Selected Faculty Publications for 2015

2015 Selected Faculty Publications

Anaya, S. James , Foreword: Looking to the Future for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, in MAPPING INDIGENOUS PRESENCE: NORTH SCANDINAVIAN AND NORTH AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES vii (Kathryn W. Shanley & Bjorg Evjen eds., Univ. of Arizona Press 2015).

Anaya, S. James , Introduction, and reproduction of several country reports completed in the author’s capacity as the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 32 ARIZ. J. INT’L & COMP. L. xiii (2015).

Bloom, Frederic , Countersupermajoritarianism, 113 Michigan Law Review 809 (2015) (with Nelson Tebbe).

Bloom, Frederic , The Law’s Clock, 104 Geo. L.J. 1 (2015).

Briscoe, Georgia K. , Book Review, Research Handbook on International Energy Law. (Edward Elgar, 2014) reviewed in 2014 American Reference Books Annual.

Bruff, Harold , Untrodden Ground: How Presidents Interpret the Constitution, (Univ. of Chicago Press) (2015).

Bruff, Harold , Availability of Judicial Review, in A Guide to Judicial and Political Review of Federal Agencies 1 (Michael E. Herz et al. eds., American Bar Association, 2d ed. 2015).

Brunet Marks, Alexia , The Risks We Are Willing To Eat: Food Imports and Safety, 52 HARVARD JOURNAL ON LEGISLATION 1, 125-172 (2015).

Campos, Paul F. , Food Policy and Cognitive Bias, 5 Wake Forest J.L. & Pol’y 187 (2015).

Campos, Paul F. , Lawyers and Spoiled Identity, 28 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 73 (2015).

Carpenter, Kristen A. (with Jacquelyn Amour Jampolsky), Indigenous Peoples: From Energy Poverty to Energy Empowerment, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 39 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2015).

Dalton, Shamika , Embracing a Rich Diversity: Promoting Diversity among Patrons and Staff, AALL Spectrum 19, no. 4 (Feb. 2015): 8-9.

Deystone, Justin , Structuralist Legal Histories, 78 Law & Contemp. Probs. 37 (2015).

Deystone, Justin , Foreword: Theorizing Contemporary Legal Thought, 78 Law & Contemp. Probs. i (2015) (co-authored with Duncan Kennedy).

Deystone, Justin , Book Review (Joel Trachtman, The Future of International Law), J. Int'l Econ. L., 18(1) pp. 479-486 (2015) (peer-reviewed journal).

Deystone, Justin , The Market as a Legal Concept: Classic Liberalism, Modern Liberalism, Pragmatic Liberalism, in Political Economy And Law: A Handbook Of Research, Theory, and Practice (Ugo Mattei & John Haskell, eds., Edward Elger Press, 2015).

Gazur, Wayne M. (with Robert M. Phillips), Estate Planning: Principles and Problems, (Aspen 4th ed.) (2015).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , The Contours of Energy Justice, in International Environmental Law and The Global South (Gonzales ed. Cambridge University Press) (2015).

Hendricks, Jennifer S. , The State’s Compelling Interest in Substantive Equality, in Controversies in Equal Protection Cases in America: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation 167 (Anne Richardson Oakes ed., Ashgate 2015).

Hendricks, Jennifer S. , The State's Compelling Interest in Substantive Equality, in CONTROVERSIES IN EQUAL PROTECTION CASES IN AMERICA (ed. Anne Richardson Oakes & Centre for American Legal Studies, Ashgate 2015).

Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Colorado Fetal Homicide Law Goes Too Far, Guest Commentary with Aya Gruber, DENVER POST. CT. REV. (4/19/15).

Kaminski, Margot , Regulating Real-World Surveillance, 90 Wash. L. Rev. 1113 (2015).

Kaminski, Margot (with Shane Witnov), The Conforming Effect: First Amendment Implications of Surveillance, Beyond Chilling Speech, 49 U. Rich. L. Rev. 465 (2015).

Kaminski, Margot , Regulating Real-World Surveillance, 90 WASH. L. REV. 1113 (2015).

Kaminski, Margot (with Shane Witnov), The Conforming Effect: First Amendment Implications of Surveillance, Beyond Chilling Speech, 49 U. RICH. L. REV. 465 (2015).

Kaminski, Margot , Don't Keep the Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks Secret, THE NEW YORK TIMES, (Apr. 14, 2015).

Kaminski, Margot , Toward defining privacy expectations in an age of oversharing, THE ECONOMIST, (Aug. 16, 2018).

Kaminski, Margot , Privacy is Not a Barrier to Trade, SLATE, (June 4, 2015).

Krakoff, Sarah , American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary, Anderson, Berger, Krakoff & Frickey (3d Ed., 2015).

Krakoff, Sarah (with Robert T. Anderson, Bethany Berger, & Philip Frickey), American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary, (West, 3d ed. 2015).

Krakoff, Sarah , Sustainability and Justice, in Rethinking Sustainability to Meet the Climate Change Challenge, Jessica Owley & Keith H. Hirokawa, Eds., 199-227 (Eli, 2015).

Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Brief Amicus Curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation in Support of the Appellants, Commonwealth v. Estabrook, (with Andrew Sellars) 472 Mass. 852 (Mass. Supreme Judicial Court, 2015).

Loewenstein, Mark J. , Equity and Corporate Law, 68 SMU L. Rev. 783 (2015).

Loewenstein, Mark J. , Reflections on Teaching Business Associations: The Case for Teaching More Agency and Unincorporated Business Entity Law, 59 St. Louis U. L.J. 641 (2015).

Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (LexisNexis, 9th ed. 2015).

Loewenstein, Mark J. , Freedom of Contract for Alternative Entities in Delaware: Myth or Reality?, in Research Handbook on Partnerships, LLCs and Alternative Forms of Business Organizations 28 (Robert W. Hillman & Mark J. Loewenstein eds., Edward Elgar 2015).

Loewenstein, Mark J. , Research Handbook on Partnerships, LLCs and Alternative Forms of Business Organizations, (Robert W. Hillman & Mark J. Loewenstein eds., Edward Elgar 2015).

Moss, Scott (with Alexia Brunet Marks), What predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2 (June 2016).

Mueller, Christopher B. (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick), Evidence [Black Letter Outline], (West, 4th ed. 2015).

Mueller, Christopher B. (with Laird C. Kirkpatrick), Evidence Under the Rules: Text, Cases, and Problems, (Wolters Kluwer, 8th ed. 2015).

Nagel, Robert F. , William Rehnquist and the American Concept of Sovereignty, in The Constitutional Legacy of William H. Rehnquist 79 (Bradford P. Wilson ed., West Academic 2015).

Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Legal Research Process, in Steven M. Barkan et al., Fundamentals of Legal Research 15 (Foundation Press, 10th ed. 2015).

Norton, Helen , Lies To Manipulate, Misappropriate, and Acquire Government Power, in Austin D. Sarat, ed., Law and Lies: Deception and Truth-Telling in the American Legal System (Cambridge University Press 2015).

Norton, Helen , The Government's Lies and the Constitution, 91 Ind. L.J. 73 (2015).

Norton, Helen , Government Speech and Political Courage, 68 Stan. L. Rev. Online 61 (2015).

Norton, Helen , Cyberharassment and Workplace Law, B.U. L. Rev. Annex (Oct. 20, 2015).

Norton, Helen , A Few Thoughts on Free Speech Constitutionalism, 2015 U. Ill. L. Rev. Slip Opinions 98.

Pappas, Michael , Defining Power Property Expectations, 45 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10542 (2015).

Pappas, Michael , Distributed, Nega-, and Reclaimed: Setting Expectations in the "New" Resource Base, 32 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 471 (2015).

Pizzi, William T. , Revisiting the Mansions and Gatehouses of Criminal Procedure: Reflections on Yale Kamisar’s Famous Essay, 12 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 633 (2015).

Ramsey, Carolyn , The Stereotyped Offender: Domestic Violence and the Failure of Intervention, 120 Penn. St. L. Rev. 337 (2015) (lead article).

Roithmayr, Daria (with Alex Isakov and David Rand), Should Law Keep Pace With Society: Relative Update Rates Determine the Co-evolution of Institutional Punishment and Citizen Contributions to Public Goods, 6 GAMES 124 (2015).

Roithmayr, Daria (with Darren Rosenblum), More than a Woman: Insights Into Corporate Governance After the French Sex Quota, 48 INDIANA L. REV. 889 (2015).

Roithmayr, Daria , How the Other Half Banks (reviewing Mehrsa Baradaran, How the Other Half Banks) (2015), JOTWELL (October 2015).

Schlag, Pierre , How to Do Things With Hohfeld, 78 Law & Contemp. Prob. 185 (2015).

Schlag, Pierre , L'Autonomie des Avocats (Une Conception Problématique Parmi Des Développements Démoralisants), (fortchoming in Assier, Ed. L'AUTONOMIE DES AVOCATS 2015).

Schwartz, Andrew , The Digital Shareholder, 100 Minnesota Law Review 609 (2015).

Schwartz, Andrew , Corporate Legacy, 5 Harvard Business Law Review 237 (2015).

Schwartz, Andrew , Crowdfunding Securities, 69 Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report 154 (2015).

Schwartz, Andrew , The Nonfinancial Returns of Crowdfunding, 34 Review of Banking & Financial Law 565 (2015).

Schwartz, Andrew , Quarterback by Committee: A Response in Memory of Dan Markel, 6 Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law 159 (2015).

Schwartz, Andrew , The Iliad and the IPO, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL FORUM ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL REGULATION, Aug. 12, 2015. Selected by THE BROWSER as one of the 100 best pieces of writing published online in 2015.

Schwartz, Andrew , Young Hearts Be Free Tonight: The Promise of Teenage Crowdfunding, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, June 12, 2015.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Outing Privacy, 110 Northwestern University Law Review 159 (2015).

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Outing Privacy, 110 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 159 (2015).

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , AIDS and the Law, ed.(Wolters Kluwer, 5th ed. 2015).

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The Department of Education's Common-Sense Approach to Transgender Inclusion, SLATE, Nov. 4, 2015.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , How Obergefell Could Help Transgender Rights, SLATE, June 26, 2015.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Bad Blood: The FDA's Donation Rule Change for Gay and Bisexual Men is Sending the Wrong Message on HIV, THE NEW REPUBLIC, May 19, 2015.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The FDA Should Follow Europe's Lead and Create Blood Donor Policies Based on Evidence, SLATE, April 30, 2015.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , The "Straight" Faces of Same-Sex Marriage, SLATE, April 24, 2015.

Thompson, Jane , Federal Legislation, in Steven M. Barkan et al., Fundamentals of Legal Research 137 (Foundation Press, 10th ed. 2015).

Thompson, Jane , Federal Legislative Histories and Legislative Materials, in Steven M. Barkan et al., Fundamentals of Legal Research 167(Foundation Press, 10th ed. 2015).