Selected Faculty Publications for 2009

2009 Selected Faculty Publications

Anaya, S. James , Observations on the Situation of the Charco la Pava Community and Other Communities Affected by the Chan 75 Hydroelectric Project in Panama, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.5 (Sept. 7, 2009).

Anaya, S. James , Observations on the Situation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Region and the Events of 5 June and the Following Days in Bagua and Utcubamba Provinces, Peru, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.8 (Aug. 18, 2009).

Anaya, S. James , The Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Chile: Follow-Up to the Recommendations Made by the Previous Special Rapporteur, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.6 (Oct. 5, 2009).

Anaya, S. James , Report on the Situation of Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, U.N.Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.2 (Aug. 26, 2009).

Anaya, S. James , Summary of Communications Transmitted and Replies Received, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34/Add.1 (Sept. 18, 2009).

Anaya, S. James , Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/12/34 (July 15, 2009).

Anaya, S. James , Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, U.N. Doc. A/64/338 (Sept. 4, 2009).

Anaya, S. James , The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in International Protection of Human Rights: A Textbook 273 (Catarina Krause & Martin Scheinin eds., 2009).

Anaya, S. James , Por qué no debería de existir la Declaración sobre Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, en Declaración sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas: Hacia un Mundo Intercultural y Sostenible 37 (Natalia Álvarez Molinero et al. eds., 2009).

Anaya, S. James , Gaining Legal Recognition of Indigenous Land Rights: The Story of the Awas Tingni Case in Nicaragua, in Human Rights Advocacy Stories 117 (Deena R. Hurwitz & Margaret L. Satterthwaite eds. with Doug Ford, 2009) (co-author, with Maia S. Campbell).

Anaya, S. James , Nicaragua's Titling of Communal Lands Marks Major Step for Indigenous Rights, 28 Indian Country Today, Jan. 5, 2009, at 5..

Bloom, Frederic , Jurisdiction's Noble Lie, 61 Stanford Law Review 971 (2009).

Briscoe, Georgia K. , Holy Grail Getting Closer at Colorado Law: One Search for Catalog and Articles, 35 Technical Services Law Librarian, 29 (Dec. 2009).

Briscoe, Georgia K. , Contributing author to "TechScans," quarterly column in Technical Services Law Librarian, v.35 (2009) to current issue.

Bruff, Harold , Bad Advice: Bush's Lawyers in the War on Terror, (Univ. of Kansas Press) (2009).

Bruff, Harold , The Story of Dames & Moore: Resolution of an International Crisis by Executive Agreement, in Presidential Power Stories (Foundation Press). (2009).

Carpenter, Kristen A. , In Defense of Property, 118 Yale Law Journal 1022 (with S. Katyal & A. Riley) (2009).

Carpenter, Kristen A. , Interpretive Sovereignty, 33 American Indian Law Review 111 (2009).

Collins, Richard B. , Telluride's Tale of Eminent Domain, Home Rule, and Retroactivity, 86 Den. U. L. Rev. 1433 (symposium). (2009).

Collins, Richard B. , 38(11) Colo. Law. 101 (Nov. 2009), (reviewing American Indian Law Deskbook, 4th ed.) (2008).

Corbridge, James (with A. Dan Tarlock, David H. Getches & Reed Benson), Water Resource Management: A Casebook in Law and Public Policy, (Foundation Press, 6th ed.) (2009).

England, Ann (with H. Patrick Furman), The Expanded Use of the Res Gestae Doctrine, 38(6) Colo. Law. 35 (2009).

Furman, Patrick (with Ann England), The Expanded Use of the Res Gestae Doctrine, 38(6) Colo. Law. 35 (2009).

Furman, Patrick , Colorado DUI Benchbook: 2009 Cumulative Supplement, (Continuing Legal Educ. in Colo., 3d ed. 2005-) (H. Patrick Furman, managing editor) (2009).

Furman, Patrick , Hearsay: Common Exclusions, Exceptions and Pitfalls, in Evidence for the Civil and Criminal Practitioner and Special Evidentiary Issues, in Criminal Law (Continuing Legal Educ. in Colo., 2009).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Arctic Nuclear Pollution, in The Oceans and the Nuclear Age: Legacies and Risks (David D. Caron & Harry N. Scheiber eds.) (2009).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , Energy Justice, in Climate Change: A Reader (William H. Rodgers, Jr., et al. eds.) (2009).

Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with James Rubin and others), International Environmental Law, in Environment, Energy, and Resources Law: The Year in Review 2008, at 92 (Robert Butkin et al. eds., Am. Bar Ass'n) (2009).

Hendricks, Jennifer S. , We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone, 76 TENN. L. REV. 417 (2009).

Krakoff, Sarah , Healing the West with Taxes: The Navajo Nation and the Enactment of Sovereignty, in Remedies for a New West: Healing Landscapes, Histories and Cultures, Patricia Nelson Limerick, Andrew Cowell & Sharon K. Collinge, eds. (U. of Arizona Press) (2009).

Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Colonial Cousins: Explaining India and Canada's Unwritten Constitutional Principles, 34 YALE J. INT'L L. 207 (2009).

Loewenstein, Mark J. , The Diverging Meaning of Good Faith, 34 DELAWARE JOURNAL OF CORPORATE LAW 433 (2009)(reprinted in 43 BANK AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE.LAW REPORTER 305 (2009)).

