Selected Faculty Publications for 2004

2004 Selected Faculty Publications

Anaya, S. James , International Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples: The Move Toward the Multicultural State, 21 Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 13 (2004), reprinted in Defending Diversity: Case Studies 1 (Chandra Roy ed., 2004), and translated into Spanish as Derechoes Humanos Internacionales y Pueblos Indígenas: Hacia el Estado Multicultural, in En Defensa de la Diversidad: Monografias 1 (Chandra Roy ed., 2004)..

Anaya, S. James , Indigenous Peoples in International Law, (2d ed. 2004)..

Anaya, S. James , Pueblos indígenas, comunidad internacional, y derechos humanos en la era dela globalización, Avances en la Proteccion de los Derechos de los Pueblos 89 (Fernando Mariño & Daniel Oliva eds., 2004).

Briscoe, Georgia K. , 2004 OBS Membership Survey Results, 29 Technical Services Law Librarian 19 (2004).

Cantrell, Deborah , The Obligation of Legal Aid Lawyers to Champion Practice by Nonlawyers, 73 FORDHAM L. REV. 883-902 (2004).

Gazur, Wayne M. , Abandoning Principles: Qualified Tuition Programs and Wealth Transfer Taxation Doctrine, 2 Pittsburgh Tax Review 1 (2004).

Gazur, Wayne M. (with Robert M. Phillips), Case Studies in Estate Planning, (Aspen) (2004).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Dispute Resolution: UNCLOS v. WTO, in Bringing New Law to Ocean Waters (2004).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Environmental Law, in Oxford Encyclopedia of American Law (2004).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Jurisdictional Conflicts Between International Tribunals: A Framework for Adjudication & Implementation, in Bringing New Law to Ocean Waters 297 (David D. Caron & Harry N. Scheiber eds., 2004).

Hill, David S. , Landlord and Tenant Law In a Nutshell, (4th ed.) (2004).

Krakoff, Sarah , Settling the Wilderness, 75 Univ. of Colorado Law Review 1159 (2004).

Loewenstein, Mark J. , The Quiet Transformation of Corporate Law, 57 SMU Law Rev. 353 (2004).

Loewenstein, Mark J. , Beam v. Stewart: Friendship is Not Enough, 18 Insights 22 (2004).

Moss, Scott , Women Choosing Diverse Workplaces: A Rational Preference with Disturbing Implications for Both Occupational Segregation and Economic Analysis of Law, 27 Harv. Women's L. J. 1 (2004).

Moss, Scott , An Overview of Disparate Impact Litigation, Annual Civil Rights Training Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. (2004).

Nagel, Robert F. , Diversity and the Practice of Interest Assessment, 53 Duke L.J. 1515 (2004).

Nagel, Robert F. , Common Sense and Common Law, First Things 42 (February) (2004).

Nagel, Robert F. , States and Localities: A Comment on Robert Nisbet's Communitarianism, 34 Publius 125 (2004).

Nagel, Robert F. , Selective Justice, Claremont Rev. Books, Fall 2005, at 58 (reviewing Michael Comiskey, Seeking Justices: The Judging of Supreme Court Nominees (2004)).

Nagel, Robert F. , Law Schools Are Bad for Democracy, Wall Street Journal at A16 (2004).

Nagel, Robert F. , Nationhood and Judicial Supremacy, in (Wolfe, ed.) That Eminent Tribunal: Judicial Supremacy and the Constitution (Princeton University Press) (2004).

Nevelow Mart, Susan , Protecting the Lady from Toledo: Post-USA Patriot Act Electronic Surveillance at the Library, 96 Law Libr. J. 449 (2004) (Law Library Journal Article of the Year).

Norton, Helen , Not for Attribution: Government's Interest in Protecting the Integrity of Its Own Expression, 37 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1317 (2004).

Norton, Helen , The Antidiscrimination Law Implications of Excluding Reproductive Technologies from Employer-Sponsored Health Plans, 8 EMP. RTS. & EMP. POL'Y J. 523 (2004).

Pizzi, William T. (with Mongagna), The Battle to Establish an Adversarial Trial System in Italy, 25 Mich. J. Int'l L. 429, )(reprinted in Paolo Carozza, Comparative Legal Traditions (3d ed. 2007) and in Raneta Mack, Comparative Criminal Procedure: History, Processes and Case Studies (2008). Published in translation (La Batalla para el Establecimiento de un Sistema penal acusatorio in Italia) in, an online journal of the Catholic University of Peru (2004)..

Pizzi, William T. , Juicios y Mentiras: Cronica de la Crisis del Procesa Penal Estadounidense, [Trials Without Truth] (2004).

Pizzi, William T. , Trials without Truth, (NYU Press 1999). (Juicios y mentiras, translation with notes into Spanish by Carlos Fidalgo Gallardo, (Tecnos Press, Madrid 2004).

Schlag, Pierre , My Dinner at Langdell's, 52 Buffalo L. Rev. 851 (2004).

Squillace, Mark (with Maureen Ryan), Laws and Regulations Pertaining to Wetland Areas in the Intermountain West, in, Wetland and Riparian Areas of the Intermountain West: Ecology and Management (Mark McKinstry et al. eds.) (2004).

Squillace, Mark (with Victor B. Flatt, Michael M. O'Hear & Robert R.M. Verchick), Let the People Speak: Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking (Lessons From the Controversial New Source Review Proposal of the Clean Air Act), 34 Envtl. L. Rep. 10115-130 (2004).

Squillace, Mark (with James Rasband & James Salzman), Natural Resources Law and Policy, (2004).

Weiser, Philip J. , The Ghost of Telecommunications Past, 103 Mich. L. Rev. 101 (2005) (reviewing Paul Starr's The Creation of the Media) (2004).

Wesson, Marianne , Chilling Effect, (2004).