Cambridge University Press) (2015).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , The State’s Compelling Interest in Substantive Equality, in Controversies in Equal Protection Cases in America: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation 167 (Anne Richardson Oakes ed., Ashgate 2015).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , The State's Compelling Interest in Substantive Equality, in CONTROVERSIES IN EQUAL PROTECTION CASES IN AMERICA (ed. Anne Richardson Oakes & Centre for American Legal Studies, Ashgate 2015).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Colorado Fetal Homicide Law Goes Too Far, Guest Commentary with Aya Gruber, DENVER POST. CT. REV. (4/19/15).
Kaminski, Margot , Regulating Real-World Surveillance, 90 Wash. L. Rev. 1113 (2015).
Kaminski, Margot (with Shane Witnov), The Conforming Effect: First Amendment Implications of Surveillance, Beyond Chilling Speech, 49 U. Rich. L. Rev. 465 (2015).
Kaminski, Margot , Regulating Real-World Surveillance, 90 WASH. L. REV. 1113 (2015).
Kaminski, Margot (with Shane Witnov), The Conforming Effect: First Amendment Implications of Surveillance, Beyond Chilling Speech, 49 U. RICH. L. REV. 465 (2015).
Kaminski, Margot , Don't Keep the Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks Secret, THE NEW YORK TIMES, (Apr. 14, 2015).
Kaminski, Margot , Toward defining privacy expectations in an age of oversharing, THE ECONOMIST, (Aug. 16, 2018).
Kaminski, Margot , Privacy is Not a Barrier to Trade, SLATE, (June 4, 2015).
Krakoff, Sarah , American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary, Anderson, Berger, Krakoff & Frickey (3d Ed., 2015).
Krakoff, Sarah (with Robert T. Anderson, Bethany Berger, & Philip Frickey), American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary, (West, 3d ed. 2015).
Krakoff, Sarah , Sustainability and Justice, in Rethinking Sustainability to Meet the Climate Change Challenge, Jessica Owley & Keith H. Hirokawa, Eds., 199-227 (Eli, 2015).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Brief Amicus Curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation in Support of the Appellants, Commonwealth v. Estabrook, (with Andrew Sellars) 472 Mass. 852 (Mass. Supreme Judicial Court, 2015).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Equity and Corporate Law, 68 SMU L. Rev. 783 (2015).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Reflections on Teaching Business Associations: The Case for Teaching More Agency and Unincorporated Business Entity Law, 59 St. Louis U. L.J. 641 (2015).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (LexisNexis, 9th ed. 2015).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Freedom of Contract for Alternative Entities in Delaware: Myth or Reality?, in Research Handbook on Partnerships, LLCs and Alternative Forms of Business Organizations 28 (Robert W. Hillman & Mark J. Loewenstein eds., Edward Elgar 2015).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Research Handbook on Partnerships, LLCs and Alternative Forms of Business Organizations, (Robert W. Hillman & Mark J. Loewenstein eds., Edward Elgar 2015).
Moss, Scott (with Alexia Brunet Marks), What predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2 (June 2016).
Mueller, Christopher B. (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick), Evidence [Black Letter Outline], (West, 4th ed. 2015).
Mueller, Christopher B. (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick), Evidence Under the Rules: Text, Cases, and Problems, (Wolters Kluwer, 8th ed. 2015).
Nagel, Robert F. , William Rehnquist and the American Concept of Sovereignty, in The Constitutional Legacy of William H. Rehnquist 79 (Bradford P. Wilson ed., West Academic 2015).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Legal Research Process, in Steven M. Barkan et al., Fundamentals of Legal Research 15 (Foundation Press, 10th ed. 2015).
Norton, Helen , Lies To Manipulate, Misappropriate, and Acquire Government Power, in Austin D. Sarat, ed., Law and Lies: Deception and Truth-Telling in the American Legal System (Cambridge University Press 2015).
Norton, Helen , The Government's Lies and the Constitution, 91 Ind. L.J. 73 (2015).
Norton, Helen , Government Speech and Political Courage, 68 Stan. L. Rev. Online 61 (2015).
Norton, Helen , Cyberharassment and Workplace Law, B.U. L. Rev. Annex (Oct. 20, 2015).
Norton, Helen , A Few Thoughts on Free Speech Constitutionalism, 2015 U. Ill. L. Rev. Slip Opinions 98.
Pappas, Michael , Defining Power Property Expectations, 45 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10542 (2015).
Pappas, Michael , Distributed, Nega-, and Reclaimed: Setting Expectations in the "New" Resource Base, 32 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 471 (2015).
Pizzi, William T. , Revisiting the Mansions and Gatehouses of Criminal Procedure: Reflections on Yale Kamisar’s Famous Essay, 12 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 633 (2015).
Ramsey, Carolyn , The Stereotyped Offender: Domestic Violence and the Failure of Intervention, 120 Penn. St. L. Rev. 337 (2015) (lead article).
Roithmayr, Daria (with Alex Isakov and David Rand), Should Law Keep Pace With Society: Relative Update Rates Determine the Co-evolution of Institutional Punishment and Citizen Contributions to Public Goods, 6 GAMES 124 (2015).
Roithmayr, Daria (with Darren Rosenblum), More than a Woman: Insights Into Corporate Governance After the French Sex Quota, 48 INDIANA L. REV. 889 (2015).
Roithmayr, Daria , How the Other Half Banks (reviewing Mehrsa Baradaran, How the Other Half Banks) (2015), JOTWELL (October 2015).
Schlag, Pierre , How to Do Things With Hohfeld, 78 Law & Contemp. Prob. 185 (2015).
Schlag, Pierre , L'Autonomie des Avocats (Une Conception Problématique Parmi Des Développements Démoralisants), (fortchoming in Assier, Ed. L'AUTONOMIE DES AVOCATS 2015).
Schwartz, Andrew , The Digital Shareholder, 100 Minnesota Law Review 609 (2015).
Schwartz, Andrew , Corporate Legacy, 5 Harvard Business Law Review 237 (2015).
Schwartz, Andrew , Crowdfunding Securities, 69 Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report 154 (2015).
Schwartz, Andrew , The Nonfinancial Returns of Crowdfunding, 34 Review of Banking & Financial Law 565 (2015).
Schwartz, Andrew , Quarterback by Committee: A Response in Memory of Dan Markel, 6 Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law 159 (2015).
Schwartz, Andrew , The Iliad and the IPO, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL FORUM ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL REGULATION, Aug. 12, 2015. Selected by THE BROWSER as one of the 100 best pieces of writing published online in 2015.
Schwartz, Andrew , Young Hearts Be Free Tonight: The Promise of Teenage Crowdfunding, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, June 12, 2015.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Outing Privacy, 110 Northwestern University Law Review 159 (2015).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Outing Privacy, 110 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 159 (2015).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , AIDS and the Law, ed.(Wolters Kluwer, 5th ed. 2015).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The Department of Education's Common-Sense Approach to Transgender Inclusion, SLATE, Nov. 4, 2015.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , How Obergefell Could Help Transgender Rights, SLATE, June 26, 2015.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Bad Blood: The FDA's Donation Rule Change for Gay and Bisexual Men is Sending the Wrong Message on HIV, THE NEW REPUBLIC, May 19, 2015.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The FDA Should Follow Europe's Lead and Create Blood Donor Policies Based on Evidence, SLATE, April 30, 2015.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The "Straight" Faces of Same-Sex Marriage, SLATE, April 24, 2015.
Thompson, Jane , Federal Legislation, in Steven M. Barkan et al., Fundamentals of Legal Research 137 (Foundation Press, 10th ed. 2015).
Thompson, Jane , Federal Legislative Histories and Legislative Materials, in Steven M. Barkan et al., Fundamentals of Legal Research 167(Foundation Press, 10th ed. 2015).
Anaya, S. James , Opinion, Copper Mine Will Hurt Tribes and the Environment, Ariz., Republic, (Dec. 29, 2014)..
Bernthal, J. Brad , Procedural Architecture Matters: Innovation Policy At The Federal Communications Commission, 1 Texas A&M Law Review 615, (2014).
Briscoe, Georgia K. (with Karen Selden and Robert Linz), Accidental Archivists: Lessons Learned from a Digital Archive Project, 33 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 99 (2014).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Book Review, Collins, Lauren, Environmental Justice: Legal Research Guides v.64. (William S. Hein 2014) reviewed in 2014 American Reference Books Annual.
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Book Review, Culture and Customs of Ethiopia. (Greenwood Press/ABC-CLIO, 2014) reviewed in 2014 American Reference Books Annual.
Cantrell, Deborah , Are Clinics a Magic Bullet?, 51 ALBERTA L. REV. 831-47 (2014).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Indigenous Peoples and the Jurisgenerative Moment in Indigenous Human Rights, 102 California Law Review 173 (with A. Riley) (2014).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Human Rights to Culture, Family, and Self-Determination: The Case of Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl (with L. Graham) (forthcoming) .
Dalton, Shamika (with Danielle Becker), Out with the Old, In with the New: Two Perspectives on Implementing LibGuides at an Academic and a Public Law Library, AALL Spectrum 19, no.1 (Sept./Oct. 2014): 30-31.
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Classcrits Mission Statement, 43 Southwestern L. Rev. 651 (2014) (co-authored with Angela Harris, et al).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , The Tragedy of Legal Structuralism, 77 Law & Contemp. Probs. __ (forthcoming 2014) (peer-reviewed journal).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , The Judge and the Drone, 56 Ariz. L. Rev. 117 (2014).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Chiastic Law in the Crystal Ball: Exploring Legal Formalism and its Alternative Futures, 2 London Rev. Int'l L. 263 (2014) (peer-reviewed journal).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Back in Style, 25 L. & Critique 141 (2014) (peer-reviewed journal).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Pragmatic Liberalism: The Outlook of the Dead, 55 B.C. L. Rev. 1041 (2014).
Gazur, Wayne M. , The White Whale: Bringing Emotion and Relevance to the Contemporary Trusts and Estates Course, 58 St. Louis U. L.J. pp. 785-804 (2014).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Undue Burdens in Texas, 127 Harv. L. Rev. Forum 145 (2014).
Jamshidi, Maryam , The International Criminal Court and the Arab Spring: Overcoming Bias, Increasing Engagement, in HUMAN RIGHTS, HUMAN SECURITY, AND STATE SECURITY: THE INTERSECTION, (Saul Takahashi ed.) (Praeger 2014).
Kaminski, Margot , The Capture of International Intellectual Property Law through the U.S. Trade Regime, 87 S. CAL. L. REV. 977 (2014).
Kaminski, Margot , Copyright Crime and Punishment: The First Amendment's Proportionality Puzzle, 73 MD. L. REV. 587 (2014).
Kaminski, Margot , Up in the Air: The free-speech problems raised by regulating drones, SLATE, (Nov. 25, 2014).
Kaminski, Margot , Up in the Air: States shouldn't wait until courts weigh in to place limits on drone surveillance, SLATE, (Sep. 5, 2014).
Kaminski, Margot , The Supreme Court's Cloud-Computing Confusion, THE NEW REPUBLIC, (June 26, 2014).
Krakoff, Sarah , Law, Violence, and the Neurotic Structure of American Indian Law, 49 Wake Forest L. Rev. 743 (2014).
Krakoff, Sarah , Constitutional Concern, Membership, and Race, 9 Florida International L. Rev. 295 (2014).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Boundless Courts and a Borderless Internet, in Internet Monitor 2014: Reflections on the Digital World 130 (Urs Gasser et al., eds., 2014).
Nagel, Robert F. , Same-Sex Marriage, Federalism, and Judicial Supremacy, 64 Case W. Res. L. Rev 1119 (2014).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , [Dis]Informing The People's Discretion: Judicial Deference Under The National Security Exemption of the Freedom of Information Act, 66 ADMINISTRATIVE L. REV. 725 (2014) (with Tom Ginsburg).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Teaching the Benefits and Limits of Human Classification and Machine Algorithms: Theory and Practice, in THE BOULDER STATEMENTS ON LEGAL RESEARCH EDUCATION: THE INTERSECTION OF THE INTELLECTUAL AND THE PRACTICAL, Susan Nevelow Mart, editor. Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein Publishing, Inc., (2014).
Norton, Helen , Setting the Tipping Point For Disclosing The Identity of Anonymous Online Speakers: Lessons from Other Disclosure Contexts, 49 Wake Forest L. Rev. 565 (2014).
Pappas, Michael , Anti-Waste, 56 Ariz. L. Rev. 741 (2014).
Pappas, Michael , Energy Versus Property, 41 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 435 (2014).
Ramsey, Carolyn , The Exit Myth: Family Law, Gender Roles, and Changing Attitudes Toward Female Victims of Domestic Violence, 20 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 1 (2013) (lead article), reprinted in Tracy A. Thomas (ed.), Women and the Law (Thomson Reuters, 2014).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Review of David Lemmings, Crime, Courtrooms and the Public Sphere in Britain, 1700-1850, Criminal Law & Criminal Justice Books website (January 2014) (maintained by Rutgers School of Law-Newark and Rutgers School of Criminal Justice) (peer refereed) .
Roithmayr, Daria , Critical Race Theory Meets Social Science, (with Devon Carbado) 10 ANNUAL REV. L. SOCIAL SCI. 149 (2014).
Roithmayr, Daria , The Flaw at the Heart of The Triple Package, SLATE (February 2014).
Roithmayr, Daria , Reproducing Racism: How Everyday Choices Lock In White Advantage, NYU Press, January 2014.
Schwartz, Andrew , Teenage Crowdfunding, 83 University of Cincinnati Law Review 515 (2014).
Schwartz, Andrew , Arbitration and the Contract Exchange, 29 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 299 (2014).
Surden, Harry , Machine Learning and Law, 89 Washington Law Review 87 (2014).
Wesson, Marianne , A Death at Crooked Creek: The Case of the Cowboy, the Cigarmaker, and the Love Letter (2014) .
Anaya, S. James , The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples: United Nations Developments, 35 U. Haw. L. Rev. 983 (2013).
Anaya, S. James , Foreword, in Walter R. Echo-Hawk, In the Light of Justice: The Rise of Human Rights in Native America and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples vii (2013).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Book Review, Verschuuren, Jonathan, ed. Research Handbook on Climate Change Adaptation Law. (Edward Elgar, 2013) reviewed in 2013 American Reference Books Annual.
Brunet Marks, Alexia , Check Please: How Legal Liability Informs Food Safety Regulation, 50 Houston Law Review 3 (2013).
Cantrell, Deborah , With Lovingkindness and Compassion: One Buddhist Woman's Response to Feminist Domestic Violence Advocacy, in FEMINISM, LAW, AND RELIGION (Ashgate Publishing, 2013), pp. 219-36.
Cantrell, Deborah , Re-Problematizing Anger in Domestic Violence Advocacy, 21 AM. U. J. GENDER SOC. POL'Y & L. 837-63 (2013).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Lawyering for Groups: The Case of American Indian Tribal Attorneys, 81 Fordham Law Review 3085 (with E. Wald) (2013).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , A Structuralist Approach to the Two State Action Doctrines, 7 N.Y.U. J. L. & Lib. 254 (2013).
