Bauer, Amy , From the Courtroom to the Classroom: How a Litigator Became a Transactional Drafting Professor, 20 Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law 559 (2019).
Benhalim, Rabea , The Case for American Muslim Arbitration, 2019 WIS. L. REV. 531, 592 (2019).
Benhalim, Rabea , Religious Courts in Secular Jurisdictions, 84 BROOK. L. REV. 745, 800 (2019).
Bernthal, J. Brad , The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Finance: A New Typology, 2018 BYU L. Rev. 773 (2019).
Booth, Jonathon , Capitalism, Anti-Blackness, and the Law: A Very Short History, 35 Harv. BlackLetter L.J. 5 (2019).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Ships' Ballast as an Object of International Law, in INTERNATIONAL LAW'S OBJECTS: EMERGENCE, ENCOUNTER AND ERASURE THROUGH OBJECT AND IMAGE (Jessie Hohmann and Daniel Joyce, eds., Oxford University Press, 2019) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Cecelia Kell v. Canada, in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW, (Hart Publishing, September 2019) (with Jessie Hohmann and Enzamaria Tramontana).
Cantrell, Deborah , Love, Anger, and Social Change, 12 DREXEL L. REV. 47 (2019).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Privatizing the Reservation?, 71 Stanford Law Review 791 (with A. Riley) (2019).
Dalton, Shamika (with Clanitra Stewart Nejdl), Developing a Culturally Competent Legal Research Curriculum, AALL Spectrum 23, no. 4 (March/April 2019): 18-21.
Hynes, J. Dennis (with Mark J. Loewenstein), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (Carolina Academic Press, 10th ed. 2019).
Jamshidi, Maryam , The War on Terror's Reeducation Camps, Jacobin, Jan. 12, 2019.
Kaminski, Margot , Binary Governance, 92 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1529 (2019).
Kaminski, Margot , The Right to Explanation, Explained, 34 BERKELEY TECH. L. J. (2019).
Kaminski, Margot (with W. Nicholson Price II, Timo Minssen, & Kayte Spector-Bagdady), Shadow Health Records Meet New Data Privacy Laws, Science, Feb. 1, 2019.
Kaminski, Margot , The Legislation That Targets the Racist Impacts of Tech, (with Andrew D. Selbst),The New York Times (May 5, 2019).
Kaminski, Margot , Shadow health records meet new data privacy laws, (with W. Nicholson Price II, Timo Minssen, Kayte Spector-Bagdady) SCIENCE, (Feb. 01, 2019)..
Krakoff, Sarah , Environmental Justice and the Possibilities for Environmental Law, 49 Envtl. L. 229 (2019).
Krakoff, Sarah , Beyond Zero Sum Environmentalism, with M. Powers & J. Rosenbloom, eds. (Environmental Law Inst., 2019).
Krakoff, Sarah , Public Lands and the Public Good, in Beyond Zero Sum Environmentalism, Krakoff, Powers & Rosenbloom, eds. (Envt'l Law Inst., 2019).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Are Internet Protocols the New Human Rights Protocols? Understanding RFC 8280 - Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations, 4 BUS. H. R. J. 163 (2019).
Loewenstein, Mark J. (with J. Dennis Hynes), Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises: Cases, Materials, Problems, (Carolina Academic Press, 10th ed. 2019).
Norton, Helen , The Government's Speech and the Constitution, Cambridge University Press (2019).
Norton, Helen , Powerful Speakers and Their Listeners, 90 University of Colorado Law Review 441 (2019).
Norton, Helen , Pregnancy and the First Amendment, 87 Fordham L. Rev. 2417 (2019).
Pappas, Michael (with Victor B. Flatt), The Costs of Creating Environmental Markets: A Commodification Primer, 9 UC Irvine L. Rev. 731 (2019).
Roithmayr, Daria , The Network Structure of Police Misconduct, (with George Wood and Andrew V. Papachristos) 5 SOCIUS (January 2019).
Schwartz, Andrew , Mandatory Disclosure in Primary Markets, 2019 Utah Law Review 1069 (2019).
Schwartz, Andrew , Crowdfunding Issuers in the United States, 61 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 155-71 (2020).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Recording as Heckling, 108 The Georgetown Law Journal 125 (2019).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Reclaiming the Right to the Future Tense, LAW & POLITICAL ECONOMY, September 4, 2019.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Queering the Gay Agenda, SLATE, June 18, 2019.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Arguing Queer Rights, TAKE CARE, Nov. 18, 2019.
Surden, Harry , Artificial Intelligence and Law: An Overview, 35 Georgia State University Law Review (2019).