Selected Faculty Publications for 2016

2016 Selected Faculty Publications

Anaya, S. James (with Rebecca Tsosie), International Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples, and Extractive Industries, in HUMAN RIGHTS LAW AND THE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES, Paper 13 (Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation 2016).

Anaya, S. James , El Conevnio 169 y la Situation de los Pueblos Indigenas, LA CONSULTA INDIGENA: COLOMBIA-PERU-CHILE (Claudio Fuentes & Maite de la Cea eds., RiL editores 2016).

Benhalim, Rabea , Islamic Finance and Sukuk in Africa, AR3: RESILIENCE, RISK, AND RECONSTRUCTION MAG. (Jan. 2016).

Bernthal, J. Brad , Investment Accelerators, 22 Stan. J. L. Bus. & Fin. 139 (2016).

Bloom, Frederic , The Law's Clock, 104 Georgetown Law Journal 1 (2015).

Bruff, Harold , How Presidents Interpret the Constitution, Insights on L. & Soc’y, Fall 2016, at 8.

Bruff, Harold , The President’s Faithful Execution of Duty, 87 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1107 (2016).

Brunet Marks, Alexia , The Right To Regulate (Cooperatively), University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, Vol. 38, No. 1 (2016).

Brunet Marks, Alexia , A New Governance Recipe for Food Safety Regulation, 47 LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO LAW JOURNAL 3 (2016). Reprinted in, Gostin, Lawrence O., ed. PUBLIC HEALTH LAW & ETHICS: A READER, 3d ed. Berkeley: University of California Press (2016).

Brunet Marks, Alexia (with Scott Moss), What predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2 (June 2016).

Brunet Marks, Alexia , The Right to Regulate (Cooperatively), 38 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 1 (2016).

Cantrell, Deborah , Practicing Practical Wisdom, ___ MERCER L. REV. ___ (2016).

Cantrell, Deborah , Celebrating Mundane Conflict, SSRN, Aug. 29, 2016 (forthcoming in Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal).

Cantrell, Deborah , Love, Anger, and Lawyering, 19 Rich. J.L. & Pub. Int. 283 (2016).

Carpenter, Kristen A. , Owning Red: A Theory of Indian (Cultural) Appropriation,, 94 Texas Law Rev. 859 (with A. Riley) (2016).

Carpenter, Kristen A. , Indian Status is Not Racial: Understanding ICWA as a Matter of Law and Practice, Cato Unbound, Aug. 9, 2016.

Carpenter, Kristen A. , One River, Two Canoes: Peace and Respect in Indian Child Welfare, Cato Unbound, Aug. 31, 2016.

Carpenter, Kristen A. , Standing Tall: The Sioux's battle against a Dakota Pipeline is a galvanizing social justice movement for Native Americans, Sept. 23, 2016 (with A. Riley).

Deystone, Justin , A Context for Legal History, or, This is Not Your Father's Contextualism, 56 Am. J. Legal Hist. 29 (2016) (peer-reviewed journal).

Deystone, Justin , From Apology to Utopia's Point of Attack, 29 Leiden J. Int'l L. 677 (2016) (peer-reviewed journal).

Deystone, Justin , International Legal Structuralism: A Primer, 8 Int'l Theory 201 (2016) (peer-reviewed journal).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Introduction to Model Laws on Lighting, 44 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 323, 336 (2016).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Model Law on Lighting for Developing Countries, 44 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 337, 368 (2016).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours, (Routledge, 2016).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Global Energy Justice: Law and Policy, (West, 2016).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Energy Poverty, in Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US: A Reader (Raphael J. Heffron and Gavin Little, eds. Edinburgh University Press) (2016).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Conclusions: The Emerging Contours, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 315 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2016).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Global Energy Justice, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 55 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2016).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Introduction, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 1 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2016).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Model Laws on Cooking, in International Energy and Poverty: The Emerging Contours 287 (Lakshman Guruswamy ed., Routledge 2016).

Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Genetic Essentialism in Family Law, 26 Health Matrix 109 (2016).

Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Genetic Essentialism in Family Law, 26 Health Matrix 109 (2016).

Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Schrödinger's Child: Non-Identity and Probabilities in Reproductive Decision-Making, 69 Stud. L. Pol. & Soc'y 221 (2016).

Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Schrodinger's Child: Non-Identity and Probabilities in Reproductive Decision-Making, in 69 Studies in Law, Politics, and Society: Special Issue: Feminist Legal Theory 221 (Austin Sarat ed., Emerald 2016).

Kaminski, Margot , First Amendment Law Professors Brief in Fields v. Philadelphia in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, supporting a "right to record" law enforcement officials in public places, October 31, 2016.

Kaminski, Margot , First Amendment Legal Scholars Brief in Wikimedia v. NSA in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, First Amendment Legal Scholars Brief in Wikimedia v. NSA in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, challenging "Upstream" NSA Internet Surveillance, February 24, 2016. Kaminski (with Amie Stepanovich, & Nabiha Syed), Filed comments on drones and privacy to the National Telecommunication and Information Administration.

Kaminski, Margot , Enough with the Sunbathing Teenager Gambit, SLATE, (May 17, 2016).

Kaminski, Margot , What the Scarlett Johansson Robot Says about the Future, SLATE, (Apr. 7, 2016).