Gerding, Erik , Bubbles, Financial Regulation, and Law (2013) (Routledge),
Introduction to the Book on ssrn.
Kaminski, Margot , Drone Federalism: Civilian Drones and the Things They Carry, 4 CALIF. L. REV. CIR. 57 (2013).
Kaminski, Margot , Real Masks and Real Name Policies: Applying Anti-Mask Case Law to Anonymous Online Speech, 23 FORDHAM INTELL. PROP. MEDIA & ENT. L.J. 815 (2013).
Kaminski, Margot , PRISM's Legal Basis: How We Got Here, and What We Can Do to Get Back, THE ATLANTIC, (June 7, 2013).
Krakoff, Sarah , Settler Colonialism and Reclamation: Where American Indian Law and Natural Resources Law Meet, 24 Colo. Nat. Resources, Energy & Envtl. L. Rev. 261 (2013).
Krakoff, Sarah (with Jon-Daniel Lavallee), Natural Resource Development and Indigenous Peoples, in Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples: The Search for Legal Remedies 199 (Randall S. Abate ed., 2013).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Benefit Corporations: A Challenge to Corporate Governance (forthcoming, THE BUSINESS LAWYER, August, 2013) .
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Imputation, The Adverse Interest Exception, and the Curious Case of the Restatement (Third) of Agency (84 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LAW REVIEW 305 (2013)) .
Moss, Scott , Casebook: Richard Carlson & Scott A. Moss, Employment Law (3d ed., Aspen / Wolters Kluwer, 2013) .
Moss, Scott , Bad Briefs, Bad Law, Bad Markets: Documenting the Poor Quality of Plaintiffs' Briefs, Its Impact on the Law, and the Market Failure It Reflects, 63 EMORY L.J. 59-125 (2013).
Moss, Scott , (In)Competence in Appellate and District Court Brief Writing On Rule 12 And 56 Motions, 57 N.Y.L. SCH. L. REV. 842-862 (2013) (invited symposium contribution).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Case for Curation: The Relevance Of Digest and Citator Results in Westlaw and Lexis,, 32 Legal Reference Services Q. 13 (2013).
Norton, Helen , Lies and the Constitution, 2012 Supreme Ct. Review 161 (2013).
Roithmayr, Daria , Faking It (reviewing Nancy Leon, Racial Capitalism, 126 Harv. L. Rev. 2151 (2013)), JOTWELL (September 2013).
Schlag, Pierre , Coase Minus the Coast Theorem—Some Problems with Chicago Transaction Cost Analysis, 99 IOWA L. REV. 175 (2013).
Schwartz, Andrew , Crowdfunding Securities, 88 Notre Dame Law Review 1457 (2013).
Schwartz, Andrew , The Corporate Preference for Trade Secret, 74 Ohio State Law Journal 623 (2013).
Schwartz, Andrew , Rural Crowdfunding, 13 U.C. Davis Business Law Journal 283 (2013).
Schwartz, Andrew , Keep it Light, Chairman White: SEC Rulemaking Under the CROWDFUND Act, 66 Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc 43 (2013).
Schwartz, Andrew , Crowdfunding Securities: Two Novel Predictions, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, June 26, 2013.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Title IX's Protections for Transgender Student Athletes, 28 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society (2013) (with Ilona Turner).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , For LGBT Rights, the To-Do List is Still Long, SEATTLE TIMES, June 26, 2013.
Surden, Harry , Technological Cost as Law in Intellectual Property, 27 Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 135 (2013).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Joe Waz), Internet Governance: The Role of Multistakeholder Organizations, 10 J. on Telecom & High Tech. L. 331 (2013).
Benhalim, Rabea , Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State, LAWFARE, (Jun. 22, 2012) (book review).
Bloom, Frederic , Suing Courts, 79 University of Chicago Law Review 553 (2012) (with Chris Serkin).
Bloom, Frederic , Information Lost and Found, 100 California Law Review 635 (2012).
Cantrell, Deborah , Lawyers, Loyalty and Social Change, 89 DENVER UNIV. L. REV 941-75 (2012).
Cantrell, Deborah , The Role of Equipoise in Family Law, 14 J. OF LAW & FAMILY STUDIES 63-96 (2012).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Limiting Principles and Empowering Practices in American Indian Religious Freedoms, 45 Connecticut Law Review 387 (2012).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , THE INDIAN CIVIL RIGHTS ACT AT FORTY, (with M. Fletcher and A. Riley, co-eds.) (UCLA American Indian Studies Center Publications) (2012).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Individual Religious Freedoms in Tribal Constitutional Law, in THE INDIAN CIVIL RIGHTS ACT AT FORTY, (K. Carpenter, M. Fletcher, and A. Riley, eds.) (UCLA American Indian Studies Center Publications) (2012).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Experimental Pragmatism in the Third Globalization, 9 Contemp. Pragmatism 181 (2012) (peer-reviewed journal). (An extended version of the essay was reprinted as Economic Development and the Problem with the Problem-Solving Approach, 5 Wash. U. Juris. Rev. 1 (2012)).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , The Market as a Legal Concept, 60 Buff. L. Rev. 387(2012).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Race as a Legal Concept, 2 Colum. J. Race & L. 1(2012).
Furman, Patrick , Colorado Evidentiary Foundations (with Bailin, England & Imwinkelreid), Michie (Second Edition 2008; Supplements 2010 and 2012) .
Furman, Patrick , Colorado DUI Benchbook (Third Edition, Continuing Legal Education in Colorado. Inc., 2006) Managing Editor and Chapter Author; Managing Editor and Chapter Author for updates in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 .
Gazur, Wayne M. , Coming to Terms with the Uniform Probate Code's Reformation of Wills, 64 South Carolina L. Rev. 403 (2012).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Renegotiating the Social Contract, 110 MICH. L. REV. 1083 (2012) (review of Maxine Eichner's THE SUPPORTIVE STATE: FAMILIES, GOVERNMENT, AND AMERICA'S POLITICAL IDEALS).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Pregnancy, Equality, and the U.S. Constitution, in FEMINIST CONSTITUTIONALISM (Beverly Baines, Daphne Barak-Erez & Tsvi Kahana eds., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2012).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , The Flight from Judgement: Reflections on Ben Barton's Empirical Study of Supreme Court Justice Pre-Appointment Experience, 64 Fla. L. Rev. 34 (2012).
Kiernan-Johnson, Derek H. , A Shift to Narrativity, 9 Legal Comm. & Rhetoric 81 (2012).
Krakoff, Sarah , Planetarian Identity Formation and the Relocalization of Environmental Law, 64 Fla. L. Rev. 87 (2012).
Krakoff, Sarah , Inextricably Political: Race, Membership and Tribal Sovereignty, 87 Washington Law Review 1041 (2012).
Krakoff, Sarah , Tribes, Land and Environment, Sarah Krakoff & Ezra Rosser, eds, (Ashgate 2012).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Limited Liability Companies: A Governance Perspective (a chapter in SAGE HANDBOOK ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, Spring, 2012) .
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC in a Nutshell, (Thomson/West, 5th ed.) (2012).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Limited Liability Companies: A Governance Perspective, in Sage Handbook on Corporate Governance 81 (Thomas Clarke & Douglas Branson eds., 2012) .
Mueller, Christopher B. , Evidence (5th ed. 2012, Wolters-Kluwer) (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick) .
Mueller, Christopher B. , Evidence Black Letter (3d ed. 2012, Thompson-West) (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick) .
Mueller, Christopher B. , Evidence Practice Under the Rules (4th ed. 2012, Wolters-Kluwer) (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick and Charles H. Rose III) .
Nagel, Robert F. , Partiality and Disclosure in Supreme Court Opinions, 7 N.W. J.L. & Soc. Pol'y 116 (2012).
Norton, Helen , Secrets, Lies, and Disclosures, 27 Journal of Law and Politics 641 (2012).
Norton, Helen , The Equal Implications of Government's Hateful Speech, 54 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 159 (2012).
Norton, Helen , Government Speech in Transition, 57 S.Dak. L. Rev. 421 (2012).
Pappas, Michael (with Mark S. Davis), Escaping the Sporhase Maze: Protecting State Waters Within the Commerce Clause, 73 La. L. Rev. 175 (2012).
Pizzi, William T. , Understanding the United States' Incarceration Rate, 95 Judicature 207 (2012).
Pizzi, William T. , Rethinking Attempt Under the Model Penal Code, 9 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 771 (2012).
Roithmayr, Daria , Prisons, Poverty and Power (reviewing Ian Haney Lopez, Post-Racial Racialism, 98 CAL. L. REV. 1023 (2010)), JOTWELL (October 2012).
Schlag, Pierre , Four Conceptualizations of the Relations of Law to Economics (Tribulations of a Positivist Social Science), 33 Cardozo L. Rev. 2357 (2012).
Schlag, Pierre , The Faculty Workshop, 60 Buff. L. Rev. 807 (2012).
Schwartz, Andrew , The Perpetual Corporation, 80 George Washington Law Review 764 (2012).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott with Christopher Klimmek, Tenth Amendment Challenges after Bond v. United States, 46 UNIV. SAN FRANCISCO LAW REVIEW 995 (2012).
Squillace, Mark , The Judicial Assault on the Clean Water Act, Fed. Law., July 2012, at 33.
Squillace, Mark (with Alexander Hood), NEPA, Climate Change, and Public Lands Decision Making, 42 Envtl. L. 469 (2012).
Squillace, Mark , The NEPA Litigation Guide, (ed. with Albert M. Ferlo & Karin P. Sheldon, 2d ed. 2012).
Squillace, Mark , NEPA and Climate Change (with Alexander Hood), in THE NEPA LITIGATION GUIDE 261 (Albert M. Ferlo, Karin P. Sheldon & Mark Squillace eds., 2d ed. 2012).
Surden, Harry , Computable Contracts, 46 U.C. Davis Law Review 629 (2012).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Benjamin, Shelanski & Speta), Telecommunications Law and Policy, (3d ed. 2012).
Anaya, S. James (co-author, with Hurst Hannum & Dinah L. Shelton), International Human Rights: Problems of Law, Policy, and Practice, (5th ed. 2011).
Benhalim, Rabea with Wittes & Bennett, Rationalizing Government Collection Authorities: A Proposal for Radical Simplification, GOVERNANCE STUDIES AT BROOKINGS (Jan. 7, 2011).
Bruff, Harold (with Peter M. Shane), Separation of Powers Law, 3d. Edition (2011).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with R.J.Allen), To Tow or Not to Tow: The Deterrence Effect of a Municipal Ordinance, 47 Criminal Law Bulletin 410 (2011).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , Under Attack: Terrorism Risk Insurance Regulation, 89 North Carolina Law Review 387 (2011).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , An End to Terrorism Risk Insurance Regulation?, George Mason Law School, Center for Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Report, November 2011.
Cantrell, Deborah , Can Compassionate Practice Also Be Good Legal Practice?: Answers From the Lives of Buddhist Lawyers, 12 RUTGERS J. LAW & RELIGION 1-75 (2011).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Book Review of Defying the Odds: The Tule River Tribe's Struggle for Sovereignty in Three Centuries by Gelya Frank and Carole Goldberg, 35 American Indian Quarterly 260 (2011) .
Chapin, Violeta , Silencio! Undocumented Immigrants and the Right to Silence, 17 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 119 (2011).
Gazur, Wayne M. (with Robert M. Phillips), Estate Planning: Principles and Problems, (Aspen 3d ed.) (2011).
Gerding, Erik , "Complexity," Information Failures in the Financial Crisis, and Reinventing Securities Disclosure, in RISK MANAGEMENT AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (Tassos Malliaris & Abolhassan Jalilvand, eds., 2011)(Routledge).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Not of Woman Born: A Scientific Fantasy, 62 CASE WESTERN RESERVE L. REV. 399 (2011).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , In Defense of the Substance-Procedure Dichotomy, 89 WASH. U. L. REV. 103 (2011).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Teaching Values, Teaching Stereotypes: Sex Ed and Indoctrination in Public Schools, with Dawn Howerton, 13 U. PENN. J. CONST. L. 589 (2011).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Teaching Controversial Topics: Reproductive Rights, with Beth Burkstrand-Reid and June Carbone, 49 FAM. CT. REV. 678 (2011).
Hill, David S. , Landlord and Tenant Law In a Nutshell, (5th ed.) (2011).
Krakoff, Sarah , Radical Adaptation, Justice and American Indian Nations, 4 Environmental Justice 207 (2011).
Krakoff, Sarah , Parenting the Planet, in The Ethics of Global Climate Change 145, Denis G. Arnold, ed. (Cambridge U. Press, 2011).
Krakoff, Sarah , Mark the Plumber v. Tribal Empire, or Non-Indian Anxiety v. Tribal Sovereignty?: The Story of Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe, in Indian Law Stories 261, C. Goldberg, K. Washburn & P. Frickey, eds. (Foundation Press, 2011).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Veil Piercing to Non-owners: A Practical and Theoretical Inquiry, 41 Seton Hall Law Review 839 (2011).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Wilkes v. Springside Nursing Home, Inc.: An Historical Perspective (forthcoming, Western New England Law Review, Fall, 2011) .
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC--The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 8th ed. (2011).
Loewenstein, Mark J. Loewenstein (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (LexisNexis, abr. 8th ed.) (2011).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (LexisNexis, abr. 8th ed.) (2011).
Moss, Scott (with Nantiya Ruan), The Second-Class Class Action: How Courts Thwart Wage Rights by Misapplying Class Action Rules, 61 American U. L. Rev. 523-583 (2011).
Moss, Scott , The Overhyped Path from Tinker to Morse: How the Student Speech Cases Show the Limits of Supreme Court Decisions - for the Law and for the Litigants, 64 Florida L. Rev. 1407-57 (2011) (Winner, Annual Scholarship Award, Byron White Center for American Constitutional Law).
Moss, Scott , The Story of Tinker v. Des Moines to Morse v. Frederick: Similar Stories of Very Different Results for Very DifferentStudentSpeech: Chapter 14 in Garnett&Koppelman,FirstAmendmentStories (Foundation Press 2011) .
Moss, Scott , Yes, Labor Markets Are Flawed - But So Is the Economic Case for Mandating Employee Voice in Corporate Governance, 94 Marq. L. Rev. 933-953 (2011) (invited symposium contribution).
Mueller, Christopher B. , Twenty-First Century Procedure (Draft 1st edition 2011, Aspen Custom Publishing) .
Mueller, Christopher B. , Evidence Under the Rules (7th ed. 2011, Wolters-Kluwer) (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick) .
Nagel, Robert F. , Loose Lips Sink Ships, 11 Claremont Rev. Bks. 38 (Winter 2010-Spring 2011) (reviewing Gabriel Schoenfeld, Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and the Rule of Law (2010)).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Disappearing Government Information and the Internet's Public Domain, 36(3) Admin. & Reg. L. News 5 (Spring 2011).
Norton, Helen , Campaign Speech Law With a Twist: When Government is the Speaker, Not the Regulator, 61 Emory L.J. 209 (2011).
Norton, Helen , Intermediaries and Hate Speech: Fostering Digital Citizenship for the Information Age, 91 Boston U. L. Rev. 1435 (2011) (with Danielle Keats Citron).
