Booth, Jonathon , Ending Forced Labor in ICE Detention Centers: A New Approach, 34 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 573 (2020).
Booth, Jonathon , The Impact of the American Civil War on Political Writing, in Caribbean Literature in Transition, vol. 1, (Evelyn O'Callaghan and Tim Watson, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Booth, Jonathon , How Private Prisons Profit from Forced Labor, Current Affairs, October 26, 2020.
Brunet Marks, Alexia , Taming America's Sugar Rush: A "Traffic Light" Label Approach, Arizona Law Review, Vol. 62, No. 683 (2020).
Brunet Marks, Alexia , (Carbon) Farming our Way out of Climate Change, 97 Denver Law Review 3, 497-556 (2020).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , Race, Space and Surveillance: A Response to #LivingWhileBlack: Blackness as Nuisance, by Taja-Nia Henderson and Jamila Jefferson-Jones, American University Law Review Forum 213 (2020) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , (Un)Common Law and the Female Body, 61 Boston College Law Review Electronic Supplement (2020) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , 'While the Water is Stirring': Sojourner Truth as Proto-agonist in the Fight for (Black) Women's Rights, 100 Boston University Law Review 1637 (2020) (Invited author).
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , The Princeton Fugitive Slave: The Trials of James Collins Johnson, (Fordham University Press, 2020). A scholarly review is available at Humanities and Social Sciences Online.
Buckner Inniss, Lolita , The Lucky Law Professor and the Eucatastrophic Moment, in PRESUMED INCOMPETENT II (Carmen Gonzalez, ed., University Press of Colorado, 2020) (Invited author).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , (Indigenous) Language as a Human Right, 24 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 49 (with A. Tsykarev) (2020).
Carpenter, Kristen A. , Religious Freedoms, Sacred Sites, and Human Rights in the United States, in COMPARATIVE APPROACHES TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES (B. Gunn et. al., eds.) (2020).
Dalton, Shamika (with Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran), Navigating Tenure-Track as a Female Faculty of Color: Challenges, Insights, and Personal Experiences, in Reflections on Practitioner Research: A Practical Guide for Information Professionals, edited by Lee Ann Fullington, Brandon West, and Frans Albarillo. Association of College and Research Libraries (2020).
Deystone, Justin , The Right to Exclude: A Critical Race Approach to Sovereignty, Borders, and International Law, (Oxford University Press, 2023).
Deystone, Justin , The Realist and the Visionary: On the Problem of Social Change in the History of International Legal Thought, 1919-2019, in Contingency in the Course of International Law : How International Law Could Have Been (Kevin Jon Heller and Ingo Venzke, eds.) (Oxford University Press, 2020).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. (with Cyra Akila Choudhury and Shruti Rana), America's Care Crisis Is Exploding and Women Lawyers Are Being Forced to Pick Up the Pieces, ABOVE THE LAW (8/6/20).
Hendricks, Jennifer S. , Guest Opinion: CU-Boulder Pay Cuts Are Unjust and Regressive, BOULDER DAILY CAMERA (6/25/20).
Jamshidi, Maryam , Embracing Diversity and Critical Perspectives in National Security Law, Just Security, October 30, 2020 (with Emily Berman.
Jamshidi, Maryam , What a Few Cakes Say About the US Drone Program, Just Security, September 16, 2020.
Jamshidi, Maryam , Bringing Abolition to National Security, Just Security, August 27, 2020.
Kaminski, Margot , An American's Guide to the GDPR, (with Meg Leta Jones), 98 Denv. L. Rev. no. 1 (2020).
Kaminski, Margot , Understanding Transparency in Algorithmic Accountability, in THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF THE LAW OF ALGORITHMS (Woodrow Barfield ed., Cambridge University Press 2020).
Kaminski, Margot , Free Speech Isn't a Pass for Privacy Violations, (with Scott Skinner-Thompson), Slate, Mar. 9 2020.
Kaminski, Margot , A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law, COMM. ACM, Sept. 2020, at 24.
Krakoff, Sarah , Not Yet America's Best Idea: Law, Inequality, and Grand Canyon National Park, 92 University of Colorado Law Review 561 (2020).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , A Tale of Two Privacy Laws, 114 AM. J. INT'L. L. UNBOUND 26 (2020).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , CDA 230 Goes North American? Examining the Impacts of the USMCA's Intermediary Liability Provisions in Canada and the United States, (with Jessica Fjeld, et al.) ( July 2020).
Krishnamurthy, Vivek , Comments of Privacy Researchers on Proposals for Ensuring Appropriate Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, (collaboration with TLPC at Colorado Law School) Submitted to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on behalf of 25 privacy researchers (Mar. 13, 2020).
Norton, Helen , Discrimination, The Speech That Enables It, and the First Amendment, 2020 U. Chi. L. For. 209 (2020).
Schwartz, Andrew , Contracts and COVID-19, 73 Stanford Law Review Online 48-60 (2020).
Schwartz, Andrew , Which Companies Crowdfund?, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, May 29, 2020 Reprinted in OXFORD BUSINESS LAW BLOG, June 10, 2020.
Schwartz, Andrew , Breaking contracts over coronavirus: Can you argue it's an 'act of God'?, THE CONVERSATION, Mar. 31, 2020.
Schwartz, Andrew , Voluntary Disclosure for Primary Securities Offerings, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, Mar. 3, 2020 Reprinted in OXFORD BUSINESS LAW BLOG, Mar. 5, 2020; SECURITIES REGULATION DAILY, Mar. 19, 2020.
Schwartz, Andrew , COVID-19: Impossible Contracts and Force Majeure, COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BLUE SKY BLOG, Aug. 11, 2020.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , AIDS and the Law, (editor, 5th ed. 2016; 6th ed. 2020) (Wolters Kluwer).
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Trump Administration Tells Schools: Discriminate Against Trans Athletes or We'll Defund You, SLATE, June 04, 2020.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Don't Criminalize COVID-19, SLATE, March 27, 2020.
Skinner-Thompson, Scott , Free Speech Isn't a Free Pass for Privacy Violations, SLATE, March 9, 2020 (with Margot Kaminski).
Surden, Harry (with Anthony Aguirre, Gaia Dempsey, and Peter Bart Reiner), AI Loyalty: A New Paradigm for Aligning Stakeholder Interests, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society (2020).
Surden, Harry , The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Law: Basic Questions, Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI (2020).