Loewenstein, Mark J. (with Douglas M. Branson, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Marc I. Steinberg, and Manning G. Warren), Business Enterprises: Legal Structures, Governance and Policy: Cases, Materials, and Problems, (LexisNexis Matthew Bender) (2009).

Loewenstein, Mark J. (with Douglas M. Branson, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Marc I. Steinberg, and Manning G. Warren), Business Enterprises: Legal Structures, Governance and Policy: Cases, Materials, and Problems, (LexisNexis Matthew Bender 2nd ed.) (2009).

Moss, Scott , Litigation Discovery Cannot Be Optimal but Could Be Better: The Economics of Improving Discovery Timing in a Digital Age, 58 Duke L.J. 889 (2009).

Moss, Scott (with Peter H. Huang), How the New Economics Can Improve Discrimination Law, and How Economics Can Survive the Demise of the "Rational Actor", 51 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 183 (2009).

Moss, Scott , The Courts under President Obama, 86 Denv. U. L. Rev. 727 (Special Issue: Obama Phenomena) (2009).

Moss, Scott , Reluctant Judicial Factfinding: When Minimalism and Judicial Modesty Go Too Far, 32 Seattle U. L. Rev. 549 (Symposium: Alternative Visions of the Judicial Role) (2009).

Nagel, Robert F. , The Hot Seat, Nat'l Rev., June 8, 2009, at 46 (reviewing Lucas A. Powe, Jr., The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2008) (2009).

Nagel, Robert F. , Questioning Sotomayor: The Senate Hearings Needn't Be Worthless, The Weekly Standard, July 13, 2009, at 8 (2009).

Nagel, Robert F. , The Incivility Epidemic: How the Supreme Court's Defamation Decisions Coarsened Our Public Life, The Weekly Standard, Dec. 7, 2009, at 18 (2009).

Nagel, Robert F. (Stanley N. Katz), Judicial Power, in The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History 406 (2009).

Nevelow Mart, Susan , The Internet's Public Domain: Access to Government Information on the Internet, 12 No. 9 J. Internet L. 3 (2009).

Nevelow Mart, Susan , Boulder Statement on Legal Research Education, The Conference on Legal Information: Scholarship and Teaching, University of Colorado Law School in Boulder, Colorado, June 21-22, 2009 (original drafter and signatory).

Norton, Helen , Constraining Public Employee Speech: Government's Control of Its Workers' Speech to Protect Its Own Expression, 59 Duke L.J. 1 (2009).

Norton, Helen , Constraining Public Employee Speech, Legal Workshop, Oct. 19, 2009.

Pizzi, William T. , Colorado v. Connelly: What Really Happened, 7 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 377 (2009).

Ramsey, Carolyn , In the Sweat Box: A Historical Perspective on the Detention of Material Witnesses, 6 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 681 (2009) (peer refereed).

Ramsey, Carolyn , Criminal Law: United States Law, in Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History (Stanley Katz et al. eds.) New York: Oxford University Press, (2009) (peer refereed).

Ramsey, Carolyn , Commentary: Was the Bill of Rights Irrelevant to Nineteenth-Century State Criminal Procedure?, 18 J. Contemp. Legal Issues 501 (2009) (peer refereed) (invited symposium).

Schlag, Pierre , Spam Jurisprudence, Air Law, and the Rank Anxiety of Nothing Happening (A Report on the State of the Art), 97 Geo. L.J. 803 (2009).

Schlag, Pierre , The Dedifferentiation Problem, 42(1) Cont. Philos. Rev. 35 (Special Issue on Continental Philosophy of Law) (2009).

Schlag, Pierre , Critical Legal Studies, in The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History 295 (Stanley N. Katz ed.) (2009).

Schlag, Pierre , Law and Philosophy in the Hyperreal, in On Philosophy in American Law 257 (Francis J. Mootz III ed.) (2009).

Skinner-Thompson, Scott , House of Wisdom or a House of Cards? Why Teaching Islam in U.S Foreign Detention Facilities Violates the Establishment Clause, 88 NEBRASKA LAW REVIEW 341 (2009).

Squillace, Mark , Embracing a Civic Republican Tradition in Natural Resources Decision-Making, in The Evolution of Natural Resources Law and Policy (Sarah F. Bates & Lawrence J. MacDonnell eds.) (2009).

Thompson, Jane (with Barbara Bintliff, Alicia Brillon & Alan Pannell), Computer-Based Interactive Lesson (co-authored): Colorado Legal Research: Primary Source Materials, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (2009).

Thompson, Jane , Rights of the Disabled, 48(4) Reference & User Serv. Q. 412 (2009).

Weiser, Philip J. , Regulating Interoperability: Lessons From AT&T, Microsoft, and Beyond, 76 Antitrust L.J. 271 (2009).

Weiser, Philip J. (with Marius Schwartz), Introduction to a Special Issue on Network Neutrality, 8 Review of Network Economics 1 (2009).

Weiser, Philip J. , The Future of Internet Regulation, 43 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 529 (2009).

Weiser, Philip J. , Institutional Design, FCC Reform, and the Hidden Side of the Administrative State, 61 Administrative Law Review 675 (2009).

Wesson, Marianne , Domesticated Monsters, in Criminal Law Conversations 262 (Paul H. Robinson, Stephen P. Garvey, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan eds.) (2009) (Comment on Ch. 12: Joseph E. Kennedy, Monstrous Offenders and the Search for Solidarity Through Modern Punishment)..