Norton, Helen , Imaginary Threats to Government's Expressive Interests, 61 Case Western Res. L. Rev. 1265 (2011).
Norton, Helen , Excluding Unemployed Workers from Job Opportunities: Why Disparate Impact Protections Still Matter, 2011 HASTINGS L.J. VOIR DIRE 1.
Norton, Helen , The Court's Post-Racial Turn, Legal Workshop, Feb. 28, 2011.
Pappas, Michael , Unnatural Resource Law: Situating Desalination in Coastal Resource and Water Law Doctrines, 86 Tul. L. Rev. 81 (2011).
Pizzi, William T. , The Need to Overrule Mapp v. Ohio, 82 U. Colo. L. Rev. 679 (2011), reprinted in 39 Search & Seizure L. Rep. 29 (2012).
Ramsey, Carolyn , A Diva Defends Herself: Gender and Domestic Violence in an Early Twentieth-Century Headline Trial, 55 Saint Louis University Law Journal 1347 (2011) (invited symposium).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Domestic Violence and State Intervention in the American West and Australia, 1860-1930, 86 Indiana Law Journal 185 (2011).
Schwartz, Andrew , Consumer Contract Exchanges and the Problem of Adhesion, 28 Yale Journal on Regulation 313 (2011).
Schwartz, Andrew , Old Enough to Fight, Old Enough to Swipe: A Critique of the Infancy Rule in the Federal Credit CARD Act, 2011 Utah Law Review 407.
Surden, Harry , Efficient Uncertainty in Patent Interpretation, 68 Wash & Lee L. Rev 1737 (2011).
Thompson, Jane , Trials of the Century: An Encyclopedia of Popular Culture and the Law, 50(4) Reference & User Serv. Q. 402 (2011).
Weiser, Philip J. , Towards an International Dialogue on the Institutional Side of Antitrust, 66 N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 445 (2011).
Weiser, Philip J. , Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Information Age, 9 J. on Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 1 (2011).
Anaya, S. James (co-author, with Paul Finkelman & Gabriel J. (Jack) Chin), Parents, Children, and Citizenship by Birth, The Huffington Post, (Aug. 19, 2010), revised version reprinted under the title The Faces of the 14th Amendment, Newsday A39 (Sept. 3, 2010).
Benhalim, Rabea with Wittes & Chesney, The Emerging Law of Detention: The Guantánamo Habeas Cases as Lawmaking, GOVERNANCE STUDIES AT BROOKINGS (Jan. 22, 2010).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , The Quality of Academic Law Library Online Catalogs and Its Effect on Information Retrieval, 102 Law Library Journal 599 (2010).
Bruff, Harold , Presidential Power Meets Bureaucratic Expertise, 11 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 461 (2010).
Bruff, Harold , Placing Your Faith in the Constitution, 45 Tulsa L. Rev. 583 (2010).
Cantrell, Deborah , What's Love Got to Do With It?: Contemporary Lessons on Lawyerly Advocacy From the Preacher Martin Luther King, Jr., 22 ST. THOMAS L. REV. 296-340 (2010).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association: Challenging the Narrative of Conquest, in Indian Law Stories (C. Goldberg, K.Washburn, and P. Frickey, eds.,) (Foundation Press) (with A. Bowers) (2011).
Collins, Richard B. , Propaganda for War and Transparency, 87 Denv. U. L. Rev. 819 (2010) (Symposium: Government Speech)..
Collins, Richard B. , Affirmative Action in American Constitutional Law, translated into Chinese by Xu Tieying and published in the Chinese language journal, VII Roman Law and Modern Civil Law 367 (Xu Guodong ed., 2010)..
Collins, Richard B. , Book Review, 50 Am. J. Legal Hist. 105 (Jan. 2008-2010), (reviewing David J. Bederman, The Classical Foundations of the American Constitution: Prevailing Wisdom (2008)).
Gazur, Wayne M. , An Arm's Length Solution to the Shareholder Loan Tax Puzzle, 40 Seton Hall L. Rev. 407 (2010).
Gerding, Erik , The Outsourcing of Financial Regulation to Risk Models, in essons from the Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Our Economic Future 293 (Robert W. Kolb ed., 2010).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Body and Soul: Pregnancy, Equality, and the Unitary Right to Abortion, 45 HARV. C.R.-C.L. L. REV. 329 (2010).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Contingent Equal Protection: Reaching for Equality After Ricci and PICS, 16 MICH. J. GENDER & L. 397 (2010).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Converging Trajectories: Interest Convergence, Justice Kennedy, and Jeannie Suk's "Trajectory of Trauma, " 110 COLUM. L. REV. SIDEBAR 63 (2010).
Reprinted in WOMEN AND THE LAW (Tracy Thomas, ed., West 2011).
Kiernan-Johnson, Derek H. , Telling Through Type: Typography and Narrative in Legal Briefs, 7 J. Ass'n Legal Writing Directors 87 (Fall 2010).
Krakoff, Sarah , The Last Indian Raid in Kansas: Context, Colonialism, and Philip P. Frickey's Contributions to American Indian Law, 98 Cal. L. Rev. 1253 (2010) (Tribute Issue in Honor of Philip P. Frickey).
Krakoff, Sarah , Tribal Civil Jurisdiction over Nonmembers: A Practical guide for Judges, 81 Colorado Law Review 1187 (2010).
Krakoff, Sarah , When and How to Analyze Climate Change under the National Environmental Policy Act (with Stuart C. Gillespie), 2010, No. 4, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Special Institute Paper (Oct., 2010).
Krakoff, Sarah , American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary, Robert Anderson, Bethany Berger, Philip Fricky & Sarah Krakoff (Thomson/West, 2d ed. 2010).
Krakoff, Sarah , Ethical Perspectives on Resources Law and Policy: Global Warming and Our Common Future, in The Evolution of Natural Resources Law and Policy 29 (Lawrence J. MacDonnell & Sarah F. Bates eds., 2010).
Mueller, Christopher B. , Rules of Evidence, With Advisory Committee's Notes and Legislative History (2012, Wolters-Kluwer) (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick) .
Nagel, Robert F. , Stevens, the Radical, The Weekly Standard, Apr. 26, 2010, at 11. (2010).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Relevance of Results Generated by Human Indexing and Computer Algorithms: A Study of West's Headnotes and Key Numbers and Lexis's Headnotes and Topics, 102 Law Libr. J. 221 (2010).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Boulder Statement on Legal Research Pedagogy, The Conference on Legal Information: Scholarship and Teaching, University of Colorado Law School in Boulder, Colorado, July 21-22, 2010 (original drafter and signatory).
Norton, Helen , The Supreme Court's Post-Racial Turn Towards a Zero-Sum Understanding of Equality, 52 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 197 (2010).
Norton, Helen , Government Speech 2.0., 87 Denv. U. L. Rev. 899 (2010) (with Danielle Keats Citron).
Norton, Helen , Shining a Light on Democracy's Dark Lagoon, 61 S. CAR. L. REV. 535 (2010).
Norton, Helen , Regulating Cyberharassment: Some Thoughts on Sexual Harassment 2.0, 87 DENV. U. L. REV. ONLINE 11 (2010).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Provoking Change: Comparative Insights on Feminist Homicide Law Reform, 100 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 33 (2010).
Robinson, Colene , Building a Defense and Helping Families in the Child Welfare System: A Respondent Parent Curriculum for Improving the Child Welfare System, Colorado Supreme Court, Court Improvement Program, 2010.
Roithmayr, Daria , Lessons From Mazibuko: Shifting From Rights to the Commons, CONSTITUTIONAL COURT REVIEW 317 (2010) (peer reviewed South African journal).
Roithmayr, Daria , Racial Cartels, 16 MICH. J. RACE AND LAW 45 (2010).
Schlag, Pierre , Formalism and Realism in Ruins (Mapping the Logics of Collapse), 95 Iowa L. Rev. 195 (2010).
Schwartz, Andrew , A 'Standard Clause Analysis' of the Frustration Doctrine and the Material Adverse Change Clause, 57 UCLA Law Review 789 (2010).
Squillace, Mark , Climate Change and Institutional Competence, 41 U. Tol. L. Rev. 889 (2010) (Climate Change and the Future of Energy).
Squillace, Mark , Embracing a Civic Republican Tradition in Natural Resources Decision-Making, in The Evolution of Natural Resources Law and Policy 195 (Lawrence J. MacDonnell & Sarah F. Bates eds., 2010). (2010).
Surden, Harry , The Variable Determinacy Thesis, 12 Columbia Science and Technology Law Review 1 (2010-2011).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Gideon Parchomovsky), Beyond Fair Use, 96 Cornell L. Rev. 91 (2010).
Weiser, Philip J. (with John Gastil, E. Pierre Deess & Cindy Simmons), How Jury Deliberation Promotes Civic Engagement and Political Participation, Oxford University Press (2010).
Weiser, Philip J. , What Carrier Doesn't Address, 61 Ala. L. Rev. 571 (Review: Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law). (2010).
Wesson, Marianne , "Low Connections": Some Wisdom for the Academic Lawyer in a History of English Magic, in Law and Magic: A Collection of Essays 387 (Christine A. Corcos ed.) (2010).
Anaya, S. James , Observations on the Situation of the Charco la Pava Community and Other Communities Affected by the Chan 75 Hydroelectric Project in Panama, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.5 (Sept. 7, 2009).
Anaya, S. James , Observations on the Situation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Region and the Events of 5 June and the Following Days in Bagua and Utcubamba Provinces, Peru, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.8 (Aug. 18, 2009).
Anaya, S. James , The Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Chile: Follow-Up to the Recommendations Made by the Previous Special Rapporteur, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.6 (Oct. 5, 2009).
Anaya, S. James , Report on the Situation of Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, U.N.Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.2 (Aug. 26, 2009).
Anaya, S. James , Summary of Communications Transmitted and Replies Received, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.1 (Sept. 18, 2009).
Anaya, S. James , Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34 (July 15, 2009).
Anaya, S. James , Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, U.N. Doc. A/64/338 (Sept. 4, 2009).
Anaya, S. James , The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in International Protection of Human Rights: A Textbook 273 (Catarina Krause & Martin Scheinin eds., 2009).
Anaya, S. James , Por qué no debería de existir la Declaración sobre Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, en Declaración sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas: Hacia un Mundo Intercultural y Sostenible 37 (Natalia Álvarez Molinero et al. eds., 2009).
Anaya, S. James , Gaining Legal Recognition of Indigenous Land Rights: The Story of the Awas Tingni Case in Nicaragua, in Human Rights Advocacy Stories 117 (Deena R. Hurwitz & Margaret L. Satterthwaite eds. with Doug Ford, 2009) (co-author, with Maia S. Campbell).
Anaya, S. James , Nicaragua's Titling of Communal Lands Marks Major Step for Indigenous Rights, 28 Indian Country Today, Jan. 5, 2009, at 5..
Bloom, Frederic , Jurisdiction's Noble Lie, 61 Stanford Law Review 971 (2009).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Holy Grail Getting Closer at Colorado Law: One Search for Catalog and Articles, 35 Technical Services Law Librarian, 29 (Dec. 2009).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Contributing author to "TechScans," quarterly column in Technical Services Law Librarian, v.35 (2009) to current issue.
Bruff, Harold , Bad Advice: Bush's Lawyers in the War on Terror, (Univ. of Kansas Press) (2009).
Bruff, Harold , The Story of Dames & Moore: Resolution of an International Crisis by Executive Agreement, in Presidential Power Stories (Foundation Press). (2009).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , In Defense of Property, 118 Yale Law Journal 1022 (with S. Katyal & A. Riley) (2009).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Interpretive Sovereignty, 33 American Indian Law Review 111 (2009).
Collins, Richard B. , Telluride's Tale of Eminent Domain, Home Rule, and Retroactivity, 86 Den. U. L. Rev. 1433 (symposium). (2009).
Collins, Richard B. , 38(11) Colo. Law. 101 (Nov. 2009), (reviewing American Indian Law Deskbook, 4th ed.) (2008).
Corbridge, James (with A. Dan Tarlock, David H. Getches & Reed Benson), Water Resource Management: A Casebook in Law and Public Policy, (Foundation Press, 6th ed.) (2009).
England, Ann (with H. Patrick Furman), The Expanded Use of the Res Gestae Doctrine, 38(6) Colo. Law. 35 (2009).
Furman, Patrick (with Ann England), The Expanded Use of the Res Gestae Doctrine, 38(6) Colo. Law. 35 (2009).
Furman, Patrick , Colorado DUI Benchbook: 2009 Cumulative Supplement, (Continuing Legal Educ. in Colo., 3d ed. 2005-) (H. Patrick Furman, managing editor) (2009).
Furman, Patrick , Hearsay: Common Exclusions, Exceptions and Pitfalls, in Evidence for the Civil and Criminal Practitioner and Special Evidentiary Issues, in Criminal Law (Continuing Legal Educ. in Colo., 2009).
Gerding, Erik , Code, Crash, and Open Source: The Outsourcing of Financial Regulation to Risk Models and the Global Financial Crisis, 84 Wash. L. Rev. 127 (2009), reprinted in 42 Sec. L. Rev. 67 (2010).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Arctic Nuclear Pollution, in The Oceans and the Nuclear Age: Legacies and Risks (David D. Caron & Harry N. Scheiber eds.) (2009).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Energy Justice, in Climate Change: A Reader (William H. Rodgers, Jr., et al. eds.) (2009).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with James Rubin and others), International Environmental Law, in Environment, Energy, and Resources Law: The Year in Review 2008, at 92 (Robert Butkin et al. eds., Am. Bar Ass'n) (2009).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone, 76 TENN. L. REV. 417 (2009).
Krakoff, Sarah , Healing the West with Taxes: The Navajo Nation and the Enactment of Sovereignty, in Remedies for a New West: Healing Landscapes, Histories and Cultures, Patricia Nelson Limerick, Andrew Cowell & Sharon K. Collinge, eds. (U. of Arizona Press) (2009).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Colonial Cousins: Explaining India and Canada's Unwritten Constitutional Principles, 34 YALE J. INT'L L. 207 (2009).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , The Diverging Meaning of Good Faith, 34 DELAWARE JOURNAL OF CORPORATE LAW 433 (2009)(reprinted in 43 BANK AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE.LAW REPORTER 305 (2009)).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with Douglas M. Branson, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Marc I. Steinberg, and Manning G. Warren), Business Enterprises: Legal Structures, Governance and Policy: Cases, Materials, and Problems, (LexisNexis Matthew Bender) (2009).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with Douglas M. Branson, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Marc I. Steinberg, and Manning G. Warren), Business Enterprises: Legal Structures, Governance and Policy: Cases, Materials, and Problems, (LexisNexis Matthew Bender 2nd ed.) (2009).
Moss, Scott , Litigation Discovery Cannot Be Optimal but Could Be Better: The Economics of Improving Discovery Timing in a Digital Age, 58 Duke L.J. 889 (2009).
Moss, Scott (with Peter H. Huang), How the New Economics Can Improve Discrimination Law, and How Economics Can Survive the Demise of the "Rational Actor", 51 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 183 (2009).
Moss, Scott , The Courts under President Obama, 86 Denv. U. L. Rev. 727 (Special Issue: Obama Phenomena) (2009).
