Anaya, S. James , Keynote Address: Indigenous Law and Its Contribution to Global Pluralism, 6 Indigenous L.J. 3 (2007).
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Brunet Marks, Alexia (with R.J. Allen), The Judicial Treatment of Non-Economic Compensatory Damages in the Nineteenth Century, 4 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 365 (2007).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with J.A. Lentini), Arbitration of International Oil, Gas, and Energy Disputes in Latin America, 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 591 (2007).
Brunet Marks, Alexia (with M.Shafe), Beyond Enron: Regulation in Energy Derivatives Trading, 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 665 (2007).
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Cantrell, Deborah , Sensational Reports: The Ethical Duty of Cause Lawyers to be Competent in Public Advocacy, 30 HAMLINE L. REV. 567-85 (2007).
Collins, Richard B. , The Colorado Constitution in the New Century, 78 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1265 (2007).
Deystone, Justin , At War with the Eclectics: Mapping Pragmatism in Contemporary Legal Analysis, 2007 Mich. St. L. Rev. 565 (2007).
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Guruswamy, Lakshman D. , International Environmental Law in a Nutshell, 3d edition, (2007).
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Guruswamy, Lakshman D. (with Kevin Doran), The Effectiveness and Impacts of International Energy Treaties, in From Barriers to Opportunities: Renewable Energy Issues in Law and Policy, at 89 (Coppock et al. eds., Yale) (2007).
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Krakoff, Sarah , Keeping an Eye on the Golden Snitch: Implications of the Interdisciplinary Approach in the Fourth Generation of Natural Resources Law Casebooks, 78 U. Colo. L. Rev. 751 (2007).
Loewenstein, Mark J. , A Perspective on Federal Corporation Law, 2 J. Bus. & Tech. L. 425 (Conference: The Fall and Rise of Federal Corporation Law) (2007).
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Mueller, Christopher B. , Federal Evidence (3rd ed. 2007, Thompson-West) (5-volume set; annual pocket part supplementation, with Laird C. Kirkpatrick) .
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Nagel, Robert F. , Conservative Judicial Activism?: Inventing a Constitutional Right to "Medical Self-Defense", The Weekly Standard, Feb. 5, at 25. (2007).
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Ramsey, Carolyn , Review of Mike McConville and Chester L. Mirsky, Jury Trials and Plea Bargaining: A True History, 25 Law & History Rev. 446 (2007) (peer refereed).
Robinson, Colene , Child Welfare Law Office Guidebook: Best Practice Guidelines for Organizational Legal Representation of Children in Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Cases, Univ. Colorado Law Review, July Editor (2007).
Robinson, Colene , A Resource Guide for Juvenile Law Practitioners, October 2007 Colorado Lawyer.
Roithmayr, Daria , Them That Has, Gets, 27 MISS. C. L. REV. 373 (2007-08).
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Schwartz, Andrew , The Patent Office Meets the Poison Pill: Why Legal Methods Cannot Be Patented, 20 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 333 (2007).
Schwartz, Andrew , Patents on Legal Methods? No Way!, 107 Columbia Law Review Sidebar 1 (2007).
Squillace, Mark , From "Navigable Waters" to "Constitutional Waters": The Future of Federal Wetlands Regulation, 40 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 799-860 (Symposium: The Great Lakes: Reflecting the Landscape of Environmental Law) (2007).
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Surden, Harry , Structural Rights in Privacy, 60 SMU Law Rev. 1605 (2007).
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Thompson, Jane , The U.S. Supreme Court, 47(1) Reference & User Serv. Q. 91 (2007).
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Wesson, Marianne , Remarkable Strategems And Conspiracies: How Unscrupulous Lawyers And Credulous Judges Created An Exception To The Hearsay Rule, 76 Fordham L. Rev. 1675 (Symposium: Ethics and Evidence) (2007).