Krakoff, Sarah , Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change, in Climate Change Law 627 (Daniel A. Farber & Marjan Peeters eds., Edward Elgar 2016).

Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Cloudy with a Conflict of Laws: How Cloud Computing Has Disrupted the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty System and Why It Matters, Berkman Center Research Pub. No 2016-03 (Feb. 16, 2016).

Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Managing User Rights Responsibly: A Guide for Early-Stage Companies, (with Dalia Ritvo and Sarah Altschuller) (Apr. 1, 2016).

Loewenstein, Mark J. (with Douglas M. Branson, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Marc I. Steinberg & Manning Gilbert Warren III), Business Enterprises: Legal Structures, Governance, and Policy: Cases, Materials, and Problems, (Carolina Academic Press, 3d ed. 2016).

Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC in a Nutshell, (West, 6th ed. 2016).

Moss, Scott (with Alexia Brunet Marks), What Predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, 13 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 205 (2016).

Moss, Scott , Labor and Employment Law at the 2014-2015 Supreme Court: The Court Devotes Ten Percent of Its Docket to Statutory Interpretation in Employment Cases, but Rejects the Argument That What Employment Law Really Needs Is More Administrative Law, 31 A.B.A. J. Lab. & Emp. L. 171 (2016).

Mueller, Christopher B. (with Laird Kirkpatrick), Prior Consistent Statements: The Dangers of Misinterpreting Recently Amended Federal Rule of Evidence 801(d)(1)(B), 84 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. Arguendo 193 (2016).

Nevelow Mart, Susan , From the Editor, 1 Legal Info. Rev. vii (2016).

Norton, Helen , Siri-ously? Free Speech Rights for Artificial Intelligence, 110 NW. U. L. Rev. (2016) (with Toni M. Massaro).

Norton, Helen , Truth and Lies in the Workplace: Employer Speech and the First Amendment, 101 Minn. L. Rev. (2016).

Pappas, Michael , A Right to Be Regulated?, 24 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 99 (2016).

Pappas, Michael , Singled Out, 76 Md. L. Rev. 122 (2016).

Pappas, Michael , The Armstrong Evolution, 76 Md. L. Rev. Endnotes 35 (2016).

Pizzi, William T. , The Effects of the "Vanishing Trial" on Our Incarceration Rate, 28 Fed. Sent'g Rep. 330 (2016).

Pizzi, William T. , Comparative Reflections on Duncan v. Louisiana and Baldwin v. New York, 38 Loy. L.A. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 91 (2016).

Roithmayr, Daria , The Dynamics of Excessive Force, 2016 U. CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM 407 (2016).

Schlag, Pierre , American Absurd: A Work of Fiction, (Bowen Press 2016).

Schwartz, Andrew , Financing Corporate Elections, 41 Journal of Corporation Law 863 (2016).

Schwartz, Andrew , Inclusive Crowdfunding, 2016 Utah Law Review 661.


Schwartz, Andrew , Crowdfunding and the Digital Shareholder, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL FORUM ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL REGULATION, Feb. 2, 2016.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott (with Sylvia A. Law & Hugh Baran), Marriage, Abortion, and Coming Out, 116 Colum. L. Rev. Online 126 (2016).

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Marriage, Abortion, and Coming Out, 116 Columbia Law Review Online 126 (2016) (with Sylvia Law & Hugh Baran).

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , North Carolina's Catch-22, SLATE, May 16, 2016.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Bathroom Bills and the Battle Over Privacy, SLATE, May 10, 2016.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , How Nixon and Rehnquist Paved the Way for Transgender Rights, SLATE, April 1, 2016.

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , North Carolina Just Lost Some of Its Charm, SALON, March 25, 2016 (critiquing North Carolina's anti-LGBT legislation as violating constitutional privacy protections).

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Clinton's Mistake on Reagan Is an Opportunity for Action on HIV/AIDS, SLATE, March 18, 2016 (with Carolyn McAllaster).

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Anti-Transgender Bathroom Bills are Unconstitutional, SLATE, Feb. 11, 2016.

Speck, Sloan , The Social Boundaries of Corporate Taxation, 84 Fordham L. Rev. 2583 (2016).

Speck, Sloan , Tax Planning and Policy Drift, 69 Tax L. Rev. 549 (2016).

Squillace, Mark , Managing Unconventional Oil and Gas Development As If Communities Mattered, 40 Vt. L. Rev. 525 (2016).

Squillace, Mark (with Anthony McLeod), Marketing Conserved Water, 46 Envtl. L. 1 (2016).

Squillace, Mark (with James Rasband, James Salzman, & Sam Kalen), Natural Resources Law and Policy, (Foundation Press, 3d ed. 2016).

Squillace, Mark , Environmental Decisionmaking for the 21st Century, (Carolina Academic Press 2016).

Squillace, Mark , Managing Water Resources in the American West, in Water Acquisition and Management for Oil & Gas Development: Legal and Regulatory Requirements (Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation 2016).

Surden, Harry , Technological Opacity, Predictability, and Self-Driving Cars, 38 Cardozo Law Review 121 (2016).

Weiser, Philip J. , The Forgotten Core of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 68 Fed. Comm. L.J. 71 (2016).

Weiser, Philip J. (with William Baer), Closing Fireside Chat with the Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division, 15 Colo. Tech. L.J. 13 (2016).