Moss, Scott , Reluctant Judicial Factfinding: When Minimalism and Judicial Modesty Go Too Far, 32 Seattle U. L. Rev. 549 (Symposium: Alternative Visions of the Judicial Role) (2009).
Nagel, Robert F. , The Hot Seat, Nat'l Rev., June 8, 2009, at 46 (reviewing Lucas A. Powe, Jr., The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2008) (2009).
Nagel, Robert F. , Questioning Sotomayor: The Senate Hearings Needn't Be Worthless, The Weekly Standard, July 13, 2009, at 8 (2009).
Nagel, Robert F. , The Incivility Epidemic: How the Supreme Court's Defamation Decisions Coarsened Our Public Life, The Weekly Standard, Dec. 7, 2009, at 18 (2009).
Nagel, Robert F. (Stanley N. Katz), Judicial Power, in The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History 406 (2009).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Internet's Public Domain: Access to Government Information on the Internet, 12 No. 9 J. Internet L. 3 (2009).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Boulder Statement on Legal Research Education, The Conference on Legal Information: Scholarship and Teaching, University of Colorado Law School in Boulder, Colorado, June 21-22, 2009 (original drafter and signatory).
Norton, Helen , Constraining Public Employee Speech: Government's Control of Its Workers' Speech to Protect Its Own Expression, 59 Duke L.J. 1 (2009).
Norton, Helen , Constraining Public Employee Speech, Legal Workshop, Oct. 19, 2009.
Pizzi, William T. , Colorado v. Connelly: What Really Happened, 7 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 377 (2009).
Ramsey, Carolyn , In the Sweat Box: A Historical Perspective on the Detention of Material Witnesses, 6 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 681 (2009) (peer refereed).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Criminal Law: United States Law, in Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History (Stanley Katz et al. eds.) New York: Oxford University Press, (2009) (peer refereed).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Commentary: Was the Bill of Rights Irrelevant to Nineteenth-Century State Criminal Procedure?, 18 J. Contemp. Legal Issues 501 (2009) (peer refereed) (invited symposium).
Schlag, Pierre , Spam Jurisprudence, Air Law, and the Rank Anxiety of Nothing Happening (A Report on the State of the Art), 97 Geo. L.J. 803 (2009).
Schlag, Pierre , The Dedifferentiation Problem, 42(1) Cont. Philos. Rev. 35 (Special Issue on Continental Philosophy of Law) (2009).
Schlag, Pierre , Critical Legal Studies, in The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History 295 (Stanley N. Katz ed.) (2009).
Schlag, Pierre , Law and Philosophy in the Hyperreal, in On Philosophy in American Law 257 (Francis J. Mootz III ed.) (2009).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , House of Wisdom or a House of Cards? Why Teaching Islam in U.S Foreign Detention Facilities Violates the Establishment Clause, 88 NEBRASKA LAW REVIEW 341 (2009).
Squillace, Mark , Embracing a Civic Republican Tradition in Natural Resources Decision-Making, in The Evolution of Natural Resources Law and Policy (Sarah F. Bates & Lawrence J. MacDonnell eds.) (2009).
Thompson, Jane (with Barbara Bintliff, Alicia Brillon & Alan Pannell), Computer-Based Interactive Lesson (co-authored): Colorado Legal Research: Primary Source Materials, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (2009).
Thompson, Jane , Rights of the Disabled, 48(4) Reference & User Serv. Q. 412 (2009).
Weiser, Philip J. , Regulating Interoperability: Lessons From AT&T, Microsoft, and Beyond, 76 Antitrust L.J. 271 (2009).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Marius Schwartz), Introduction to a Special Issue on Network Neutrality, 8 Review of Network Economics 1 (2009).
Weiser, Philip J. , The Future of Internet Regulation, 43 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 529 (2009).
Weiser, Philip J. , Institutional Design, FCC Reform, and the Hidden Side of the Administrative State, 61 Administrative Law Review 675 (2009).
Wesson, Marianne , Domesticated Monsters, in Criminal Law Conversations 262 (Paul H. Robinson, Stephen P. Garvey, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan eds.) (2009) (Comment on Ch. 12: Joseph E. Kennedy, Monstrous Offenders and the Search for Solidarity Through Modern Punishment)..
Anaya, S. James , Observaciones del Relator Especial sobre la situación de derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales de los indígenas acerca del proceso de revisión constitucional en el Ecuador [Analysis by the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties of Indigenous Peoples in the Process of Revising the Constitution of Ecuador], U.N. Doc. A/HRC/9/9/Add.1, Annex.1 (Aug. 15, 2008)..
Anaya, S. James , Summary of Communications Transmitted and Replies Received, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/9/9/Add.1 (Aug. 15, 2008).
Anaya, S. James , Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/9/9 (Aug. 11, 2008).
Anaya, S. James (co-author, with Maia S. Campbell), The Case of the Maya Villages of Belize: Reversing the Trend of Government Neglect to Secure Indigenous Land Rights, 8 Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 377 (2008).
Anaya, S. James , Reparations for Neglect of Indigenous Land Rights at the Intersection of Domestic and International Law - The Maya Cases in the Supreme Court of Belize, in Reparations for Indigenous Peoples: International and Comparative Perspectives 567 (Federico Lenzerini ed., 2008).
Bernthal, J. Brad (with Phil Weiser and Dale Hatfield), Study on the Health of the United States 9 1 1 Emergency Network: A Call to Action on 9-1-1, Colorado Law Journal on Telecommunications & High Technology Law, (2008).
Bernthal, J. Brad (with Nancy Jesuale), Smart Radios and Collaborative Public Safety Communications. Accepted, presented and published in IEEE Proceedings of the Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2008) Conference, Chicago, IL, October 14-17, (2008).
Bernthal, J. Brad (with Tim Brown, Dale Hatfield, Doug Sicker, Peter Tenhula, and Phil Weiser), Trends and Precedents Favoring a Regulatory Embrace of Smart Radio Technologies. Accepted, presented and published in Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, Paper selected for Plenary session of Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April (2007).
Bloom, Frederic , State Courts Unbound, 93 Cornell Law Review 501 (2008).
Briscoe, Georgia K. (with Yumin Jiang), The Wise Researcher: One Library's Experience Implementing a Federated Search Product, 12 AALL Spectrum 10 (November 2008).
Cantrell, Deborah , Common Ground: The Case for Collaboration Between Anti-Poverty Advocates and Public Interest Intellectual Property Advocates, 15 VA. J. SOC. POL'Y & L. 415-45 (2008).
Cantrell, Deborah (with Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Heather Lord & April Smith), Walking the Path of the Law: How Law Graduates Navigate Career Choices and Tolerate Jobs That Fail to Meet Expectations, 14 Cardozo J.L. & Gender 267 (2008).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Real Property and Peoplehood, 27 Stanford Environmental Law Journal 313 (2008).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Repairing Reparations in the American Indian Nation Context, in REPARATIONS FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES: INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES (F. Lenzerini, ed.) (Oxford University Press) (with S. Krakoff) (2008).
Collins, Richard B. , Book Review, 39(2) W. Hist. Q. 218 (reviewing Tribal Water Rights: Essays in Contemporary Law, Policy, and Economics (John E. Thorson, Sarah Britton & Bonnie G. Colby eds., 2006) (2008).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Extraterritoriality, Antitrust, and the Pragmatist Style, 22 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 499(2008).
Furman, Patrick , Opinion Testimony: Lay, Expert, or Something Else?, Colo. Law., June. at 33 (2008).
Furman, Patrick , Colorado DUI Benchbook: 2008 Cumulative Supplement, (Continuing Legal Educ. in Colo., 3d ed. 2005-) (H. Patrick Furman, managing editor) (2008).
Furman, Patrick , Colorado Evidentiary Foundations (with Bailin, England & Imwinkelreid), Michie (Second Edition) (2008).
Furman, Patrick , Witnesses, in Evidence: The Basics by the Experts, (Continuing Legal Educ. in Colo., 2008).
Gazur, Wayne M. (with Robert M. Phillips), Estate Planning: Principles and Problems, (Aspen 2d ed.) (2008).
Gerding, Erik , United States of America, in Directors' Personal Liability for Corporate Fault: A Comparative Analysis 301 (Helen Anderson ed., 2008).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Jane C. Luxton, Kevin L. Doran, Adam Reed & Elias Quinn), International Environmental Law,, in Environment, Energy, and Resources Law: The Year in Review 2007, at 97 (Irma Russell & Gary Allison et al. eds., Am. Bar Ass'n) (2008).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Popular Election of the President: Using or Abusing the Electoral College? 7 ELECTION L.J. 218 (2008) .
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Instead of ENDA, a Course Correction for Title VII, 103 NW. U. L. REV. COLLOQUY 209 (2008).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, ed. David S. Tanenhaus et al. (2008), entries on Wimberly v. Labor & Indus. Relations Comm'n and Califano v. Goldfarb .
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Nancy Jesuale), Smart Radios and Collaborative Public Safety Communications., Accepted for publication in IEEE Proceedings of the Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2008) Conference, Chicago, IL, October 14-17, 2008. (2008).
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Mark J. Loewenstein), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (LexisNexis, abr. 7th ed. 2008).
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Mark J. Loewenstein), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC in a Nutshell Loewenstein)., (Thomson/West, 4th ed. 2008).
Krakoff, Sarah , Afterthoughts from a "Buzz Killer", 32 Am. Ind. L. Rev. 151 (2007-2008) (Conference Transcript: The New Realism: The Next Generation of Scholarship in Federal Indian Law) (2008).
Krakoff, Sarah , American Indians, Climate Change, and Ethics for a Warming World, 85 Denv. U. L. Rev. 865 (2008).
Krakoff, Sarah , Conference Transcript: The New Realism: The Next Generation of Scholarship in Federal Indian Law (Taxation and Economic Development), 32 Am. Ind. L. Rev. 97 (2008).
Krakoff, Sarah , Repairing Reparations in the American Indian Nation Context, (with Kristen Carpenter) in "Reparations to Indigenous Peoples in Comparative and International Law," Oxford University Press (2008).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC in a Nutshell, (Thomson/West, 4th ed.) (2008).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (LexisNexis, abr. 7th ed.) (2008).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Selected Statutes and Form Agreements, 2008 Edition (LexisNexis) (2008).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with Ann E. Conaway), Case Law Update and Colorado v. Delaware Entities, in, 8th Annual Business Law Institute (Continuing Legal Educ. in Colo.) (2008).
Moss, Scott , The Intriguing Federalist Future of Reproductive Rights, 88 B.U. L. Rev. 175 (with Douglas M. Raines) (2008).
Nagel, Robert F. , R-e-s-p-e-c-t: The Next Stage in Litigating Same-Sex Marriage, The Weekly Standard, Oct. 13, at 16. (2008).
Nagel, Robert F. , Voting Rights and Wrongs,, Claremont Rev. Bks. 40 (Winter 2008/09) (reviewing Anthony A. Peacock, Deconstructing the Republic: Voting Rights, the Supreme Court, and the Founders' Republicanism Reconsidered (2008).
Nagel, Robert F. , Marriage and Practical Knowledge, 50 S. Tex. L. Rev. 37 (Symposium: Gay Marriage in the Conservative Movement) (2008).
Nagel, Robert F. , Unrestrained: Judicial Excess and the Mind of the American Lawyer, Transaction Publishers (2008).
Nagel, Robert F. , Federalism and Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997), in, Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (David S. Tanenhaus ed., Macmillan Reference USA) (2008).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Chains of the Constitution and Legal Process in the Library: A Post-Patriot Reauthorization Act Assessment, 33 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 435 (2008).
Norton, Helen , The Measure of Government Speech: Identifying Expression's Source, 88 Boston U. L. Rev. 587 (2008).
Norton, Helen , Government Workers and Government Speech, 7 First Amendment L. Rev. 75 (2008).
Pappas, Michael , No Two-Stepping in the Laboratories: State Deference Standards and Their Implications for Improving the Chevron Doctrine, 39 McGeorge L. Rev. 977 (2008).
Pizzi, William T. , "Makeup Calls" in Sports & Courts, 11 Green Bag 2d 333 (2008).
Pizzi, William T. , A Comparative Look at the Roles and Functions of the Prosecution and Defense in Western Trial Systems, (Shlomo Giroa Shoham, Ori Beck & Martin Kett eds.) (2008).
Pizzi, William T. , The Influence of Criminal Defendants' Afrocentric Features on Their Sentences, in Critical Race Realism: Intersections of Psychology, Race, and Law (New Press) (with Irene V. Blair & Charles M. Judd). (2008).
Pizzi, William T. , Sentencing in the U.S.: An Inquisitorial Soul in an Adversarial Body?, in Crime, Procedure and Evidence in a Comparative and International Context: Essays in Honour of Professor Mirjan Damaska 65 (John Jackson, Maximo Langer and Peter Tillers eds.). (2008).
Schlag, Pierre (with Kimberly C. Diego), Slavery, Restatements of the Law (US), and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), in The New Oxford Companion to Law (Peter Cane & Joanne Conaghan eds.) (2008).
Schlag, Pierre , Nudge, Choice Architecture, and Libertarian Paternalism, 108 Mich. L. Rev. 913 (2010) ((reviewing Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein, Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness (2008)). (2008).
Schlag, Pierre , Kandinsky or Hart?, The Crit, Symposium (2008).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Abbott, AIDS, and the ADA: Why a Per Se Disability Rule for HIV/AIDS is Both Just and a Must, DUKE JOURNAL OF GENDER LAW & POLICY 1 (2008).
Squillace, Mark (with J. Rasband & J. Salzman), Natural Resources Law and Policy, (2d ed. Foundation Press) (2008).
Squillace, Mark , Meaningful Engagement: Public Participation in Resource Decisions, in The Evolution of Natural Resources Law and Policy (ABA) (2008).
Waggoner, Michael J. , Why and How to Tax Carbon, 20 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L. & Pol'y 1 (2008).
Waggoner, Michael J. , IRC Section 71 May Impoverish Children, Endanger Ex-Wives, and Disrupt Federalism, 46 Fam. Ct. Rev. 574 (2008).
Weiser, Philip J. , The Next Frontier for Network Neutrality, 50 Admin. L. Rev. 273 (2008).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Dale Hatfield), Spectrum Policy Reform and the Next Frontier of Property Rights, 15 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 549 (2008).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Dale N. Hatfield), Property Rights in Spectrum: A Reply to Hazlett, 15 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 1025 (2008).
Weiser, Philip J. , Reexamining the Legacy of Dual Regulation: Reforming Dual Merger Review by the DOJ and the FCC, 61 Fed. Comm. L.J. 167 (2008) (Conference: The Enduring Lessons of the Breakup of AT&T: A Twenty-Five Year Retrospective). (2008).
Weiser, Philip J. , Alfred Kahn As A Case Study of A Political Entrepreneur, 7 Review of Network Economics 601 (2008).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Dale Hatfield and Brad Bernthal), The Future of 9-1-1: New Technologies and the Need for Reform, 6 J. on Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 213 (2008).
Weiser, Philip J. , Making The World Safe For Standard Setting in The Impact of Globalization on the United States. Vol. 2, Law and Governance, Beverly Crawford, ed. (2008).
Weiser, Philip J. , Rethinking Merger Remedies: Toward a Harmonization of Regulatory Oversight with Antitrust Merger Review, in Antitrust and Regulation in the EU and US: Legal and Economic Perspectives (Francois Leveque & Howard Shelanski eds.) (2008)..
Wesson, Marianne , Dunya, 76 UMKC L. Rev. 795 (Law Stories: Tales from Legal Practice, Experience, and Education) (2008).
Wesson, Marianne (with Paul Bergman), I am going with a man by the name of Hillmon, in Trial Stories (Michael E. Tigar & Angela J. Davis eds.) (2008).
Anaya, S. James , Keynote Address: Indigenous Law and Its Contribution to Global Pluralism, 6 Indigenous L.J. 3 (2007).
Anaya, S. James , Keynote Address: Indigenous Peoples and Their Mark on the International Legal System, 31 Am. Indian L. Rev. 257 (2006 - 2007)..
Bruff, Harold , The Incompatibility Principle, 59 Admin. L. Rev. 225-268 (2007).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with R.J. Allen), The Judicial Treatment of Non-Economic Compensatory Damages in the Nineteenth Century, 4 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 365 (2007).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with J.A. Lentini), Arbitration of International Oil, Gas, and Energy Disputes in Latin America, 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 591 (2007).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with M.Shafe), Beyond Enron: Regulation in Energy Derivatives Trading, 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 665 (2007).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with R.J.Allen & S.S.Roth), An External Perspective on the Nature of Noneconomic Compensatory Damages and Their Regulation, 56 DePaul Law Review 1249 (2007).
Cantrell, Deborah , Sensational Reports: The Ethical Duty of Cause Lawyers to be Competent in Public Advocacy, 30 HAMLINE L. REV. 567-85 (2007).
Collins, Richard B. , The Colorado Constitution in the New Century, 78 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1265 (2007).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , At War with the Eclectics: Mapping Pragmatism in Contemporary Legal Analysis, 2007 Mich. St. L. Rev. 565 (2007).
Furman, Patrick , Colorado DUI Benchbook: 2007 Cumulative Supplement, (Continuing Legal Educ. in Colo., 3d ed.) (H. Patrick Furman, managing editor) (2007).
Gerding, Erik , Laws Against Bubbles: An Experimental Asset Market Approach to Analyzing Financial Regulation, 2007 Wis. L. Rev. 977 (2007).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , International Environmental Law in a Nutshell, 3d edition, (2007).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with D.D. Caron And H.N. Scheiber), Arctic Nuclear Pollution, in Oceans In The Nuclear Age: Legacies And Risks, Ch. 12 (David Caron and Harry Scheiber eds., Berkeley University Press) (2007).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Kevin Doran), The Effectiveness and Impacts of International Energy Treaties, in From Barriers to Opportunities: Renewable Energy Issues in Law and Policy, at 89 (Coppock et al. eds., Yale) (2007).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Essentially a Mother, 13 WM. & MARY J. WOMEN & L. 429 (2007).
Hill, David S. , Basic Mortgage Law, Cases and Materials, (2nd ed.) (2007).
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Mark J. Loewenstein), Teacher's Manual for Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (LexisNexis, 7th ed.) (2007).
Krakoff, Sarah , Keeping an Eye on the Golden Snitch: Implications of the Interdisciplinary Approach in the Fourth Generation of Natural Resources Law Casebooks, 78 U. Colo. L. Rev. 751 (2007).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , A Perspective on Federal Corporation Law, 2 J. Bus. & Tech. L. 425 (Conference: The Fall and Rise of Federal Corporation Law) (2007).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC--The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 7th ed. (2007).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises, (7th Ed. abridged version) (2007).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Selected Statutes and Form Agreements, (for Agency, Partnership and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises, 2007 Ed.).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Teacher's Manual, (for Agency, Partnership and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises, 2007 Ed.).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Case Law Update: Review of Important Colorado Cases, in 7th Annual Business Law Institute (Continuing Legal Educ. In Colo.) (2007).
Moss, Scott , Illuminating Secrecy: A New Economic Analysis of Confidential Settlements, 105 Mich. L. Rev. 867 (2007).
Moss, Scott , Students and Workers and Prisoners'Oh, My!: A Cautionary Note About Excessive Institutional Tailoring of First Amendment Doctrine, 54 UCLA L. Rev. 1635 (Symposium: Constitutional "Niches": The Role of Institutional Context in Constitutional Law). (2007).
Moss, Scott , Fighting Discrimination While Fighting Litigation: A Tale of Two Supreme Courts, 76 Fordham L. Rev. 981 (2007).
Mueller, Christopher B. , Cross-Examination Earlier or Later: When Is It Enough to Satisfy Crawford?, 19 Regent U. L. Rev. 319 (2007).
Mueller, Christopher B. , Federal Evidence (3rd ed. 2007, Thompson-West) (5-volume set; annual pocket part supplementation, with Laird C. Kirkpatrick) .
Mueller, Christopher B. , Of Misshapen Stones and Compromises: Michelson and the Modern Law of Character Evidence, in Evidence Stories, (edited by Richard Lempert, Foundation) (2007).
Nagel, Robert F. , Conservative Judicial Activism?: Inventing a Constitutional Right to "Medical Self-Defense", The Weekly Standard, Feb. 5, at 25. (2007).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Documents, Leaks and the Boundaries of Expression: Government Whistleblowing in an Over-Classified Age, 35 DttP: Documents to the People 30 (2007), reprinted in
Ramsey, Carolyn , Review of Mike McConville and Chester L. Mirsky, Jury Trials and Plea Bargaining: A True History, 25 Law & History Rev. 446 (2007) (peer refereed).
Robinson, Colene , Child Welfare Law Office Guidebook: Best Practice Guidelines for Organizational Legal Representation of Children in Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Cases, Univ. Colorado Law Review, July Editor (2007).
Robinson, Colene , A Resource Guide for Juvenile Law Practitioners, October 2007 Colorado Lawyer.
Roithmayr, Daria , Them That Has, Gets, 27 MISS. C. L. REV. 373 (2007-08).
Schlag, Pierre , Derrida, Jacques (1930-2004), Essentialism, and Interpretation and Reasoning, Legal, in Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives (David S. Clark ed., Sage Pubs.) (2007).
Schlag, Pierre , The Anxiety of the Law Student at the Socratic Impasse'An Essay on Reductionism in Legal Education, 31 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 575 (2007).
Schlag, Pierre , Slavery, The Restatements of Law, and ACLU, in Oxford Companion to Law (Peter Cane et al, eds) London: Oxford University Press (2007).
Schlag, Pierre , Critical Legal Studies, in Oxford Encyclopedia of Legal History (Stanley Katz et al. eds.) New York: Oxford University Press, (2007).
Schwartz, Andrew , The Patent Office Meets the Poison Pill: Why Legal Methods Cannot Be Patented, 20 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 333 (2007).
Schwartz, Andrew , Patents on Legal Methods? No Way!, 107 Columbia Law Review Sidebar 1 (2007).
Squillace, Mark , From "Navigable Waters" to "Constitutional Waters": The Future of Federal Wetlands Regulation, 40 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 799-860 (Symposium: The Great Lakes: Reflecting the Landscape of Environmental Law) (2007).
Squillace, Mark (with John R. Jacus, Alan J. Gilbert & Jeffrey W. Schwarz), Clean Air Act Fundamentals, in Air Quality Challenges Facing the Natural Resources Industry in the Western United States (Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation) (2007).
Surden, Harry , Structural Rights in Privacy, 60 SMU Law Rev. 1605 (2007).
Surden, Harry (with Michael Genesereth & Bret Logue), Representational Complexity in Law, Proc. 11th Int'l Conf. on Artificial Intelligence & L. 193 (2007).
Thompson, Jane , The U.S. Supreme Court, 47(1) Reference & User Serv. Q. 91 (2007).
Travers, Art , The Revision of the Colorado Trademark Registration Statute, Colo. Law., Jan. 2007, at 39-44 (2007).
Weiser, Philip J. , Communicating During Emergencies: Toward Interoperability and Effective Information Management, 59 Fed. Comm. L.J. 547 (2007).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Mark Lemley), Should Property or Liability Rules Govern Information?, 85 Tex. L. Rev. 783 (2007).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Dale Hatfield), In Pursuit of a Next Generation Network for Public Safety Communications, 16 CommLaw Conspectus - Journal of Communications Law and Policy 97 (2007).
Wesson, Marianne , Remarkable Strategems And Conspiracies: How Unscrupulous Lawyers And Credulous Judges Created An Exception To The Hearsay Rule, 76 Fordham L. Rev. 1675 (Symposium: Ethics and Evidence) (2007).
Anaya, S. James (co-author, with Richard B. Lillich, Hurst Hannum, & Dinah L. Shelton), International Human Rights: Problems of Law, Policy, and Practice, (4th ed. 2006).
Bernthal, J. Brad (with Philip J. Weiser and Dale Hatfield), Toward A Next Generation Architecture for Public Safety Communications, (2006).
Briscoe, Georgia K. (with Barbara A. Bintliff), The Ethics of Electronic Record Sharing, 10 AALL Spectrum 16 (June 2006).
Bruff, Harold , Balance of Forces: Separation of Powers Law in the Administrative State, Carolina Academic Press (2006).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , The Interests of "Peoples" in the Cooperative Management of Sacred Sites, 42 Tulsa Law Review 37 (2006).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Contextualizing the Losses of Allotment Though Literature, 82 North Dakota Law Review 605 (2006).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Old Ground and New Directions at Sacred Sites on the Western Landscape, 83 Denver University Law Review 981 (2006).
Collins, Richard B. , A Brief History of the U.S.-American Indian Nations Relationship, Hum. Rts., Spring 2006, at 3 (2006).
Collins, Richard B. (with Karla D. Miller), A People Without Law, 5 Indigenous L.J. 83 (2006).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , National Identity and Liberalism in International Law: Three Models, 31 N. C. J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 463 (2006).
Furman, Patrick , Crawford at Two: Testimonial Hearsay and the Confrontation Clause, Colo. Law., May 2006, at 47 (2006).
Furman, Patrick , Pro Se Defendants and the Appointment of Advisory Counsel, Colo. Law., Dec. 2006, at 29 (2006).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Assessing Internal Revenue Code Section 132 After Twenty Years, 25 Va. Tax Rev. 977 (2006).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Colorado Revisits the Rule Against Perpetuities, Colo. Law., Nov. 2006, at 75. (2006).
Gerding, Erik , The Next Epidemic: Bubbles and the Growth and Decay of Securities Regulation, 38 Conn. L. Rev. 393 (2006).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Kevin L. Doran and Vail Thorne), International Environmental Law, in, 22-23 Environment, Energy and Resources Law: The Year in Review: 2005-06 (ABA Section of Environment, Energy and Resources, 2006).
Krakoff, Sarah , The Renaissance of Tribal Sovereignty, the Negative Doctrinal Feedback Loop, and the Rise of a New Exceptionalism, 119 Harv. L. Rev. F. 47 (2006).
Krakoff, Sarah , The Virtues and Vices of Sovereignty, 38 Conn. L. Rev. 797 (2006).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Fiduciary Duties and Unincorporated Business Entities: In Defense of the "Manifestly Unreasonable" Standard, 41 Tulsa L. Rev. 411 (2006).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Merrill Lynch v. Dabit: Federal Preemption of Holders' Class Actions, 34 Sec. Reg. L.J. 209 (2006).
Moss, Scott , Against "Academic Deference": Keeping Title VII Alive to Redress Academic Discrimination, 27 Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 1 (2006).
Nagel, Robert F. , Bowing to Precedent: A Decent Respect for the Constitution Should Cause the Supreme Court to Reconsider Some Past Decisions, The Weekly Standard, Apr. 17, 2006, at 24. (2006).
Nagel, Robert F. , Journalists and Judges: Neither Can Be Trusted to Make Good Decisions About Secrecy, The Weekly Standard, Dec. 4, 2006, at 14. (2006).
Nagel, Robert F. , Limiting the Court by Limiting Life Tenure, in Reforming the Court: Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices 127, Roger C. Cramton & Paul D. Carrington eds. (2006).
Nagel, Robert F. , On the Decline of Federalism, Daedalus, Winter 2006, at 127. (2006).
Nagel, Robert F. , Principle, Prudence, and Judicial Power, in The Judiciary and American Democracy: Alexander Bickel the Countermajoritarian Difficulty and Contemporary Constitutional Theory 9 (K. Ward ed., State University of New York Press) (2006).
Nagel, Robert F. , Judicial Power and Cultural Damage: Lessons from America, in Public Interest Litigation: New Zealand Experience In International Perspective 101 (Bigwood ed., LexisNexis) (2006).
Nagel, Robert F. , American Judicial Review in Perspective, in Protecting Human rights in Australia 225 (Campbell, et al. ed., Ashgate) (2006).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Let the People Know the Facts: Can Government Information Removed From the Internet Be Reclaimed?, 98 Law Libr. J. 1 (2006) (Law Library Journal Article of the Year).
Norton, Helen , Re-Shaping Federal Jurisdiction: Congress' Latest Challenge to Judicial Review, 41 Wake Forest L. Rev. 1003 (2006).
Pappas, Michael , Buying the Way to a Better Gulf Fishery: Buybacks for Hurricane Relief and Fisheries Rationalization in the Gulf of Mexico, 36 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10800 (2006).
Pizzi, William T. , A Comparative Perspective on the Sentencing Chaos in the U.S., Global Jurist Topics: Vol. 6: No. 1, Article 2 (2006).
Pizzi, William T. , Overcoming Logistical and Structural Barriers to Fair Trials at International Tribunals, International Commentary on Evidence: Vol. 4: Iss. 1, Article 4 (2006).
Pizzi, William T. , El caos producido por el fallo "Blakely v. Washington" de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos in el sistema de mesura de la pena, 2006-2 Revista de Derecho Procesal Penal (Argentina) 77 (2006).
Pizzi, William T. , Trials Without Truth In The US Criminal Justice System, in L'AMÉRICANISATION DU DROIT SUISSE E CONTINENTAL 101 (Martin Killias, editor) (Geneva 2006)..
Ramsey, Carolyn , Restructuring the Debate Over Fetal Homicide Laws, 67 Ohio State L. J. 721 (2006) (lead article).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Intimate Homicide: Gender and Crime Control, 1880-1920, 77 Univ. Colo. L. Rev. 101 (2006).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Public Responses to Intimate Violence: A Glance at the Past, 121 Public Health Reports 460 (2006) (peer refereed).
Squillace, Mark , Rethinking the Great Lakes Compact, 2006 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1347 (2006).
Squillace, Mark , The Antiquities Act and the Exercise of Presidential Power: The Clinton Monuments, in, Antiquities Act: A Century of American Archaeology, Historic Preservation, and Nature Conservation 106 (David Harmon ed.). (2006).
Thompson, Jane , Subject Index, in Twenty-Five-Year Index, Volumes 51-75 (1980-2004), U. Colo. L. Rev. (2006).
Thompson, Jane , Defense and Security: A Compendium of National Armed Forces and Security Policies, 45 Reference & User Serv. Q. 338 (2006).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Kyle Dixon), A Digital Age Communications Act Paradigm for Federal-State Relations, 4 J. Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 321 (2006).
Weiser, Philip J. (with John Gastil), Jury Service as an Invitation to Citizenship: Assessing the Civic Value of Institutionalized Deliberation, 34 Policy Studies J. 605 (2006).
Wesson, Marianne , Particular Intentions: The Hillmon Case and the Supreme Court, 18 Law & Lit. 343 (2006).
Wesson, Marianne , The Hillmon Case, the Supreme Court, and the McGuffin, in Evidence Stories 277 (Foundation Press, R. Lempert ed.) (2006).
Anaya, S. James , Divergent Discourses about International Law, Indigenous Peoples, and Rights Over Lands and Natural Resources: Toward a Realist Trend, 16 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L. & Pol'y 237 (2005).
Anaya, S. James , Indigenous Peoples' Participatory Rights in Relation to Decisions about Natural Resource Extraction: The More Fundamental Issue of What Rights Indigenous Peoples Have in Land and Resources, 22 Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 7 (2005).
Anaya, S. James , The Emergence of Customary International Law Concerning the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, The Emergence of Customary International Law Concerning the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Anaya, S. James , Los Pueblos Indigenas en el Derecho International, (Luis Rodrígez-Piñero Royo trans., in collaboration with Pablo Gutiérrez Vega & Bartolomé Clavero Salvador, 2005) [Spanish translation of Indigenous Peoples in International Law (2d ed. 2004)].
Bloom, Frederic , Unconstitutional Courses, 86 Washington University Law Review 1679 (2005).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Online Bibliographic Services Annual Report, 97 Law Library Journal 804 (2005).
Bruff, Harold (with Peter M. Shane), Separation of Powers Law, 2d. Edition (2005).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , A Property Rights Approach to Sacred Sites: Asserting a Place for Indians as Non-Owners, 52 UCLA Law Review 1061 (2005).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Considering Individual Religious Freedoms under Tribal Constitutional Law, 14 Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy 561 (2005).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Recovering Homelands, Governance, and Lifeways: Book Review of Blood Struggle: The Rise of Modern Indian Nations by Charles Wilkinson, 31 Tulsa Law Review 79 (2005).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Rites and Rights in Afghanistan: The Hazara and the 2004 Constitution, 29 Fletch. F. World Aff. 157 (2005).
Gerding, Erik , Codificacion Regulatoria en los Estados Unidos, in SESQUICENTENARIO DEL CÓDIGO CIVIL DE ANDRÉS BELLO: PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO DE LA CODIFICACIÓN, (María Dora Martinic, Mauricio Tapia, Sebastián Ríos, eds., 2005) ("Regulatory Codification in the United States," in THE SESQUICENTENNIAL OF THE CIVIL CODE OF ANDRÉS BELLO: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF CODIFICATION) (Lexis/Nexis) .
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Dan Tarlock), Integrated Water Resources Management, in Search Of Sustainable Water Management (2005).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development, 8 Chapman L. Rev. 77 (2005).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , A New Framework: Post-Kyoto Energy and Environmental Security, 16 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L. & Pol'y 333 (2005).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with A. Dan Tarlock), Sustainability and the Future of Western Water Law, in In Search of Sustainable Water Management: International Lessons for the American West and Beyond 155 (Douglas S. Kenney ed., 2005).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Sustainable Energy: A Preliminary Framework, 38 Ind. L. Rev. 671 (2005).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Jurisdictional Conflicts Between International Tribunals: A Framework for Adjudication and Implementation, in Bringing New Law to Ocean Waters (Caron & Scheiber, eds.) (2005).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Book Review, 15 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L. & Pol'y 229 (2005).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Preemption of Common Law Claims and the Prospects for FIFRA: Justice Stevens Puts the Genie Back in the Bottle, 15 DUKE ENVTL. L. & POL'Y FORUM 65 (2005).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Montana reporter, Media Law Resource Center, 2000-05:
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Montana reporter, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, 2000-05:
Hynes, J. Dennis , Executive Power and the Public Lands, 76 Colo. L. Rev. 503 (2005).
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Mark J. Loewenstein), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC in a Nutshell, 3d ed. (2005).
Krakoff, Sarah , A Narrative of Sovereignty: Illuminating the Paradox of the Domestic Dependent Nation, 83 Or. L. Rev. 1109 (2005).
Krakoff, Sarah , Arnold Schwarzenegger and Our Common Future, 53 Buff. L. Rev. 925 (2005).
Krakoff, Sarah , City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation: A Regretful Postscript to the Taxation Chapter in Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law, 41 Tulsa L. Rev. 5 (2005).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , The Supreme Court, Rule 10b-5 and the Federalization of Corporate Law, 39 Ind. L. Rev. 17 (2005).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with William K.S. Wang), The Corporation as Insider Trader, 30 Del. J. Corp. L. 45 (2005).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC in a Nutshell, 3d ed. (2005).
Moss, Scott , Where There's At-Will, There Are Many Ways: Redressing the Increasing Incoherence of Employment at Will, 67 U. Pittsburgh L. Rev. 295 (2005).
Nagel, Robert F. , Ignoring the Obvious, Claremont Review of Books (2005).
Nagel, Robert F. , A Comment on "Everything I Know About Marriage I Learned from Law Professors", San Diego L. Rev. (2005).
Nagel, Robert F. , The Problem With the Court: Well, the Justices, Being Lawyers, Think Like Them, Nat'l Rev., Nov. 21, 2005, at 43. (2005).
Nagel, Robert F. , Limiting the Court by Limiting Life Tenure, in Carrington & Crampton (eds.), Life Tenure (2005).
Nagel, Robert F. , Supreme Chaos, Wall Street Journal, March 7, at A18 (2005).
Norton, Helen , Stepping Through Grutter's Open Doors: What the University of Michigan Affirmative Action Cases Mean for Race-Conscious Government Decisionmaking, 78 Temple L. Rev. 543 (2005).
Pizzi, William T. (with Blair and Judd), Discrimination in Sentencing on the Basis of Afrocentric Features, 10 Mich. J. Race & Law (2005).
Pizzi, William T. (with Morris B. Hoffman), Taking Miranda's Pulse, 58 Vand. L. Rev. 813 (2005).
Schlag, Pierre , A Brief Survey of Deconstruction, 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 741 (in NYU/Cardozo Derrida-America symposium) (2005).
Weiser, Philip J. , The Relationship of Antitrust and Regulation In A Deregulatory Era, 50 Antitrust Bulletin 549 (2005).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Dale Hatfield), Policing the Spectrum Commons, 74 Fordham L. Rev. 101 (2005).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Jon Nuechterlein), Digital Crossroads: American Telecommunications Policy in the Internet Age, MIT Press (2005).
Wesson, Marianne , The Hillmon Case, the MacGuffin, and the Supreme Court, Litig., Fall 2005, at 30. (2005).
Anaya, S. James , International Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples: The Move Toward the Multicultural State, 21 Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 13 (2004), reprinted in Defending Diversity: Case Studies 1 (Chandra Roy ed., 2004), and translated into Spanish as Derechoes Humanos Internacionales y Pueblos Indígenas: Hacia el Estado Multicultural, in En Defensa de la Diversidad: Monografias 1 (Chandra Roy ed., 2004)..
Anaya, S. James , Indigenous Peoples in International Law, (2d ed. 2004)..
Anaya, S. James , Pueblos indígenas, comunidad internacional, y derechos humanos en la era dela globalización, Avances en la Proteccion de los Derechos de los Pueblos 89 (Fernando Mariño & Daniel Oliva eds., 2004).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , 2004 OBS Membership Survey Results, 29 Technical Services Law Librarian 19 (2004).
Cantrell, Deborah , The Obligation of Legal Aid Lawyers to Champion Practice by Nonlawyers, 73 FORDHAM L. REV. 883-902 (2004).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Abandoning Principles: Qualified Tuition Programs and Wealth Transfer Taxation Doctrine, 2 Pittsburgh Tax Review 1 (2004).
Gazur, Wayne M. (with Robert M. Phillips), Case Studies in Estate Planning, (Aspen) (2004).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Dispute Resolution: UNCLOS v. WTO, in Bringing New Law to Ocean Waters (2004).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Environmental Law, in Oxford Encyclopedia of American Law (2004).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Jurisdictional Conflicts Between International Tribunals: A Framework for Adjudication & Implementation, in Bringing New Law to Ocean Waters 297 (David D. Caron & Harry N. Scheiber eds., 2004).
Hill, David S. , Landlord and Tenant Law In a Nutshell, (4th ed.) (2004).
Krakoff, Sarah , Settling the Wilderness, 75 Univ. of Colorado Law Review 1159 (2004).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , The Quiet Transformation of Corporate Law, 57 SMU Law Rev. 353 (2004).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Beam v. Stewart: Friendship is Not Enough, 18 Insights 22 (2004).
Moss, Scott , Women Choosing Diverse Workplaces: A Rational Preference with Disturbing Implications for Both Occupational Segregation and Economic Analysis of Law, 27 Harv. Women's L. J. 1 (2004).
Moss, Scott , An Overview of Disparate Impact Litigation, Annual Civil Rights Training Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. (2004).
Nagel, Robert F. , Diversity and the Practice of Interest Assessment, 53 Duke L.J. 1515 (2004).
Nagel, Robert F. , Common Sense and Common Law, First Things 42 (February) (2004).
Nagel, Robert F. , States and Localities: A Comment on Robert Nisbet's Communitarianism, 34 Publius 125 (2004).
Nagel, Robert F. , Selective Justice, Claremont Rev. Books, Fall 2005, at 58 (reviewing Michael Comiskey, Seeking Justices: The Judging of Supreme Court Nominees (2004)).
Nagel, Robert F. , Law Schools Are Bad for Democracy, Wall Street Journal at A16 (2004).
Nagel, Robert F. , Nationhood and Judicial Supremacy, in (Wolfe, ed.) That Eminent Tribunal: Judicial Supremacy and the Constitution (Princeton University Press) (2004).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , Protecting the Lady from Toledo: Post-USA Patriot Act Electronic Surveillance at the Library, 96 Law Libr. J. 449 (2004) (Law Library Journal Article of the Year).
Norton, Helen , Not for Attribution: Government's Interest in Protecting the Integrity of Its Own Expression, 37 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1317 (2004).
Norton, Helen , The Antidiscrimination Law Implications of Excluding Reproductive Technologies from Employer-Sponsored Health Plans, 8 EMP. RTS. & EMP. POL'Y J. 523 (2004).
Pizzi, William T. (with Mongagna), The Battle to Establish an Adversarial Trial System in Italy, 25 Mich. J. Int'l L. 429, )(reprinted in Paolo Carozza, Comparative Legal Traditions (3d ed. 2007) and in Raneta Mack, Comparative Criminal Procedure: History, Processes and Case Studies (2008). Published in translation (La Batalla para el Establecimiento de un Sistema penal acusatorio in Italia) in, an online journal of the Catholic University of Peru (2004)..
Pizzi, William T. , Juicios y Mentiras: Cronica de la Crisis del Procesa Penal Estadounidense, [Trials Without Truth] (2004).
Pizzi, William T. , Trials without Truth, (NYU Press 1999). (Juicios y mentiras, translation with notes into Spanish by Carlos Fidalgo Gallardo, (Tecnos Press, Madrid 2004).
Schlag, Pierre , My Dinner at Langdell's, 52 Buffalo L. Rev. 851 (2004).
Squillace, Mark (with Maureen Ryan), Laws and Regulations Pertaining to Wetland Areas in the Intermountain West, in, Wetland and Riparian Areas of the Intermountain West: Ecology and Management (Mark McKinstry et al. eds.) (2004).
Squillace, Mark (with Victor B. Flatt, Michael M. O'Hear & Robert R.M. Verchick), Let the People Speak: Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking (Lessons From the Controversial New Source Review Proposal of the Clean Air Act), 34 Envtl. L. Rep. 10115-130 (2004).
Squillace, Mark (with James Rasband & James Salzman), Natural Resources Law and Policy, (2004).
Weiser, Philip J. , The Ghost of Telecommunications Past, 103 Mich. L. Rev. 101 (2005) (reviewing Paul Starr's The Creation of the Media) (2004).
Wesson, Marianne , Chilling Effect, (2004).
Anaya, S. James , The Native Hawaiian People and International Human Rights Law: Toward a Remedy for Past and Continuing Wrongs, 28 Ga. L. Rev. 309 (1994), reprinted in International Law and Indigenous Peoples 309 (S. James Anaya ed., 2003).
Anaya, S. James , International Law and Indigenous People, (2003) (editor).
Anaya, S. James , Los Derechoes de los Pueblos Indígenas, La Proteccion Internacional de los Derechos Humanos en los Albores del Siglo XXI ___ (Felipe Gómez Isa ed., 2003).
Anaya, S. James , International Law and U.S. Trust Responsibility Toward Native Americans, in Native Voices: American Indian Identity and Resistance 155 (Richard Grounds et al. eds., 2003).
Anaya, S. James , Book Review, 99 American J. Int'l Law 306 (2005) (reviewing Paul Keal, European Conquest and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Moral Backwardness of International Society (2003))..
Briscoe, Georgia K. (with Karen Selden and Cheryl Nyberg), The Catalog vs. the Homepage--Best Practices in Connecting to Online Resources, 95 Law Library Journal 151 (2003).
Cantrell, Deborah , Teaching Practical Wisdom, 55 S.C.L. REV. 391-409 (2003).
Cantrell, Deborah , A Short History of Poverty Lawyers in the United States, 5 LOY. J. OF PUBLIC INTEREST LAW 11-36 (2003).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , In the Absence of Title: Responding to Federal Ownership in Sacred Sites Cases, 37 New England Law Review 619 (2003).
Collins, Richard B. , Sacred Sites and Religious Freedom on Government Land, 5 U. Penn. J. Const. L. 241 (2003).
Collins, Richard B. , Western Justice, 112 Yale L.J. 975 (a tribute to Justice White) (2003).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Taking the Deliberative Turn: International Law, Minority Rights, and the Case of Xinjiang, 14 Princeton J. Pub. Int'l Aff. 144 (2003).
Desautels-Stein, Justin , Democratic Deficits and the Phantom Politics of Global Governance, Carolina Papers in Democracy and Human Rights, No. 5 (Fall 2003) (peer-reviewed journal).
Furman, Patrick , Wrongful Convictions and the Accuracy of the Criminal Justice System, 32 The Colorado Lawyer No. 9, p. 11, September (2003).
Hynes, J. Dennis , Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 6th ed. (2003).
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Mark J. Loewenstein), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, and Problems, abr. 6th ed. (2003).
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Mark J. Loewenstein), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC : The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Selected Statutes and Form Agreements, 2003 ed. (2003).
Krakoff, Sarah , Mountains Without Handrails -- Wilderness Without Cell Phones, 27 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 417 (2003).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, and Problems, abr. 6th ed. (2003).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC : The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Selected Statutes and Form Agreements, 2003 ed. (2003).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC--The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 6th ed. (2003).
Mueller, Christopher B. , Daubert Asks the Right Questions: Now Appellate Courts Should Help Find the Right Answers, 33 Seton Hall L. Rev. 987 (2003).
Nagel, Robert F. , Marbury v. Madison and Modern Judicial Review, 38 Wake Forest Law Review 613 (2003).
Nagel, Robert F. , Six Opinions by Mr. Justice Stevens: A New Methodology for Constitutional Cases?, 78 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 509 (2003).
Nagel, Robert F. , Justice Stevens' Religion Problem, First Things 9 (June/July) (2003).
Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Right to Receive Information, 95 Law Libr. J. 175 (2003).
Norton, Helen , You Can't Ask (or Say) That: The First Amendment Implications of Civil Rights Restrictions on Decisionmaker Speech, 11 William & Mary Bill of Rights. J. 727 (2003).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Homicide on Holiday: Prosecutorial Discretion, Popular Culture, and the Boundaries of the Criminal Law, 54 Hastings L. J. 1641 (2003).
Squillace, Mark , The Monumental Legacy of the Antiquities Act of 1906, 37 Ga. L. Rev. 473 (2003).
Squillace, Mark (with Sandra B. Zellmer), Managing Interjurisdictional Waters under the Great Lakes Charter Annex, 18 Nat. Resources & Envt. 8 (2003).
Thompson, Jane , Legal Systems of the World: A Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopedia, 42 Reference & User Serv. Q. 369 (2003).
Weiser, Philip J. , The Internet, Innovation, and Intellectual Property Policy, 103 Colum. L. Rev. 534 (2003).
Weiser, Philip J. (with Joseph Farrell), Modularity, Vertical Integration and Open Access Policies: Towards A Convergence of Antitrust and Regulation in The Internet Age, 17 Harv. J. L. & Tech. 85 (2003).
Weiser, Philip J. , Toward A Next Generation Regulatory Regime, 35 Loy. L. Rev. 101 (2003).
Weiser, Philip J. , Goldwasser, the Telecom Act, and Reflections on Antitrust Remedies, 55 Admin. L. Rev. 1 (2003).
Weiser, Philip J. , Regulatory Challenges and Models of Regulation, 2 J. Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 1 (2003).
Anaya, S. James (co-author, with Claudio Grossman), The Case of Awas Tingni v. Nicaragua: A New Step in the International Law of Indigenous Peoples, 19 Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 1 (2002).
Anaya, S. James , International Developments Regarding Indigenous Peoples, in The 2002 Tribal, State & Federal Judges Conference: Protection of Indigenous Peoples Customary Law and Legal Rights: United States, International and Comparative Law Perspectives 1 (2002).
Anaya, S. James , The Ethical Dilemma of Doing Federal Indian Law, in The 2002 Tribal, State & Federal Judges Conference: Protection of Indigenous Peoples Customary Law and Legal Rights: United States, International and Comparative Law Perspectives 1 (2002).
Briscoe, Georgia K. (reporter), IUG 2002 Conference Proceedings, "Session L6/O5: Implementation of Z39.50 Copy Cataloging and Changes in Cataloging Workflow", (2002).
Cantrell, Deborah , Justice for the Interests of the Poor: The Problem of Navigating the System Without Counsel, 70 FORDHAM L. REV. 1573-90 (2002).
Collins, Richard B. (with Oesterle), The Colorado State Constitution with Historical and Interpretive Commentary, (2002).
Furman, Patrick , The Ins and Outs, Stops, and Starts of Speedy Trial Law in Colorado - PART II, 31 The Colorado Lawyer No. 8, August 2002, Page 59 (2002).
Furman, Patrick , The Ins and Outs, Stops, and Starts of Speedy Trial Law in Colorado - Part I, 31 The Colorado Lawyer No. 7, July 2002, page 115 (2002).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Sustainable Agriculture: Do GMOs Imperil Biosafety?, 9 Indiana J. Glob. Leg. Studies 461 (2002).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Encyclopedia of life support systems, Editor for 4 volumes on Energy (UNESCO), (2002).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Book Review: The Environmental Consequences of War, American J.of Int'l law (2002).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Stakeholder Protection in Germany and Japan, 76 Tulane L. Rev. 1673 (2002).
Norton, Helen , What Bush v. Gore Means for Elections in the 21st Century, 2 Wyoming L. Rev. 419 (2002).
Pizzi, William T. , Do Jury Trials Encourage Harsh Punishments?, St. Louis Univ. Public Law Review (2002).
Ramsey, Carolyn , The Discretionary Power of "Public" Prosecutors in Historical Perspective, 39 American Criminal Law Review 1309 (2002) (lead article).
Schlag, Pierre , The Aesthetics of American Law, 115 Harv. L. Rev. 1047 (2002).
Thompson, Jane , Peter G. Renstrom's The Stone Court: Justices, Rulings and Legacy 2002, Am. Reference Books Ann. (2002).
Weiser, Philip J. , Law and Information Platforms, 1 J. Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 1 (2002).
Anaya, S. James (co-author with Robert A. Williams, Jr.), The Protection of Indigenous Peoples' Rights Over Lands and Natural Resources Under the Inter-American Human Rights System, 14 Harv. Hum. Rts. J. 33 (2001).
Anaya, S. James , The Maya Petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Indigenous Land and Resource Rights, and the Conflict over Logging and Oil in Southern Belize, in Giving Meaning to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 180 (Isfahan Merali & Valerie Oosterveld eds., 2001).
Anaya, S. James , The Impact of Indigenous Peoples on the Development of International Law, in The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples ___ (2001).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Dilemma of Publisher Giveaways, 13 Against the Grain, 20 (2001).
Briscoe, Georgia K. (with Karen Selden), Cataloging @ 2000: Over 100 Years of Change at the University of Colorado Law Library, in Managing Cataloging and the Organization of Information: Philosophies, Practices and Challenges at the Onset of the 21st Century, edited by Ruth C. Carter (2001).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with K.T. Mcnamara & L.Deboer), Community Choice Between Volunteer And Professional Fire Departments, 30 Nonprofit And Voluntary Sector Quarterly 1 (2001).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Beyond the Ethnic Umbrella and the Buffalo: Some Thoughts on American Indian Tribes and Gaming,, 5 Gaming Law Review 311 (with R. Halbritter) (2001).
Collins, Richard B. , How Democratic Are Initiatives?, 72 U. Colo. L. Rev. 983 (2001).
Gazur, Wayne M. , A Primer on the Sale of Residence Tax Rules after the Proposed Regulations, Colorado Lawyer, Volume 30, No. 8, pp. 97-104 (2001).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Accounting Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions, in Dale A. Oesterle, Mergers and Acquisitions, pp. 171-188 (2001).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Federal Income Tax Treatment of Mergers, Acquisitions, and Reorganizations, in Dale A. Oesterle, Mergers and Acquisitions, pp. 189-230 (2001).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Suzette Grillot eds.), Arms Control and the Environment, (2001).
Hill, David S. , Basic Mortgage Law, Cases and Materials, (2001).
Hynes, J. Dennis , Nutshell, Agency, Partnership, and the LLC (2d ed.), (2001).
Hynes, J. Dennis (co-editor), International Law in the Post-Cold War World: Essays in Memory of Li Haopei, (2001).
Krakoff, Sarah , Undoing Indian Law One Case at a Time: Judicial Minimalism and Tribal Sovereignty, 50 Am. U. L. Rev. 1177 (2001).
Krakoff, Sarah , Does "Law and Literature" Survive Lawyerland?, 101 Colum. L. Rev. 1742 (2001).
Krakoff, Sarah , Indian Child Welfare Act: Keeping Families Together and Minimizing Litigation, 30 Colorado Lawyer 81 (2001).
Krakoff, Sarah , Tribal Sovereignty and Environmental Justice, in (Bryner, Kenney and Mutz, eds.) Justice and Natural Resources (2001).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , The Wharf (Holdings) Ltd. v. United International Holdings, Inc.: The Supreme Court Breaks Old Ground, Securities Regulation Law Journal (2001).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Unocal Revisited: No Tiger in the Tank, Journal of Corporation Law (2001).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Does a Corporation Owe a Fiduciary Duty to Its Shareholders?, 15 Insights 10 (2001).
Nagel, Robert F. , Judicial Power and the Restoration of Federalism, 574 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 52 (2001).
Nagel, Robert F. , Nationalized Political Discourse, 69 Fordham Law Review 101 (2001).
Nagel, Robert F. , The Implosion of American Federalism, (Oxford University Press) (2001).
Pizzi, William T. (with Hoffman), Jury Selection Errors on Appeal, 38 American Criminal Law Rev. 1391 (2001).
Pizzi, William T. , Criminal Trials, in Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, Revised Edition (2001).
Schlag, Pierre , Jurisprudence Noire (Symposium essay on Lawrence Joseph's Lawyerland), 101 Colum. L. Rev. 1733 (2001).
Thompson, Jane , Encyclopedia of the U.S. Supreme Court, 40(3) Reference & User Serv. Q. 287 (2001).
Weiser, Philip J. , Cooperative Federalism, Federal Common Law, and The Enforcement of the Telecom Act, 66 N.Y.U. L. Rev. (2001).
Wesson, Marianne (with Bergman & LeFrancois), New Developments in Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Amendment Law, 31 N.M. L. Rev. 175 (2001).
Wesson, Marianne , Book Review, 26 Signs, No. 2 (2001).
Anaya, S. James , Environmentalism, Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples: A Tale of Converging and Diverging Interests, 7 Buff. Envtl. L.J. 1 (2000).
Anaya, S. James , The United States Supreme Court and Indigenous Peoples: Still a Long Way to Go Toward a Therapeutic Role, 24 Seattle U. L. Rev. 229 (2000), reprinted in Justice as Healing: Indigenous Ways 245 (Wanda D. McCaslin ed., 2005).
Anaya, S. James , Self-Determination as a Collective Human Right Under Contemporary International Law, in Operationalizing the Right of Indigenous Peoples to Self-Determination 3 (Pekka Aikio & Martin Scheinin eds., 2000).
Briscoe, Georgia K. (with Karen Selden), Cataloging @ 2000: Over 100 years of Change at The University of Colorado Law Library, 30 Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 177 (2000).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Climb High: High Altitude Mountaineering Lessons for Librarians, 92 Law Library Journal, 217 (2000).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Colorado Association of Law Libraries Annual Report, 92 Law Library Journal, 522 (2000).
Briscoe, Georgia K. , Have you Gone Prospecting Lately, 10 CoALL Scuttle, 15 (2000).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Integration and Biocomplexity, 27.4 Ecology L. Q. (2000).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Climate Change: the Next Dimension, 15 J. Land Use & Envl'l Law 341 (2000).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , The Annihilation of Sea Turtles: WTO Intransigence & U.S. Equivocation, Environmental Law Reporter, 10261 (2000).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Women and the Promise of Equal Citizenship, 8 TEX. J. WOMEN & L. 51 (2000).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , The Conundrum of Executive Compensation, 35 Wake Forest L. Rev. 1 (2000).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Delaware as Demon: Twenty-five Years After Professor Cary's Polemic, 71 U. Colo. L. Rev. 497 (2000).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Chesapeake v. Shore: The Delaware Chancery Court Considers Defensive Bylaw Amendments, Corp. Gov. Adv. (2000).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Book Review, International Securities Law: A Contemporary and Comparative Analysis (by Professor Marc I. Steinberg), 28 Securities Regulation Law Review (2000).
Nagel, Robert F. , Privacy and Celebrity: An Essay on the Nationalization of Intimacy, 33 U. Richmond L. Rev. 1121 (2000).
Nagel, Robert F. , Indirect Constitutional Discourse: A Comment on Meese, 63 Law and Contemporary Problems 101 (2000).
Nagel, Robert F. , Judges and Federalism: A Comment on "Justice Kennedy's Vision of Federalism", 31 Rutgers Law Journal 539 (2000).
Nagel, Robert F. , From U.S. v. Nixon to Bush v. Gore, Weekly Standard 20 (2000).
Nagel, Robert F. , The High (and Mighty) Court, Wall Street Journal, June 30 at A18 (2000).
Pizzi, William T. , The Green Grass of Crown Court, 150 New Law Journal (Eng.) 1311 (2000).
Wesson, Marianne , A Novelist's Perspective, 50 DePaul L. J. 583 (50th Anniversary symposium on Civil Litigation and Popular Culture) (2000).
Wesson, Marianne , A Suggestion of Death, (2000).
Wesson, Marianne , Reasonable Women (Review of Elizabeth M. Schneider, Battered Women And Feminist Lawmaking), xviii The Women's Review of Books 29 (2000).
Anaya, S. James , Superpower Attitudes Toward Indigenous Peoples and Group Rights, 93 Am. Soc'y Int'l Law 251 (1999).
Anaya, S. James , Indigenous Peoples and Their Demands within the Modern Human Rights Movement, in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Fifty Years and Beyond 149 (Yael Danieli et al. eds., 1999).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Interpreting Indian Country in State of Alaska v. Native Village of Venetie, 35 Tulsa Law Journal 73 (1999).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Muddling Along with the Federal Wealth Transfer Tax: A Survey of Practitioners and Law School Professors, Real Property, Probate, and Trust Journal, Volume 34, Number Three, pp. 517-600 (1999).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Do They Practice What We Teach?: A Survey of Practitioners and Estate Planning Professors, Virginia Tax Review, Volume 19, Number One, pp. 1-62 (1999).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , The Convention on Biological Diversity: exposing the flawed foundations, 26(2) Environmental conservation 79 (1999).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Nuclear Arms Control: The Environmental Dimension, 10 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L & Pol'y 267 (1999).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Jason C. Roberts & Catina Drywater), Protecting the Cultural and Natural Heritage of Humankind: Finding Common Ground, 34 Tulsa L.J 713 (1999).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Burns Weston, Geoffrey Palmer, & Jonathan Carlson), International Environmental Law and World Order, 2d Edition, (1999).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Rethinking Statutory Antiwaiver Provisions Following the Lloyd's of London Litigation, 27 Securities Regulation Law Journal 48 (1999).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Malone v. Brincat: An Expansion of Corporate Fiduciary Duties?, Corporate Governance Advisor (1999).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , Shareholder Derivative Litigation and Corporate Governance, 24 Del. J. Corp. L. 1 (1999).
Nagel, Robert F. , Lies and Law, 22 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 605 (1999).
Pizzi, William T. , Victims' Rights: Rethinking Our "Adversary System", Utah Law Review 349 (1999).
Ramsey, Carolyn , California's Sexually Violent Predator Act: The Role of Psychiatrists, Courts, and Medical Determinations in Confining Sex Offenders, 26 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 469 (1999).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Subtracting Sexism from the Classroom: Law and Policy in the Debate Over All-female Math and Science Classes in Public Schools, 8 Texas Journal of Women & the Law 1 (1999).
Wesson, Marianne , Three's A Crowd: Law, Literature, and Truth, 34 Tulsa L.J. 699 (1999).
Wesson, Marianne , Second Thoughts (Review of Daphne Patai, Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism), xvi The Women's Review of Books 9 (1999).
Anaya, S. James , Maya Aboriginal Land and Resource Rights and the Conflict Over Logging in Southern Belize, 1 Yale Hum. Rts. & Dev. L.J. 17 (1998).
Anaya, S. James , Indigenous Peoples and International Law Issues, 92 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. 96 (1998).
Anaya, S. James , Customary International Law, 92 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. 41 (1998).
Fiflis, Ted J. , The "Synthetic Sale of Business" Doctrine, Securities Reg. L. J 436 (1998).
Furman, Patrick , The Execution of Search Warrants, 27 The Colorado Lawyer, No. 4. Page 33 (1998).
Furman, Patrick , Publicity in High Profile Criminal Cases, (1998).
Furman, Patrick , The Execution of Search Warrants, 27 The Colorado Lawyer, No. 4. Page 33 (1998).
Gazur, Wayne M. (with Betty R. Jackson), Price Waterhouse Coopers, Case Studies in Taxation (1998).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , The Promise of UNCLOS: Justice in Trade and Environment Disputes, 25 Ecology L. Q 189 (1998).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Should UNCLOS or GATT Decide Trade and Environment Disputes?, 7 Minn. J. Global Trade 287 (1998).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Protection of Indigenous Cultural Heritage: A New Perspective, XI Sovereignty Symposium (1998).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Jeffrey McNeely eds.), Protection of Global Biodiversity: Converging Strategies, (1998).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Paradigms of Regulation, in Legal Visions of the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Judge Christopher Weeramantry, Antony Anghie & Garry Sturgess eds. (1998).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Introduction, (ii) The Convention on Biological Diversity: A Polemic, in Protection of Global Biodiversity: Converging Strategies (1998).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Jeffrey McNeely eds.), Conclusion, (iii), in Protection of Global Biodiversity: Converging Strategies (1998).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Asian Dragons and Green Trade, 9 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl.L & Pol'y 393 (1998).
Hynes, J. Dennis , Notice and Notification under the Revised Uniform Partnership Act: Some Suggested Changes, 2 J. of Small and Emerging Bus. Law 299-316 (1998).
Hynes, J. Dennis , Agency, Partnership, and the LLC, The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 5th ed, (1998).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , The Corporate Director's Duty of Oversight, 27 Colorado Lawyer 33 (1998).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , True North Communications, Inc. v. Publicis S.A.: A Case of Plain Meaning or Not?, Insights (1998).
Nagel, Robert F. , Judicial Supremacy and the Settlement Function, 39 William & Mary Law Review 849 (1998).
Nagel, Robert F. , Playing Defense in Colorado, First Things 34, May (1998).
Pizzi, William T. , Victims' Rights in the US, 148 New Law Journal (Eng.) 1805 (1998).
Pizzi, William T. , The American "Adversary System"?, 100 West. Virginia L. Rev. 847 (1998).
Pizzi, William T. , Punishment and Procedure in the US, 148 New Law Journal (Eng.) 988 (1998).
Ramsey, Carolyn , Sex and Social Order: The Selective Enforcement of Colonial American Adultery Laws in the English Context, 10 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 191 (1998).
Roithmayr, Daria , Introduction, in Race Is, Race Isn't: Critical Race Theory And Qualitative Studies In Education, (Laurence Parker and Donna Deyhle eds.,1998).
Schlag, Pierre , Authorizing Interpretation The Day, Berry & Howard Visiting Scholar Lecture, 30 Conn. L. Rev. 1065 (1998).
Schlag, Pierre , The Enchantment of Reason, (1998).
Thompson, Jane , Bruce Elliott Johansen's Encyclopedia of Native American Legal Tradition, 38(1) Reference & User Serv. Q. 92-93 (1998).
Wesson, Marianne , Render Up the Body, (1998).
Wesson, Marianne , Atticus Finch Outnumbered (Review of Trial and Error: An Oxford Anthology of Legal Stories, in Jurist: Books On Law, December (eds. Fred R. Shapiro and Jane Garry) (1998).
Anaya, S. James , On Justifying Special Ethnic Group Rights, in Nomos XXXIX: Ethnicity and Group Rights 222 (Will Kymlicka & Ian Shapiro eds., 1997).
Anaya, S. James , Brief of Lone Wolf, Principal Chief of the Kiowas, to the Supreme Court of the American Indian Nations, 7 Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 117 (1997).
Anaya, S. James , Book Review, 91 Am. J. Int'l L. 566 (1997) (reviewing Milton J. Esman & Shibley Telhami eds., International Organizations and Ethnic Conflict (1995)).
Anaya, S. James , The Indigenous are "Peoples": A Reality and a Challenge, 14 Native Americas, Spring 1997, at 64.
Gazur, Wayne M. (with Edward J. Gac), Tapping "Rainy Day" Funds for the Reluctant Entrepreneur: Downsizing, Paternalism, and the Internal Revenue Code, Kentucky Law Journal, Volume 86, Number One, pp. 127-161 (1997).
Gazur, Wayne M. (with Dale A. Oesterle), What's in a Name?: An Argument for a Small Business "Limited Liability Entity" Statute (with Three Subsets of Default Rules), Wake Forest Law Review, Volume 32, Number One, pp. 101-148 (Business Law Symposium "The Revolution of the Limited Liability Entity") (1997).
Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Increasing the Effectiveness of the Court Through International Environmental Law, in Increasing the Effectiveness of the International Court of Justice, Connie Peck & Roy Lee (eds.) (1997).
Hynes, J. Dennis , Freedom of Contract, Fiduciary Duties, and Partnerships: The Bargain Principle and the Law of Agency, 54 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 439-464 (1997).
Schlag, Pierre , Law as a Continuation of God by Other Means, 85 Cal. L. Rev. 427 (1997).
Schlag, Pierre , Law and Phrenology, 110 Harv. L. Rev. 877 (1997).
Schlag, Pierre , The Empty Circles of Liberal Justification, 96 Mich. L. Rev. 1 (1997).
Wesson, Marianne , Life in Hell (Review of Beth Sipe and Evelyn J. Hall: I Am Not Your Victim: Anatomy of Domestic Violence), xiv The Women's Review of Books 18 (1997).
Anaya, S. James , The Awas Tingni Petition to the International Commission on Human Rights: Indigenous Lands, Loggers, and Government Neglect in Nicaragua, 9 St. Thomas L. Rev. 157 (1996).
Anaya, S. James (co-author, with S. Todd Crider), Indigenous Peoples, the Environment, and Commercial Forestry in Developing Countries: The Case of Awas Tingni, Nicaragua, 18 Hum. Rts. Q. 345 (1996).
Anaya, S. James , Indigenous Peoples in International Law, (1996).
Anaya, S. James , Native Nations Sign Historic Pact, 12 Native Americas, Summer 1996, at 46.
Fiflis, Ted J. , Gustafson v. Alloyd Co., Judicial vs. Legislative Power, 23 Sec. Reg. L.J. 423 (1996).
Nagel, Robert F. , Judicial Power and American Character: Censoring Ourselves in An Anxious Age, (1996).
Pizzi, William T. (with Walter Perron), Crime Victims in German Courtrooms: A Comparative Perspective on American Problems, 32 Stan. J. Int. L. 37 (1996).
Schlag, Pierre , Hiding the Ball, 71 N.Y.U. L. Rev.1681 (1996).
Schlag, Pierre , Laying Down the Law, (1996).
Schlag, Pierre , Against the Law (1996) (Co-authored) .
Schlag, Pierre , This Could Be Your Culture, 109 Harv. L. Rev. 1681 (1996).
Thompson, Jane , Teaching Research to Faculty: Accommodating Cultural and Learning-Style Differences, 88 L. Libr. J. 280-87 (1996).
Thompson, Jane , International Legal Research, CoALL Scuttle (Colo. Ass'n L. Libr.), at 18-58 (1996).
Thompson, Jane , Ronald J. Hy's & William L. Waugh, Jr.'s State and Local Tax Policies: A Comparative Handbook, 35 RQ 422 (1996).
Wesson, Marianne , That's My Story and I'm Stickin' to It: The Jury as Fifth Business in the Trial of O.J. Simpson and Other Matters, 67 U. Colo. L. Rev. 949 (1996).
Wesson, Marianne , Review of The Feel of Silence by Bonnie Poitras Tucker, 46 J. Legal Educ. 627 (1996).
Anaya, S. James , Canada's Fiduciary Obligation to Aboriginal Peoples in the Context of Accession to Sovereignty by Quebec, Volume I: International Dimensions, (1995) (co-author, with Richard Falk & Donat Pharand).
Anaya, S. James (with Theodore Macdonald), Demarcating Indigenous Territories in Nicaragua: The Case of Awas Tingni, 19 Cultural Survival Q. 69 (1995).
Bruff, Harold , That the Laws Shall Bind Equally on All: Congressional and Executive Roles in Applying Laws to Congress, 48 Arkansas Law Review, 105 (1995).
Furman, Patrick , Avoiding Error in Closing Argument, (1995).
Gazur, Wayne M. , The Limited Liability Company Experiment: Unlimited Flexibility, Uncertain Role, Law and Contemporary Problems, Volume 58, Number Two, pp. 135-185 (1995).
Anaya, S. James , International Law and Indian Hunting and Fishing Rights, in Encyclopedia of Native Americans of Native Americans in the 20th Century (Garland Publishers, 1994).
Furman, Patrick , The Consent Exception to the Warrant Requirement, (1994).
Gazur, Wayne M. , The Forgotten Link: "Control" in Section 482, Northwestern Journal Of International Law & Business, Volume 15, Number One, pp. 1-74 (Fall 1994).
Schlag, Pierre , Values, 6 Yale J. L. & Humanities 219 (1994).
Schlag, Pierre , Tactics of Legal Reasoning (Co-authored) .
Anaya, S. James , A Contemporary Definition of the International Norm of Self-Determination, 3 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 131 (1993).
Anaya, S. James , Native Land Claims in the United States: The Unatoned for Spirit of Place, in The 1991 Cambridge Lectures (Frank McArdle ed., 1993), reprinted in Cultural Survival Quarterly (Winter 1994).
Furman, Patrick , There Must Be Fifty Ways To Lose Your (Driver's) License, (1993).
Furman, Patrick , Peremptory Challenges: Free Strikes No More, (1993).
Furman, Patrick , The Introduction of Scientific Evidence in Criminal Cases, (2003).
Schlag, Pierre , Clerks in the Maze, 91 Mich. L. Rev. 2053 (1993).
Bruff, Harold , Coordinating Judicial Review in Administrative Law, 39 UCLA Law Review, 1193 (1992).
Cantrell, Deborah , Self-Presentation When Sharing with Friends and Nonfriends (with primary authors D. Buhrmester & J. Goldfarb), 12 J. OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE 61 (1992).
Furman, Patrick , The Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct: Implications for Criminal Lawyers, Furman with D. Vigil (1992).
Furman, Patrick , The Definition and Determination of Insanity in Colorado, (1992).
Bruff, Harold , Specialized Courts in Administrative Law, 43 Administrative Law Review, 329 (1991).
Furman, Patrick , The Exigent Circumstances Exception To The Warrant Requirement, (1991).
Furman, Patrick , Punishing Ethical Violations: Aggravating and Mitigating Factors, (1991).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Death and Taxes: The Taxation Of Accelerated Death Benefits For The Terminally Ill, Virginia Tax Review, Volume 11, Number Two, pp. 263-347 (Fall 1991).
Gazur, Wayne M. , Assessing the Limited Liability Company, Case Western Reserve Law Review, Volume 41, Number Two, pp. 387-501 (1991).
Schlag, Pierre , Normativity and the Politics of Form, 139 U. Pa. L. Rev. 801 (1991).
Schlag, Pierre , The Problem of the Subject, 69 Texas L. Rev. 1627 (1991).
Anaya, S. James , The Capacity of International Law to Advance Ethnic or Nationality Rights Claims, 75 Iowa L. Rev. 837 (1990), reprinted in 13 Hum. Rts. Q. 403 (1991), and in The Rights of Minority Cultures 321 (Will Kymlicka ed., 1995).
Anaya, S. James , The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and International Law in Historical and Contemporary Perspective, in Harvard Indian Law Symposium 191 (1990), reprinted in Robert N. Clinton et al., American Indian Law: Cases and Materials 1257 (3d ed. 1991) and excerpted in Robert N. Clinton et al, American Indian Law: Native Nations and the Federal System: Cases and Materials 1451 (Rev. 4th ed 2003).
Bruff, Harold , Separation of Powers Under the Texas Constitution, 68 Texas Law Review, 1337 (1990).
Fiflis, Ted J. , Report of Committee on Counsel Responsibility, Risks of Violation of Rules of Professional Responsibility by Reason of the Increased Disparity Among the States, 45 Bus. Law. 1229 (1990).
Furman, Patrick , Court Appointed Attorneys: Old Problems, New Solutions, (1990).
Nagel, Robert F. , Advice, Consent, and Influence, 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. 858 (1990).
Schlag, Pierre , Normative and Nowhere to Go, 43 Stan. L. Rev. 167 (1990).
Schlag, Pierre , Le Hors de Texte, C'est Moi ' The Politics of Form and the Domestication of Deconstruction, 11 Cardozo L. Rev. 1631 (1990).
Anaya, S. James , How to End Neglect of Indigenous People, Des Moines Register, Mar. 30, 1989.
Nagel, Robert F. , Political Law, Legalistic Politics: A Recent History of The Political Question Dectrine, 56 U. Chi. L. Rev. 643 (1989).
Nagel, Robert F. , Constitutional Cultures: The Mentality and Consequences of Judicial Review, (1989).
Schlag, Pierre , The Problem of Transaction Costs, 62 So. Calif. L. Rev. 1661 (1989).
Schlag, Pierre , Missing Pieces: A Cognitive Approach to Law, 67 Tex. L. Rev. 1195 (1989).
Furman, Patrick , Prior Inconsistent Statements, (1988).
Anaya, S. James , The CIA with the Honduran Army in the Mosquitia: Taking the Freedom out of the Fight in the Name of Accountability, Akwesanse Notes, Summer 1987, at 20.
Anaya, S. James , Tribal Law Impact on Civil Actions in New Mexico, N.M. Trial Law., Feb. 1986, at 1.
Schlag, Pierre , Cannibal Moves: The Metamorphoses of the Legal Distinction, 40 Stan. L. Rev. 929 (1985).
Schlag, Pierre , Rules and Standards, 33 UCLA L. Rev. 379 (1985).
Anaya, S. James , Brooklyn Rivera: "Peace with Justice . . . The Reunificiation of the Indiana Family . . .", Akwesasne Notes, Winter 1984, at 11.
Nagel, Robert F. , Controlling the Structural Injunction, 7 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Policy 395 (1984).
Anaya, S. James , A Miskito Memoir, Albuquerque J. Impact Mag., Sept. 11, 1983, at 4.
Anaya, S. James , Six-part weekly editorial series on Central America, N.M. Daily Lobo, Oct. 7 - Nov. 17, 1983.
Anaya, S. James , Desde El Salvador, El Hispano, Dec. 23, 1983, at 2.
Collins, Richard B. (with others), Felix S. Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law, (1982).
Schlag, Pierre , Assaults on the Exclusionary Rule: Good Faith Limitations and Damage Remedies, 73 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 875 (1982).
Anaya, S. James , Recent Development, 22 Harv. Int'l L.J. 670 (1981) (reviewing Blackie's House of Beef, Inc. v. Castillo, No. 79-2358 (D.C. Cir. July 22, 1981)).
Kaminski, Margot (with Amie Stepanovich, & Nabiha Syed), Filed comments on drones and privacy to the National Telecommunication and Information Administration,